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Getting Rid Of Lawn Fungus

How Much Does It Cost To Spray Lawn Fungus

Stop Lawn Fungus From Growing in Your Lawn (4 Easy Steps)

The cost can vary based on the severity of your case and what products need to be used. Its important to know that there are also preventative products that can be sprayed proactively in order to prevent problems in the first place. In this case, the cost to repair damage is much greater than the cost to prevent it.

Time To Identify And Cure Your Lawn Disease

With a firm grasp of the various grass fungi and the diseases they cause, you can now scout your yard effectively and sniff out these diseases. In most cases, quick action is essential, so use this new understanding to get a quick jump on these fungi and diseases before they ruin your gorgeous turf.

Do I Need To Treat Lawn Fungus Every Year

To answer this, we need to be clear that there are both preventative and curative products. If you want to be proactive in preventing lawn fungus then you do need to treat every year. However, when it comes to curative products, these are only applied when there is an existing infection. These products are more expensive than preventative products, plus you might need to deal with addressing some damage, so many homeowners choose to treat their lawn preventatively.

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Protect Your Lawns Health And Fight Off Turf Disease

At the end of the day, even the healthiest of lawns will sometimes face lawn disease when all of the conditions align. But there is no denying that a strong and healthy lawn is going to do a much better job fending off disease than one that is already weak and struggling.

Thats why its so important to keep up with a regular lawn care program.

But we also believe that a healthy lawn is a team effort. Some of your actions, like watering and mowing, can contribute significantly to the overall health of the lawn so we want to help support you with helpful guidance.

You should also know that were always here to help. Were ready to offer advice and help set you up for success every step of the way.

Want to learn more about professional lawn care services for your Cincinnati, Dayton, Ohio, or Northern Kentucky home? Request your quote, choose the lawn care program thats right for you, and then sit back and relax as the pros help you get the lawn of your dreams without the worries.

Water Your Lawn In The Morning

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  • Watering early allows your lawn to dry out throughout the day. Fungus grows in cold, damp environments so avoid watering in the evening or at night since the excess water wont have a chance to evaporate. Once a week, set up a sprinkler in the early morning and give your lawn a deep soak. Your lawn needs about 1 inch of water every week to stay healthy, so turn off the sprinkler when it has enough and let your grass dry during the hottest parts of the day.XResearch source
  • Set up a rain gauge or moisture meter in your lawn so you can measure how much water it gets.
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    What Are The Causes Of Fungal Infection

    One of the most common reasons can be that you are mowing your grass too low. Other reasons include variation in temperature and humidity, drought, compacted soil in your field, wrong grass type, overfeeding, and using too many fertilizers can result in such conditions.

    Let us see how we can make sure if its a fungus occupying your lawn.

    How To Prevent Brown Patch Fungus

    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes. While nothing will for sure prevent brown patch fungus from getting to your lawn, the following tips can reduce the chances.

    • Make sure to follow the appropriate lawn care tips, especially if you have a St. Augustine or Zoysia lawn. Watering should be done deeply and infrequently in the morning hours to prevent fungus growth. Learn more in our Watering Guidelines.
    • Mow the lawn frequently at a moderate height to improve air movement between the blades of grass. This will help evaporate any moisture on the grass, inhibiting the growth of brown patch fungus.
    • Proper fertilization ensures that your grass immune system has the nutrients it needs to fight off brown patch fungus.
    • Avoid using too much nitrogen during the fall, especially in a fast-release form, as it encourages fungus growth as well.
    • Water early in the morning so that everything evaporates from the grass leaves at night, leaving no water for fungus to grow.
    • Use preventative fungicides in September and October to drastically reduce the chances of brown patch fungus growing. However, directions need to be followed specifically to ensure the health of the grass.

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    What Is Brown Patch

    Brown patch is a soil-living fungus which becomes active in humid months where temperatures reach the mid 80s during the day, and mid to upper 70s overnight.

    Like the name would lead you to believe, brown patch causes a brownish discoloration of your turfgrass. More specifically, it starts out with lesions on the grass blades .

    As brown patch develops, these lesions spread to cover the entire grass blade, causing thinning and matting of the turf. On shorter lawns, these patches may appear to have a smoke ring of dark gray around the outer edge.

    Some Signs Of Nrs Fungus

    How to Get Rid of Lawn Disease | Fungus Among Us
    • Brown spots that feel like healthy grass
    • Ring-shaped brown spots which may appear light-green in spring
    • Ring-shaped depressions in the soil
    • The grass is easy to pull up
    • Fungal hyphae visible on roots

    You might consider contacting a Utah State University Extension Agent or IFA Country Store specialist to help diagnose the problem.

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    What Causes Lawn Fungus

    You might feel like lawn fungus is happening beyond your control, but there are things that you might be doing which could be the reason for your lawn being less than healthy. Here are common causes of lawn fungus.

    • Drought. If your grass is overwhelmed with dry, hot conditions, this can cause fungus to sprout.
    • Mowing incorrectly. If you mow your grass too low, this can make it more susceptible to diseases and fungi.
    • Applying fertilizer incorrectly. Putting too much and too little fertilizer can both be hazardous for your lawn health.
    • Overwatering. Although drought is damaging to a lawn if youre giving your grass too much water can also weaken it.

    What Kind Of Mold Is On My Grass

    While you will usually find a black substance on your lawn in hot and humid conditions, slimy mold can take on a variety of colors. Individual spores can be cream, pink, blue, orange or red in color. the appearance is usually quite dark, but it can also appear whitish. Slime mold spores settle on the grass when the wind blows them away.

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    How To Get Rid Of Mushrooms In Yard Areas


    To get rid of mushrooms in your yard areas, first, make sure to keep your yard clean. Remove dead clippings, leaves, and any other decaying organic material. If left in the yard it is the perfect food source for mushrooms to flourish. So removing it will help keep the mushroom population under control.

    1. Moisture Control

    Water your yard sparingly. The best time to water the lawn is early in the morning so that the sun has time to dry off any extra moisture. Do not overwater your lawn because dampness will encourage mushrooms to grow.

    Trim away and remove any excess branches on trees and shrubs because shady areas make a welcoming home to fungi.

    2. Lift Mushrooms By Hand

    If you see mushrooms growing, you can remove them by hand. Wear gloves if you are picking them up by hand and putting them in a trash bag, seal them up tightly, and throw them into the trash. Do not put mushrooms in a compost pile because their spores could continue to spread.

    You can also mow them off with the lawnmower or smash them with a shove. Try to destroy or remove mushrooms before they grow large. They need to be removed before they are big enough to release more spores.

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    3. Nitrogen Fertilizer

    When considering how to get rid of mushrooms in lawns this is a great dual approach. Simple basic lawn care will tackle your mushroom problem simultaneously.

    Grasses Most Commonly Affected With Brown Spots

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    Get this! Brown patches are more common in some types of grass than others.

    These patches normally start as a small spot, but can quickly spread outwards in a circular or horseshoe pattern several feet wide.

    The grasses most commonly affected by brown patches are:

    KEEP IN MIND: if you have a crabgrass lawn, you may experience brown patches frequently. If this is the case, you may want to consider selecting a better grass seed.

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    Natural Remedies For Lawn Fungus

    There are many natural remedies for lawn fungus. These include baking soda solutions, neem oil, and compost teas. For the best results, you should use these natural options early in the season as a preventative rather than waiting to treat your lawn after you already have a fungus.

    Neem Oil

    This is one of the better natural solutions available. Dilute 2 oz of neem oil into 1 gallon of water. Apply 2.5 gallons of the spray solution per 1,000 sq ft. You will typically need to apply this solution two or three times on a 7 14 day interval to ensure effective control.

    Baking Soda

    Using a weak baking soda solution to treat lawn fungus issues can be effective but you must be cautious. Baking soda is a salt and like all salts, can damage your lawn.

    Grass type and environmental conditions such as rainfall, air temperature and lawn stress all affect how your grass reacts to the baking soda, so you run the risk of doing more harm than good.

    Compost Tea

    While the use of compost teas are generally considered a good way to increase the organic content of your lawn, research on using them as a natural fungicide is limited. When applied in the spring, compost teas will help to boost the overall health of your lawn and can help your lawn to be less susceptible to getting a fungus in late spring or summer.

    However, compost teas alone are usually insufficient in preventing turfgrass diseases.

    Clove Oil

    Aerate Your Yard Annually

    Air in the lawns soil allows water to move more freely, allowing the flow of nutrients. By aerating your lawn, youre allowing your lawn to breathe freely, controlling the fungus. If the soil is compacted and you suspect it could be the reason fungus is invading your lawn, use these tips to aerate it:

    • Use a garden fork to poke the surface down to at least 30mm. Use the back-and-forth spiking method. Avoid aerating in extremely dry or wet soil. Do a soil moisture test on the top 1-inch using your fingers. During the rainy season, soil gets wet most of the times. Therefore, its best if you waited until the rains go down to aerate it.
    • Use a slitter to spike small air spaces in the soil. The soil should neither be too wet or dry.

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    How Do You Control Lawn Fungus

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    Some of the best methods of lawn fungus control to keep disease away include:

  • Watering properly. Overwatering can cause mold, mildew and yard fungus to form.
  • Mow regularly, but dont cut the blades too short.
  • Clean up debris from your yard.
  • Improve drainage.
  • Prevent spread by cleaning tools.
  • Will Rusty fungus disappear? Fertilizing your lawn with a high nitrogen fertilizer could also help with a rust problem, but its best to test your soil to ensure you are supplementing the nutrients that your lawn needs! The fungus will eventually run its course, and once the environmental conditions are no longer favourable, it will just go away.

    Can I mow with lawn rust?

    Once growing conditions become more favorable to cool-season lawn growth, youll simply mow off the rust and it will no longer be an issue. Applying nitrogen in the late summer to early fall is a good practice and is a recommended part of your cool-season lawn routine.

    How do you prevent rust fungus? A weekly dusting of sulfur can prevent and treat rust fungus. Neem oil, a botanical fungicide and pesticide, also controls rust. Some organic gardeners swear by baking soda to control garden fungus. The efficacy of baking soda spray might be enhanced by mixing it with light horticultural oil.

    Toadstools Are A Main Source Of Lawn Diseases

    How To Get Rid Of Rust Disease/Fungus In The Lawn

    Toadstool spores are the main source of lawn diseases, including brown patch, dollar spot and other turfgrass diseases. These fungi can live in your lawn for years until they find an opportunity to spread through the grass. Toadstools also produce toxins that suppress growth and weaken your lawns defenses against disease.

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    What Kills Lawn Fungus Naturally

    There are a few things that can kill lawn fungus naturally. One of the most effective methods is to use baking soda. Baking soda helps to create an alkaline environment, which will help to kill the fungus. You can either spread baking soda on your lawn manually, or you can mix it with water and spray it on your lawn. Other natural killers include:

    How To Identify Anthracnose In Your Lawn

    Symptoms of anthracnose in the lawn manifest as whats known as basal rot or foliar blight. Basal rot darkens and rots the leaf sheaths, crowns, and stolons. Its much more damaging than foliar blight, which only affects the leaves leaves might turn a yellow or brown color and become extremely dry.

    Note that symptoms of anthracnose can look different depending on what type of grass is affected.

    For example, on annual bluegrasses, the symptoms of anthracnose appear as blotches of bright yellow in sporadic patterns across the lawn. On the other hand, creeping bentgrass affected with anthracnose appears as yellow, red, or bronze patches in any size. Even the temperature of your city can change the way anthracnose displays itself over time.

    So, whats a reliable way to spot anthracnose on the lawn? A general rule of thumb is to check the grass blades. Anthracnose starts with the crown region of the plant. Itll turn brown over time until the roots and lower stem base turn black.

    When the stems and crowns turn completely back, the shoots become easily disconnected from the crowns. After this occurs, the leaves of the grass turn a yellowish color starting at the tip of the leaf moving towards sheathes and young leaves.

    Some basic physical characteristics of anthracnose in the grass are:

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    Watering St Augustine Grass

    St. Augustine grass needs more frequent watering to ensure healthy root growth during the spring growing season. Its best to water your St. Augustine grass early in the morning. Avoid watering your lawn in the evening or during the hottest part of the day. Water your lawn grass deeply in the morning to promote strong root growth during the growing season. The root system of your grass will suffer if you water during the hottest part of the day because the water will evaporate before it reaches the lawn roots.

    Warmer temperatures may necessitate more frequent watering of your St. Augustine lawn. New sod will also need more frequent irrigation. New grass should be watered in the morning to reduce the risk of fungus. Watering in the evening doesnt allow the grass blades time to dry out. The grass can hold moisture too long, which makes it susceptible to lawn disease.

    Apply The Right Lawn Care Practices

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    Fungi thrive in moist environments and can spread quickly when lawn care malpractices like under/over-fertilization and overwatering. Once youve successfully eliminated them, apply these two fungi preventative tips:

    • Only water your grass in the morning hours and if the soil feels dry. Overwatering makes water to stay on the leaf surface for too long, providing a conducive environment for fungi.
    • Replenish your lawn with nitrogen during heavy rains. Too much rain leaches away nitrogen and can lead to turf yellowing and weakening.

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    Causes Of Lawn Fungus

    Fungus growth in lawns are caused by the following :

  • Moist conditions: Fungus thrives in moist conditions so areas that are constantly wet or humid are more susceptible to its growth.
  • Poor drainage: Ifyour lawn has poor drainage, it means that water does not flow freely out of it. This can lead to the formation of puddles on the surface, which is a perfect environment for fungi to grow.
  • Over-watering: One of the main reasons people get fungi on their lawn is because theyre over-watering. Waterlogged soil provides the perfect environment for fungi to grow and thrive. If you think you might water your lawn too much, cut back on the amount of water youre giving it each week.
  • Fertilizer: Another common cause of lawn fungus is using too much fertilizer, or the wrong type of fertilizer. When you fertilize your lawn, youre essentially giving fungi a food source that it can use to grow. If you want to avoid this, use organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer.
  • Mowing: Believe it or not, mowing your lawn can also contribute to the growth of fungi. When you mow your lawn, youre creating tiny wounds in the grass that fungi can enter. To avoid this, make sure youre using a sharp blade on your lawn mower.

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