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Big Toe Pain Side Of Nail

Overuse Injuries: Hammer Toe And Turf Toe

Impacted vs Ingrown Big Toenail Removed for Pain Relief Pedicure

Hammer toe occurs when something causes your toes to bend toward each other or down toward the ball of your foot over a long period of time.

The joints most often affected are those that lie closest to the rest of the foot. This means that the big toe can develop hammer toe, but the second, third, and fourth toes are most often involved. This condition changes the underlying bone structure of each toe at the joint and can make walking very painful.

The major cause of this type of big toe pain is improper footwear. Shoes that are too narrow at the ball of the foot and around the toes can eventually painfully reshape your bones.

Another overuse injury is turf toe. Turf toe is the name given for a sprain or strain of the ligaments surrounding the big toe.

This is a common injury for athletes who perform on turf and may be a result of either digging the big toe into an unforgiving and immoveable surface or from pushing abruptly off the same. Football players are most likely to suffer from this condition.

What Are The Symptoms

Some symptoms you may experience at night in your big toe can include a sharp pain, a dull ache, burning or tingling sensation. Some people may also experience a cramping sensation in the big toe. Which symptoms you experience is dependent on the underlying condition present within the first digit. There can also be swelling/inflammation and limited movement/range of motion.

Treatment From A Foot Specialist

A podiatrist may offer further treatments, such as:

  • cutting away part of the nail
  • removing the whole nail

You’ll have an injection of local anaesthetic to numb your toe when this is done.

Referral to a podiatrist on the NHS may not be available to everyone and waiting times can be long. You can pay to see a podiatrist privately.

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How Did The Toenail Grow Like That

Many times, ingrown toenails are avoidable. Usually, the reason that an ingrown toenail occurs is behavioral. For example, cutting a nail too short or rounding off the edges can encourage the nail to grow inwards. Poorly fitting shoes or socks that are too tight can do the same. If your toenails are constantly being pushed in by shoes that are too tight, the nail can eventually grow into the skin. Injuries, like stubbing your toe, can also sometimes cause ingrown toenails to develop.

Wear Comfortable Shoes And Socks

Wow, this is a severe ingrown toenail!

Shoes and socks that are too tight can crowd your toes. Improper footwear is a leading cause of ingrown toenails. To help prevent an ingrown toenail from developing or worsening, wear shoes and socks or hosiery that fit but still leave ample space in the toe bed. During the healing process, avoid shoes or wear sandals as much as possible to limit pressure on your toenails.

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What Is The Outlook For Someone With An Ingrown Toenail

Most of the time, an ingrown toenail is not a serious health problem. Ingrown toenail treatment usually works. The ingrown toenail wont grow back if you practice good foot care.

You may need regular foot care exams if you have a condition that causes foot problems, such as nerve damage or diabetes.

How Is An Ingrown Toenail Diagnosed

You can often diagnose an ingrown toenail yourself, based on your symptoms and how the toe looks.

Your healthcare provider will likely diagnose an ingrown toenail by inspecting it. Theyll examine the skin at the edge of the nail. They will diagnose an ingrown toenail if the skin is:

  • Growing over the nail.
  • Swollen, tender, warm and red.

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What Is An Ingrown Toenail

An ingrown toenail occurs when the side of the nail curls down and grows into the skin around the nail.

Any toe can be affected but it commonly occurs in the big toe.

An ingrown toenail can become painful and inflamed .

Sometimes, it can become infected, which, if left untreated, can spread and infect the underlying bone.

What Is Toenail Pain

Take Care of Your Toenail Pain at Home Online Ingrown Pedicure Lesson

There are many habits and conditions that can make your toenails hurt. For example, wearing shoes that are too tight or cutting your toenails too short can make your toenails hurt for a few days.

Toenails may also hurt because of more serious conditions like infections. People who have diabetes or problems with decreased blood flow are more likely to develop foot infections that can cause toenail pain.

In many cases, toenail pain can be treated at home. But you should call your doctor if at-home treatments dont work, your toenail pain worsens, or you notice drainage or pus around the nail.

Rarely, infections of the toe can become more serious and cause symptoms such as fever and nausea. In this case, you should go to the ER immediately.

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Who Is Most Likely To Suffer From Big Toe Pain

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to big toe pain. Those with a family history of arthritis are more likely to suffer from a form of arthritic pain within their big toe. Individuals who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis are extremely likely to suffer from some joint pain associated with their big toe. People who regularly engage in exercise and activity that involves jumping and pushing off your toes are also more likely to suffer from big toe pain. This is due to the increased load that is placed on the ball of the foot and in particular the first digit. Construction workers or others who work with heavy objects and equipment are also at increased risk to suffer from first toe pain due to trauma. Sports with bang bang moments like football also provide an increased risk of first digit trauma. Individuals with flat feet can also find their big toe hurts.

Will My Ingrown Toenail Heal On Its Own

Ingrown toenails are a common foot problem. They develop when the edge of your toenail grows into the skin of your toe, and theyre often painful.

Anyone can get an ingrown toenail, and your risk increases if you clip your toenails too short or suffer an injury that damages a nail. Unfortunately, ingrown nails can get infected easily and lead to painful complications or the spread of infection.

Identifying and treating your ingrown nail early helps it heal and reduces the chances of infection. Bryon Butts, DPM, and our team at Performance Footcare PC can help. Read on for our at-home care tips and find out when its time to make a podiatrist appointment.

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What Can I Do About My Big Toe Pain

As with any painful problem you might be experiencing with your feet and ankles, a visit to Dr. Timson at the Community Foot Clinic of McPherson should be high on your to-do list. We are experts at keeping the people of McPherson, Saline, Reno, Harvey, and nearby counties on their feet!

When it comes to big toe pain, many different conditions can produce very similar symptoms. However, the optimal treatment approach may be radically different depending on the precise nature of your injury or condition, as well as your personal activity goals.

The way we might manage an early-stage bunion, for example, may be quite different from what wed recommend for turf toe or gout. Bunions, as a progressive deformity, require ongoing preventative management. Turf toe is a soft tissue injury that just needs the right time and care to heal, while gout often requires dietary modifications and medications.

In short, the earlier you stop by to get a thorough examination, accurate diagnosis, and personalized treatment plan, the better off youre going to be in both the short and long runs. That means less pain, more activity, and fewer trips to the foot doctor.

To request an appointment with Dr. Timson, complete our online contact form or give our office a call at .

Whats Causing The Pain In Your Toenail

Ingrown Toenails  Auckland Ingrown Toenail Clinic

It is very common to experience pain in your toenails. Whether it is a pain in your toenail when pressed, or simply a general overall pain in the toenail, you should never ignore it. Pain in the toenail could be a smaller symptom of a much larger issue that requires immediate medical attention. Our podiatrists will be able to take a look at your aching toenail and diagnose the root cause of the issue and treat it accordingly.

You must never ignore any pain you feel, especially if you experience pain in your toenail when pressed. It could be a sign of an infection. You must always practice proper foot care and make regular visits to the podiatrist to help prevent serious illnesses. Especially if you have diabetes and other circulatory problems, a simple pain in your toenail could lead to a nasty infection, and when ignored for too long, could even result in amputation.

Weve put together this article to help you understand the common causes of pain in toenails. Read on to learn more.

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How Is An Ingrown Toenail Treated

You can treat an ingrown toenail at home. These steps help manage the infection and prevent further pain:

  • Soak the foot in warm water and Epsom salts twice daily.
  • Keep the foot dry the rest of the time.
  • Gently lift the edge of the nail and place some cotton or dental floss between the nail and the skin. Change the pad every day.
  • Use an antibiotic cream and a bandage.
  • Wear roomy shoes or sandals.
  • Use pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, if needed.

Identifying When Your Ingrown Toenail Requires Medical Attention

Pain and swelling around your toe and the inability to wear certain shoes might be signs of an ingrown toenail. Its a common condition that you can sometimes take care of at home. But if the pain becomes unbearable, or you can see an infection in the tissue around your toenail, you may need to seek medical treatment.

Here at Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers, our skilled podiatrists treat ingrown toenails to get rid of the infection and alleviate painful symptoms. To help you discern if your symptoms are beyond home remedies, weve put together this guide to help you identify when your ingrown toenail requires medical attention.

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What Causes Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur in both men and women. According to the National Health Services , ingrown toenails may be more common in people with sweaty feet, such as teenagers. Older people may also be at higher risk because toenails thicken with age.

Many things can cause an ingrown toenail, including:

  • cutting toenails incorrectly
  • irregular, curved toenails
  • footwear that places a lot of pressure on the big toes, such as socks and stockings that are too tight or shoes that are too tight, narrow, or flat for your feet
  • toenail injury, including stubbing your toe, dropping something heavy on your foot, or kicking a ball repeatedly
  • improper foot hygiene, such as not keeping your feet clean or dry
  • genetic predisposition

Using your feet extensively during athletic activities can make you especially prone to getting ingrown toenails. Activities in which you repeatedly kick an object or put pressure on your feet for long periods of time can cause toenail damage and increase your risk of ingrown toenails. These activities include:

  • overgrowth of skin around the toe

Treat your ingrown toenail as soon as possible to avoid worsening symptoms.

Stubbed Or Broken Toes

Ingrown Toenail Big Toe Pain Remedy Pedicure Tutorial

You probably dont need us to tell you what a stubbed toe is. Almost everybody has at least one or two vivid memories of a time when they smashed a toe into a wall, table leg, bed frame, threshold, raised curbyou get the idea.

Stubbed toes are almost always painful, accompanied by throbbing pain, localized swelling, and temporary difficulty with walking or wearing shoes. The good news is that most cases are relatively minor and can be alleviated by following RICE therapy .

That being said, stubs can also cause more severe problems that might need more direct treatment from our office, especially if there are any broken or dislocated bones. Call us immediately if you notice any of the following after your toe injury:

  • Severe pain and/or bruising
  • You cant move the toe, or moving it causes increased pain
  • The toe appears deformed or out of place
  • Numbness or cold sensations
  • Unusually pale skin

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How A Podiatrist Treats Your Ingrown Toenail

After careful examination and talking to you about your overall health and wellness, your podiatrist may be able to carefully lift your toenail to separate the nail from the skin. This helps your nail grow above the skin instead of into it.

In more severe cases, your doctor may need to remove some or all of your toenail. If necessary, your podiatrist may use a local anesthetic to numb your toe and remove the nail and a small area of skin thats contributing to the problem.

To treat the infection, you may need to use a topical antibiotic or take one orally. If youre prone to ingrown toenails or foot infections, your doctor will discuss preventive methods to minimize problems for you in the long term.

If youre concerned about an ingrown toenail becoming a more serious health complication, dont hesitate to schedule a consultation at one of our offices in Arlington or Mansfield, Texas. Click the book online button or call us to get the medical attention you need in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.

How Serious Is Big Toe Pain

Big toe pain can be serious but it depends entirely on the condition at hand as well as what stage that condition is in. Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis are very serious and chronic conditions that require assessment and treatment immediately. The level of pain you are experiencing is a good measure of how serious your big toe pain is. The more intense it is, such as keeping you up at night whilst in bed, would be considered on the serious side.

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Helping The Toenail Heal

  • 1Soak your feet for 15 minutes. Using warm water and Epsom salts, give your affected toenail a good soak for 15 minutes. This will help soften the nail, making it easier for you to pull it away from the skin.
  • 2Lift the toenail away from the skin. Gently pull away the skin alongside your toenail. This will help separate the skin from the nail so that you can see the edge of the nail. Use a piece of floss or a pointed file to lift the edge of the toenail away from the skin. You might need to start with the side of the toenail that is not ingrown. Work the floss or file toward the ingrown edge.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Make sure to disinfect the file with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide before you use it.
  • 3Disinfect your toe. While you have the nail lifted away from the skin, pour a small amount of clean water, rubbing alcohol, or other disinfectant underneath the nail. This will prevent bacteria from collecting there.
  • 4Pack gauze underneath the nail edge. Take a small amount of clean gauze and stuff it underneath the lifted nail. The point here is to keep the nail edge from touching the skin. Then it can grow away from the skin, rather than becoming more ingrown.XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • Be sure to change the gauze daily to ensure that bacteria is not introduced into the toenail area.
  • How Can I Prevent An Ingrown Toenail

    Ingrown toenails infection

    You can take these steps to prevent an ingrown toenail:

    • Soak the nail in warm water before cutting, or cut nails after a shower or bath.
    • Clean your nail trimmer before using it.
    • Do not tear or rip nails.
    • Trim toenails across the top. Dont round the corners.
    • Wear shoes that fit correctly. They should not be too loose or tight around the toes.
    • Avoid repetitive trauma to the sides of the nails.
    • If you have diabetes, follow all foot care recommendations from your healthcare provider. With diabetes, do NOT be hesitant about seeking medical help.

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    Need Help With Your Toe Pain

    If youre experiencing pain in your big toe, wed love to help. Whether its one of these ten problems or something else, our podiatrists will perform a comprehensive assessment to uncover the problem, its cause and prescribe an effective treatment plan.

    Book an appointment with us online here or call us on

    Big Toe Pain Medications

    For most big toe pain, over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can manage pain when used as directed. These a good treatment for the acute, or initial, phase of pain, but should not be taken for long periods of time as they can cause other health conditions with overuse.

    Further, some medications may actually contribute to big toe pain. Diuretics, immunosuppressants, and some treatments for Parkinsons disease can increase your risk of developing gout. Talk to your doctor about all of your medications to see if changing dosages or types of medication, if possible, can reduce your big toe pain.

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    What Does A Swollen Big Toe Indicate

    A swollen toe could be the result of trauma or infection or it could be a symptom of a condition such arthritis. If you don’t know why your toe is swollen and the swelling persists and is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, see your doctor for a full diagnosis and recommendation for treatment.


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