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Removing Toenail To Cure Fungus

There Is A Wide Range Of Options With Varying Success Rates

Fungus Takes Over Toenail | Toenail Removal

Other than keeping your toenails trimmed and perhaps painted, you may not pay much attention to them unless a problem develops. Healthy toenails are pink, shiny and smooth, but a fungal infection can cause them to become discolored, thick, brittle and even painful.

Toenail fungal infection, known as onychomycosis, is a common but challenging condition toenail fungus treatments include a wide range of options with varying success rates.

Causes of toenail fungus

Fungal nail infections are usually caused by fungi called dermatophytes that infect the skin beneath the nail yeast is another common culprit. Toenails are especially vulnerable to infection when your bare feet contact damp surfaces such as showers, swimming pools and locker rooms. If you have athletes foot, the infection can spread to the nails.

Wearing closed shoes such as athletic shoes for extended periods also can contribute to infection if your shoes and/or socks are damp from perspiration or heat. Moreover, if your shoes fit snugly enough to put pressure on your toes, they can damage the nail bed, making it more susceptible to infection.

People with chronic diseases, such as diabetes or circulatory problems, also may be more prone to toenail infections.

Symptoms of toenail fungus

Toenail fungus symptoms can develop slowly over time and may go unnoticed at first. Symptoms can include:

Toenail fungus treatments

When to see a doctor for toenail fungus

Preventing toenail fungus

What Happens During The Surgery

Nail surgery can be done in your doctorâs office. Before it starts, your doctor numbs the area around your nail. If youâve ever had your gums numbed at the dentistâs, itâs very similar. Youâll be awake for the surgery, but you wonât feel any pain.

Once the area around the nail is numb, your doctor uses special tools to remove the entire nail or just the infected piece.

In severe cases, they may have to destroy the nail matrix, which is what makes your nail grow back.

After the surgery, your doctor usually applies antibiotic cream and a bandage around your nailbed, which is the area under where your nail used to be. The antibiotic helps make sure you donât get a bacterial infection.

The surgery usually takes less than an hour.

Oregano Oil: Home Remedy For Toenail Fungus

Oregano oil has strong anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, and analgesic properties. That is why oregano oil can also be used to get rid of toenail fungus. Mix oregano oil with a teaspoon of pure olive oil and apply this mixture to the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. Follow this remedy daily in order to get positive results within a few weeks.

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Orange Oil: Remedy For Nail Fungus Infections

To get rid of toenail fungus, orange oil is also a good option. It can be applied with the help of a dropper between toes and on and under toenails, daily. Let it sit for at least one hour. Orange oil can also be used with an equal amount of any carrier oil.

Note: It is advisable to test some diluted orange oil on a small part of the skin before applying it to the infected area as it can cause allergic reactions and can have side effects.

What If Nail Removal Is Considered

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With laser therapy, topical medications, and oral antifungals in our arsenal, we almost never have to actually remove toenails to treat a fungal infection. It does still remain a rare possibility, however, if the case is extreme or continues to come back.

Why not consider nail removal earlier? Because when nails are fully removed, it doesnt necessarily guarantee that the new nail will grow in properly. The nail can grow back misshapened, thickened, or even with fungus re-infecting the toenail – leading you back to square one.

If the new nail comes back in an unpleasant manner or the fungus just continues coming back no matter what, we can treat the underlying nail matrix to prevent new nail from ever growing again . This does not place your nails at any real disadvantage, but its still nice to be able to keep your toenails if you can!

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How Do Dermatologists Treat A Fungal Nail Infection

Treatment usually begins with your dermatologist trimming your infected nail, cutting back each infected nail to the place where it attaches to your finger or toe. Your dermatologist may also scrape away debris under the nail. This helps get rid of some fungus.

To completely get rid of the infection, most people also need one or more of the following treatments:

Medicine you apply to the nail: If you have a mild infection, a medicine that you apply to your nails may get rid of the infection. This treatment helps keep new fungus out while the nails grow. Fingernails typically grow out in four to six months. Toenails take longer, usually takes 12 to 18 months.

Probably the most difficult part of this treatment is remembering to use it as often as prescribed. Some treatments must be applied every day. Others you apply once a week. To get the best results, its essential that you apply these medicines exactly as directed.

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the following medicines that you apply to the nail to treat nail fungus:

Side effects from these medicines are generally mild. Possible side effects include redness and swelling, an ingrown toenail, and stinging or burning when you apply the medicine. In clinical trials, none of these side effects caused patients to stop using the treatment.

Antifungal pills, however, can cause side effects. Your dermatologist will watch you closely. Youll also need to have blood tests every month to check for problems.

Toenail Fungus Treatment Options

Treatment of onychomycosis will vary, depending on the severity of the infection and the type of fungus that initially triggered the infection. Topical treatments like antifungal creams and medicated nail lacquers are among the most effective treatment options for toenail fungus.

Laser treatment or the surgical removal of the toenail may be necessary in more severe cases of toenail fungus. Over-the-counter products and home remedies are also methods used alone or in conjunction with prescription drugs to treat nail fungus and prevent reinfection.

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Apply Or Consume Garlic

A 2019 study indicates that garlic is an antifungal powerhouse, potentially making it a gem for treating toenail fungal infections. It is best to place crushed or chopped garlic on the affected area daily, Hayag says. It is important to take caution when following this remedy, as garlic has the potential to cause chemical burns to the skin. To avoid any burns, theres also the option of taking garlic supplements to see if that might help clear things up.

What Kills Toenail Fungus Fast


The best way to figure out how to get rid of your toenail fungus as quickly as possible is to see your healthcare provider at the first sign of changes in the nails. Your healthcare provider can examine the affected toenail and take a sample if necessary, then make a recommendation on the best treatment for you. Even though treatments can help, the nail may take up to 18 months to grow out. Unfortunately, although there are many remedies to try, whether natural, over-the-counter, or prescription, it can take a while for the affected toenail to return to normal.

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About Fungal Nail Infection

Many people develop a fungal nail infection at some point in their life. It’s not usually serious, but can be unpleasant and difficult to treat.

The infection develops slowly and causes the nail to become discoloured, thickened and distorted.

Toenails are more frequently affected than the fingernails.

The medical name for a fungal nail infection is onychomycosis.

What Are The Symptoms Of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a condition thats mild at first. When left unaddressed, it starts to quickly develop into a more serious case.

Below are the three developmental stages of toenail fungus.

The First Stage

Symptoms of toenail fungus appear in the beginning as follows:

  • White and yellow spots appear on your toenails bed
  • Swelling of the toe, causing the nails shape to thicken
  • Dirty debris starts to collect underneath your toenail
  • You can smell a bad odor coming from them and it cant be washed away

The Second Stage

If you ignore one or two of the preceding signs, heres how theyll develop over time:

  • The discoloration will spread and enlarge to become white, black, or yellow patches
  • As the swelling increases, itll become harder to trim or file your toenails
  • The infected toenail will bend and twirl till it separates itself from the nails bed
  • The edges around your toenail will appear crumbly and damaged

The Third Stage

During the final stages of toenail fungus, youll expect to see:

  • The infected nail become soft to the touch and might disintegrate at your touch
  • The fungi have completely turned white or black after feeding off your toenail
  • The infection has started to spread to neighboring nails

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Toenail Fungus Prescription Medication Treatments

Sometimes prescription medications are needed to treat a toenail infection that just wont go away with natural remedies or over-the-counter medication in a few months. In this case, prescription-strength antifungal medication can eradicate stubborn onychomycosis.

Topical antifungal medications often are effective in treating mild to moderate toenail fungus. Topical solutions may include medicated nail polishes or liquid medications. Penlac , Kerydin , and Jublia are among the top prescription drugs for toenail fungus. Some topical treatments require you to file down the surface of the nail to help the treatment get through to the nail bed. If your healthcare provider prescribes a topical medication, follow the instructions carefully for application and removal.

Oral antifungal medications can come in capsules, tablets, or liquid. Some common prescriptions are Diflucan , Lamisil , Onmel , and Sporanox .

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Q: Are There Any Side Effects To Toenail Fungus Treatments

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A: In the case of OTC treatments, side effects are rare. When they do occur, they are typically very mild. It is rare, but some people say they experience itching or burning. Others may experience a rash if the toenail fungus medication contacts the soft tissue around the nail. Again, though, these side effects are extremely rare. Most people tolerate OTC toenail fungus treatments very well.

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How To Overcome Candida And Eliminate Nail Fungus

If you suspect that your nail fungus stems from an overgrowth of Candida in your system, dont worrythere are simple, natural nail fungus treatments that start with tackling Candida overgrowth and restoring optimal gut balance. In my Candida Breakthrough® Program, I use a proven, 3-step approach to help you beat Candida overgrowth.

Step one is to starve the yeast by eliminating the foods that feed it. This includes cutting all sugar and alcohol, and limiting carbohydrates such as fruit, starchy vegetables, grains, and legumes to no more than 1 cup a day. I also recommend adding plenty of coconut oil, garlic, ginger, and other foods that fight Candida to your diet.

Step two is to attack the yeast using supplements that destroy Candidas cell walls. I use Candifense®, a powerful blend of plant-based enzymes that break down the cell walls of Candida, and Caprylic Acid, a short-chain fatty acid derived from coconut that pokes holes in the yeast cell walls.

The last step in your anti-Candida natural nail fungus treatment is to repopulate your gut with the probiotics, or good bacteria, that usually keep the yeast in check. While combating Candida, I recommend a 100 Billion Probiotic, which contains 100 billion colony forming units of high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade bacteria. This will not only help restore your guts healthy balance but also help repair your gut lining so that the Candida can no longer escape and wreak havoc in other areas of your body.

Who Is Eligible Or Recommended For Laser Toenail Therapy

In other words, are there any patients who are not recommended for laser nail fungus removal? Patients not approved to undergo laser nail fungus removal include pregnant or nursing women, those who have pigmented lesions or ingrown toenails, or anyone diagnosed with diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, or arterial insufficiency.

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How Effective Are Tablets In Treating Nail Fungus

Tablets for the treatment of nail fungus have been tested in several studies. All participants had an infection on their toenails caused by a skin fungus. Overall, the study results showed that tablets are considerably more effective than nail polishes or creams.

One year after a three-month treatment with terbinafine:

  • About 17 out of 100 people who didnt have this treatment no longer had a detectable fungal nail infection.
  • About 76 out of 100 people who had this treatment no longer had a detectable fungal nail infection.

In other words, the treatment with terbinafine got rid of the fungal infection in about 59 out of 100 people.

Itraconazole also proved to be effective. After one year,

  • 7 out of 100 people who didnt have this treatment no longer had a detectable fungal nail infection.
  • About 43 out of 100 people who had this treatment no longer had a detectable fungal nail infection.

In other words, the treatment with itraconazole got rid of the fungal infection in about 36 out of 100 people.

Some studies directly compared itraconazole and terbinafine with each other. They confirm that terbinafine is somewhat more effective than itraconazole.

Treatment with breaks is thought to be about as effective as continuous treatment. But that has only been looked into in a few studies.

Best Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus

How to prevent and treat nail fungus

A variety of treatment options for toenail fungus are available, including drug-free alternatives, over-the-counter medicine, prescription drugs, laser treatment, or even surgical removal for those severe cases. Many people would rather start with items they have around the house before purchasing medication or visiting their doctors office. These treatments are most effective in mild fungal cases.

Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes when it comes to treating nail fungus. This is because a new toenail must grow to replace the old, damaged toenail. This can take up to 18 months to regrow the toenail. This time frame varies on how fast or slow your toenails grow and how severe the fungal infection is. Many home remedies quickly improve the appearance of the nail, but the actual fungus is not gone until the new, healthy nail has replaced the old, damaged one.

Try some of these effective home remedies for toenail fungus:

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Q: What Is Toenail Fungus

A: Toenail fungus affects anywhere from 3-12% of the population, depending on which source you believe. Also called onychomycosis , it is a fungal infection that typically starts off as a discolored spot along the edge of a toenail and slowly spreads to encompass more and more of the nail. In some cases, onychomycosis is mild and can be easily treated. If it has been ignored and allowed to spread, however, it can become devilishly difficult to remove.

How To Get Rid Of Yellow Nails

Treatment of yellow nails will depend on the cause. Most likely, your nails have become discolored because of an infection you have or a product you used. These home remedies are based on those causes of discoloration. However, it is important to be aware that home remedies are not always effective. See your physician if home remedies arent helpful in eliminating discoloration. If you dont already have a doctor, our Healthline FindCare tool can help you connect to physicians in your area.

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Softening And Scraping Away The Nail

As it can take a long time for antifungal medication to work, some people may prefer to use a treatment that involves softening and removing infected parts of nail over a few weeks.

Treatment kits are available from pharmacies that contain a 40% urea paste, plasters and a scraping device. The paste softens the infected parts of the nail, allowing them to be scraped away so they can be gradually replaced with healthy nail.

To use the treatment:

  • wash the affected area and dry it thoroughly
  • carefully apply the paste to the infected nails
  • cover the nails with plasters and leave them for 24 hours
  • wash the paste off the next day and scrape away the softened parts of the nail
  • repeat this process each day for 2 to 3 weeks

Once no more infected parts of the nail can be removed, ask your pharmacist for antifungal nail paint to prevent re-infection as the nail regrows over the next few months.

How Candida Becomes A Whole

Laser Nail Fungal Treatment

Now you may be wondering, how does Candida become a fungal infection? Pathogenic fungi such as Candida have evolved to survive in a human host through morphogenesis, meaning they can change their cell shape and size.8

Candida in particular changes from a rounded cell to an elongated hyphal cell. These elongated hyphal cells can then permeate your gut lining, leading the gut to become leaky. A leaky gut allows the yeast to escape your gut via your bloodstream and colonize other areas of your body, including your toenails and fingernails.

This is how Candida can quickly escalate from a gut issue to a whole-body problem, and why it can be so difficult to pinpoint, as it can affect everything from your brain to your skin.

Its also why I so often see Candida overgrowth in my autoimmune patients. Candida causes leaky gut, which then leads to autoimmune disease. Thats another major reason why its key to correctly identify Candida as the underlying cause of your fungal infection so that you can pursue natural nail fungus treatments before it leads to more serious health conditions.

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