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HomeFungusCan Urgent Care Treat Toenail Fungus

Can Urgent Care Treat Toenail Fungus

There Is A Wide Range Of Options With Varying Success Rates

The Best Treatment for Toenail Fungus, According to a Podiatrist

Other than keeping your toenails trimmed and perhaps painted, you may not pay much attention to them unless a problem develops. Healthy toenails are pink, shiny and smooth, but a fungal infection can cause them to become discolored, thick, brittle and even painful.

Toenail fungal infection, known as onychomycosis, is a common but challenging condition toenail fungus treatments include a wide range of options with varying success rates.

Causes of toenail fungus

Fungal nail infections are usually caused by fungi called dermatophytes that infect the skin beneath the nail yeast is another common culprit. Toenails are especially vulnerable to infection when your bare feet contact damp surfaces such as showers, swimming pools and locker rooms. If you have athletes foot, the infection can spread to the nails.

Wearing closed shoes such as athletic shoes for extended periods also can contribute to infection if your shoes and/or socks are damp from perspiration or heat. Moreover, if your shoes fit snugly enough to put pressure on your toes, they can damage the nail bed, making it more susceptible to infection.

People with chronic diseases, such as diabetes or circulatory problems, also may be more prone to toenail infections.

Symptoms of toenail fungus

Toenail fungus symptoms can develop slowly over time and may go unnoticed at first. Symptoms can include:

Toenail fungus treatments

When to see a doctor for toenail fungus

Preventing toenail fungus

What Are The Common Causes Of Toenail Injuries

Aside from the rare instance where you stub your big toe, most toenail trauma cases come from repeated exposure to physical trauma. Active athletes, runners, or hikers often develop a condition dubbed runners toe, which causes a toenail to blacken due to repeated strain on their nails. Usually, this trauma causes bleeding under the nail, also known as subungual hematoma.

Toenail injuries can come from unexpected physical trauma, such as accidentally hitting a blunt object with exerted force, dropping something heavy on the nails, or accidentally puncturing it. Aside from that, it can also happen from excess repetitive motion. These can include a hammer or claw toe deformity caused by weight bearing or footwear continually rubbing against the nails when walking, running, jogging, or hiking.

What Causes Ingrown Toenails

-Wearing shoes or socks that dont fit well or are too tight can cause the nail to press into the skin until it actually grows into the skin.

-If you or a nail technician cuts your nail too short or with an improperly rounded edge it can cause the nail to grow into the skin as it grows out.

-Hurting your toe by stubbing it into something.

-Repetitive movements that directly impact the toe, such as kicking a soccer ball.

-Thick or curved toenails are more prone to ingrown toenails.

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What Is Nail Fungus

A nail fungus is the regular fungus infection often seen as a redness or brittleness of the nail. It disfigures the nail and can eventually eat it completely.

The nail fungus can occur due to several reasons, the worst part is you will never know the underlying reason for nail fungus unless you witness the destruction of your nail.

The most common part where you can observe fungus is your toenail and then, you can also observe the fungus on your fingernails too.

Reasons for toenail fungus

The following are some common reasons for the emerging of nail fungus.

  • Unclean and poor hygiene of foot.
  • Wearing extremely tight socks, people often do it in winters.
  • Any chronic disease that is infecting your immunity.
  • Having a foot circulatory issue, it is common in people with low blood pressure.
  • Going to unprofessional saloons for poor pedicure services.
  • Wearing tight shoes.

Symptoms of toenail fungus

Identifying if you are suffering with nail fungus or is it something else is very easy.

The symptoms of the nail fungus are very common and you can easily find out that it is time to find the best treatment for nail fungus.

  • Your nails will have blue/purple/green spots on them.
  • The nails will become brittle.
  • The toenails will develop a rough surface.
  • Nails will come off without cutting.
  • Redness around the nails.
  • Pain under or around the nails.
  • Sometimes bruises and a burning sensation.

Types of treatments for toenail fungus

We have divided the treatments into two parts.

How Is Toenail Fungus Prevented

Fungus Eliminator PureHealth Research, Toenail Care Formula

Preventing athletes foot is important because it is often the source of toenail fungus infections. If athletes foot develops, treating it promptly can help prevent toenail fungus infections.

Other ways to lower your risk of developing toenail fungus include:

  • alternating the shoes you wear each day to allow them to completely dry between each wear
  • choosing socks made of cotton and other natural fibers and changing damp socks often
  • exposing your feet to air and wearing properly fitting shoes with adequate ventilation
  • keeping your toenails trimmed and not sharing nail clippers and tools with others
  • avoiding going barefoot in public spaces by wearing shower shoes, flip flops, or swim shoes
  • washing your feet and completely drying them, paying special attention to the area between the toes

If you are at risk of fungal toenail infections, talk with your doctor. You may need to use an antifungal foot powder to keep your feet dry.

If you use a nail salon, check to make sure it has the proper state licensure and sterilizes nail tools after each use. You can also bring your own nail instruments.

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Advantages Of Phytage Fungus Destroyer

According to what we have seen/ experienced and also from the reviews of the customers, here are the advantages of the Urgent Fungus Destroyer:

Everybody can use it

The ingredients and the composition of the Urgent Fungus Destroyer are natural and there are no acute or harmful effects. People of all ages, and all genders can use it. However, you are only supposed to consider the doctors advice for young children.

Takes only 60 days or less

80 percent of people say that they felt the change within 18 days, and the remaining 20% claimed that they had to take the supplement for the 60 day period and after 65 days their toe was completely recovered. But still it depends upon how much fungus one has on ones nails.

Can be taken with other supplements

If you are thinking that you cannot have the Urgent fungal destroyer with some other health supporting supplements, then you are wrong.

The Urgent Fungus Destroyer is a very health friendly formula. It will not disturb or cause any damage to the composition of other supplements.

You can take anything along with the Urgent fungal destroyer and not worry about the side effects.

Creates a shield

The Urgent fungus destroyer does not only clean the nail and remove the fungus in the toe, but also creates a protective layer in the toe to inhibit the resurgence of fungal growth.

It is affordable

You can use it after the fungus stops

Who Is At Risk Of Getting Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus affects people of all ages, races, and sexes, but certain things can increase your risk, including:

  • Having diabetes
  • Suffering a nail injury
  • Having a skin injury around your nail

Toenail fungus also tends to run in families. If your parents or siblings regularly experience toenail fungus, youre more likely to as well.

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The Podiatrist’s Take On Home Remedies

While home remedies are unlikely to cause any harm in themselves, Dr. Hinkes urges caution when relying on them when looking for how to get rid of toenail fungus. “Resorting to folk remedies can be dangerous because it could keep the patient from getting a legitimate diagnosis and treatment,” he says. “Now in some people, this could be a critical thing, because it can be contagiousyou can pass it to other people and you can pass it to other parts of your body. So it’s really not something you want to fool with.” Dr. Hinkes’ advice is clear: Visit a foot care specialist. This could be a podiatrist, but foot care nurses also offer an excellent and affordable service as an alternative. And if neither of those is available, try a dermatologist. Left untreated, this condition won’t go away on its own and can cause serious pain, deformity, and even lead to further complications. Podiatrists recommend seeking expert helpyou’re better safe than sorry. If you’re desperate, though, try these DIY foot and toenail fungus treatments.

Fungal Nail Infection Symptoms

CURE Toenail Fungus for Less than $2.00 – Dr. Berg

Because the toes and feet are often exposed to damp, warm areas, where the infection is spread, fungal nail infections affect the toes more than the fingers. Your feet are also more likely to be exposed to fungal infections if you:

  • Spend time at swimming pools
  • Walk around a lot in locker rooms
  • Wear the same pair of damp, sweaty sneakers all the time
  • Injure your toenail

At first, you may have no outward symptoms. But over time, your nails may:

  • Have white spots appear on the surface
  • Turn white, yellow, green or brown
  • Grow thicker than normal or, in some cases, thinner than normal
  • Become brittle, with broken or jagged edges
  • Change shape, curling up or down
  • Lift off of the nail bed

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How Are You Able To Provide Stitches When My Primary Physician Cant

Like X-rays, many large clinics require your primary care physicians and provider to refer to a specialist or another department which has a modern trauma procedure room. At AFC Urgent Care, we invested in a large modern trauma procedure room so you do not have to wait when these types of procedures are needed.

Removing Part Or All Of Your Nail To Treat Nail Fungus Does It Work

The short answer is that no one really knows for sure. There hasnt been much research on removing some or all of the nail to treat fungal nail infection. This treatment isnt used very often, but your doctor might suggest it if your infection is severe or keeps coming back. If you are experiencing recurring nail fungus infestation then this might be a bigger issue with your immune system and your overall general health. You might want to discuss with your doctor doing a cleanse and changing your diet to include more organic live foods and stay away from cooked foods.

What is it?

You can have your nail completely removed or partially removed . This can be done either with minor surgery or with an ointment that softens the nail so that it can be removed easily.

Surgery: Your doctor will first numb the skin around and under your nail with a shot of a local anesthetic. He or she will then use a tool to separate your nail from the surrounding skin and nail bed . Once the nail is removed, your skin underneath should heal in a few weeks.

If you have a fingernail removed, it should grow back in about six months. If you have a toenail removed, it may take 12 to 18 months to grow back.

If you keep getting infections, your doctor might recommend completely removing the nail and then putting a chemical on the thin layer of skin at the base of your nail to stop your nail from growing back.How can it help?

What are the Side Effects

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What Tests Will Be Done To Diagnose Toenail Fungus

Your healthcare provider will probably take a small sample from underneath your nail to further analyze it. Viewing the cells under a microscope can confirm a toenail fungus diagnosis. If the initial test is negative, a scraping can be sent to see if the fungus grows out in a culture. This also helps your healthcare provider identify the type of fungus.

Tips For Stopping Toenail Fungus In New Braunfels

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  • Adhere to your treatment plan skipping doses of your medication because you believe the infection has cleared up is a plan for failure
  • Always keep your toe nails trimmed and filed to remove any fungal build-up before it spreads
  • Inquire with your medical provider about topical treatments that may be available in addition to oral treatment
  • Try to keep your feet dry and free of sweat since its a wet environment that toe fungus loves
  • Be pro-active about preventing future toe fungus problems the National Institute if Health reports this is one of easiest ways to keep toe fungus from returning

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When To See A Doctor About Toenail Fungus

The patient should contact the doctor if there is no abatement in symptoms after applying over-the-counter medications and preventative care measures.

A doctor should also be seen if the symptoms worsen.

  • The toe swells, turns red, remains hotter than the rest of the body, or becomes tender.
  • The infected toe and the surrounding area begins to leak pus.
  • The area surrounding the infected toe develops red streaks.
  • A fever of 100.4 or higher develops.
  • The infection begins spreading to the skin.
  • The pain level becomes intolerable.

What Is An Ingrown Toenail

An is a toenail that has grown into the skin instead of over it. This usually happens to the big toe, but it can also happen to other toes. An ingrown toenail can get infected. It may be painful, red, and swollen, and it may drain pus.

Anyone can get an ingrown toenail, but adults get them more than children do. People who have curved or thick nails are more likely to get an ingrown toenail. This is more common in older adults.

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Epsom Salt For Toenail Fungus

You must have heard about Epsom salt if you love to use the bath bombs.

The Epsom salt is a compound of Magnesium and Sulphate and it is an amazing detoxifier.

It kills all the toxins residing on your body.

The magnesium in Epsom salt is fantastic to kill the itchiness and the redness on your skin.

The next main ingredient is the sulfate ion, what will it do for the nail fungus?

It simply reinforces the effects of the min magnesium ion.

If you are someone who does not want the bad looking and damaged nail, this is the treatment for you.

It can be the best home remedy for nail fungus. It is easily available, and you do not need a prescription for it.

The Epsom salt can be added to the daily routine if you want presentable nails, it is not very effective for a ruined nail, you can use it as the onset treatment for nail fungus.

How to use Epsom salt for nail fungus?

Pros of using Epsom salt for nail fungus as a homemade remedy

  • It works fine for the healthy skin.
  • It also helps in reduces stress.
  • Cleans the infected spots nicely.

Cons of using the Epsom salt

  • It can cause irritation on sensitive skin when used in higher concentrations.
  • Will take so many months to treat the toenail fungus.

Note: For a detailed guide on using the Epsom Salt for treating the toenail fungus and also to know how did it perform for one of the patient with toenail fungus, you can check our complete case study and review guide below:

Read Our Ultimate Guide on Using Epsom Salt for Toenail fungus.

What Tests Might Be Done

How to Cure Nail Fungus

Your doctor may be able to tell that you have a fungal nail infection just by looking at your toes or your fingers. But they may do some tests to be sure.

They may decide to take a sample of your nails. The clippings can be tested to see if fungus is in them.

If you do have nail fungus, you and your doctor will decide what treatment is best for you.

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When Should You Contact A Doctor

You should contact a doctor if you have diabetes or circulation problems and develop signs of toenail fungus. Otherwise, make an appointment with your doctor if you have tried over-the-counter treatments without success.

Toenail fungus can spread to other nails, causing damage and pain if the nails become too thick. Like many other health problems, early treatment is more effective and can help prevent complications.

Best Fungal Treatments For Toenails

No matter how strong we are, still we all are vulnerable, even to the tiniest micro-organism. Among all the micro-organisms the most powerful one is the fungus.

Fungus can survive at almost every surface, and once it settles somewhere, it will only grow.

And so, the common reason why we all are afraid of toenail fungus is the strength of fungus to eat away every particle on a body, be it a human body or a non-living object.

And secondly, the ugly look that it gives to the nails.

The cell-wall of fungus is extremely thick and resistant to different chemicals and treatments. It would take ages to kill the toenail fungus, that is why a lot of home remedies do not work quickly.

As far as the skin infections are concerned, the body has to be super powerful in this regard. Otherwise, the toenail fungus would not go away.

In market, we have various treatments for toenail fungus, and in this article we will divide these treatments for nail fungus as the external and internal treatments. This will make it more understandable.

To be honest, both the internal and external treatments for nail fungus are effective but except for the laser treatment which is an external treatment all external nail fungus treatments can take more than 3 months to show results.

And in the external treatments, the common ones are the Home remedies, while for the internal treatments, these are pills or supplements that we intake.

This article will help you find the most effective treatments for nail fungus.

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