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HomeFungusRove Beetle For Fungus Gnats

Rove Beetle For Fungus Gnats

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How To Grow Your Own Rove Beetles & Save Lots Of Money By Building A Rove Beetle Farm

31 Dec, 2019

Things needed to build your rove beetle farm

  • Shoe box size plastic tote
  • 50 or so rove beetles
  • Premixed substrate

That’s literally it. It took me a lot of reading to figure out how to do this. Obviously the insectaries keep their secrets close to the chest, so once I happened upon a random study about oatmeal and rove beetles, I at least had a direction to go in. First thing to do is mix your substrate. This is nothing more than a place for the rove beetles to live, and hang out. I personally use peat and rice hulls. I use 40% rice hulls to 60% peat, or roughly around that amount. I’ve never gotten exact with the measurements to be frank.

You will have to change out the oatmeal periodically. It can start to mold, or smell sour. Sometimes in a week, and sometimes it may take 3 weeks. When I change out the oatmeal I throw it on top of my pots because it will typically contain rove beetles. Check the moisture of the oatmeal daily to see if you need to add any water.

I will add that if you use avocados in your containers it will help keep your rove populations high in the soil, but supplementing with this farm is a good way for commercial and larger personal grows to make sure that their defense force is heavily populated at all times.

Chris Brady

Eliminating Fungus Gnats In Houseplants

The best way to get rid of fungus gnats is to avoid introducing them into your houseplants in the first place. Inspect plants prior to purchasing them for signs of fungus gnats. Turn up the soil near the base of the plant and look for glossy, clear/white-looking larvae. Do not buy any plants that have gnats flying from them.

However, the above option may not be available if you already have an infestation. Since fungus gnats have such a quick life cycle, its important to reduce their numbers by controlling them both as adults and larvae. Here are your options for reducing the life cycle of a fungus gnat in your home.

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Atheta Coriaria Or Rove Beetle

Atheta coriaria or Rove beetle (Dalotia coriaria are used primarily to assist in the control of shore flies and fungus gnats and other small arthropods in the soil or planting media. They also help control soil stages of thrips and feed on most other small soil organisms such as moth flies, springtails, and root mealybugs.

It has been used successfully in vegetable, bedding and potted plant production and seedling and cutting propagation. Atheta adapts well to the various growth media and capillary mats used in plant production. They will not survive freezing or flooding conditions.

Target Pests: Shore flies , fungus gnats , western flower thrips , root aphids

Description: Atheta coriaria or Rove beetle , formerly known as Atheta coriaria, is a native species of a soil-dwelling rove beetle which feeds on small insects and mites. Both adults and larvae are active aggressive predators and are attracted to decomposing plant or animal material and algae, where their hosts are found. While they are beetles, they do not necessarily look like beetles. They are light to dark brown in color, with adults being 3-4 mm long. They are slender with short wing covers. Rove beetles have an interesting habit of curving their abdomen upwards like scorpions and can run or fly when disturbed . Since they can actively fly, they rapidly colonize the release area. However, too many Atheta in flight may be because of disturbance to their home.

Fly Egg Larva Predator

Controlling fungus gnats organically with Dalotia coriaria the Rove ...

Atheta is a native species of soil-dwelling rove beetle which feeds on small insects and mites .

  • Both adults and larvae are active aggressive predators and are attracted to decomposing plant or animal material and algae where their hosts are found.
  • They are light to dark brown in color adults are 3-4 mm long and are slender with short wing covers. Rove beetles have an interesting habit of curving the abdomen upwards like scorpions and can run or fly when disturbed.
  • Since they actively fly, they rapidly colonize the release area.

Atheta or rove beetle attacks fungus gnat, cabbage root and onion root maggots in the soil.

Shore flies Fungus gnats Western flower thrips

Use as a Biological Control Atheta are used primarily to assist in the control of shore flies and fungus gnats and other small arthropods in the soil or planting media . They also help control soil stages of thrips and feed on most other small soil organisms such as moth flies, springtails and root mealybugs.

Use as a Biological Control Atheta has a longer life cycle and takes longer to establish than the Hypoaspis predatory mite so Atheta should be used along with Hypoaspis for best results. They have been used successfully in vegetable, bedding and potted plant production and seedling and cutting propagation. They adapt well to the various growth media and capillary mats used in plant production, but do not survive freezing or flooding conditions.

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Signs Of Fungus Gnats

While fungus gnats are most well known for their annoyance in the garden, there are far worse things these little guys can do to your crop. To start, these little guys will slowly destroy the root zone of your plants, especially with the larvae laid in the soil. At first, you may notice the plants growth slowing down or leaves having issues. If not taken care of, you could even lose a plant or two.

Moreover, fungus gnats are capable of carrying other diseases, which could end up doing even more harm to your plants. One disease, in particular, they are known for carrying is pythium. This disease is primarily known to cause root rot within cannabis plants.

Getting Rid Of Fungus Gnats

To start, the easiest way to prevent fungus gnats in your grow area is to prevent it from the start. First, never ever overwater your plants. If you do, youre essentially leaving the perfect breeding ground for fungus gnats to form. Moreover, keep a clean grow area with no standing water anywhere nearby.

If fungus gnats have already become an issue in your garden, there are a couple of things you will need to do. First, you must remember that you will need to get rid of the adult fungus gnats, as well as the larvae within the soil.

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Life Cycle Of Fungus Gnat

The life cycle of fungus gnats is shown in Figure 1. A female fungus gnat may lay up to 300 whitish eggs in clusters of 20 to 30 or more on the surface or in the crevices of moist soil or potting media rich in organic matter. Eggs hatch in about six days. Larvae feed for 12-14 days before changing into a pupa, which is formed inside a silken pupal chamber in the soil. The pupal stage may last 5-6 days and adults live up to 10 days. The life cycle from egg to adult requires approximately 4 weeks depending on temperature development time decreases as temperatures increase, as is true of most insects.

Figure 1. Life cycle of the fungus gnat

Rove Beetle Dalotia Coriaria

Dalotia (Atheta) Coriaria – Rove Beetle

Target pest thrips, fungas gants, root aphids & shore flies

Rove beetles are a soil-dwelling predator that feeds on small insects and mites. Both adults and larvae are active aggressive predators and are attracted to decomposing plant or animal material and algae, where their hosts are found. They are light to dark brown in color, with adults being 3-4 mm long. They are slender with short wing covers. Rove beetles have an interesting habit of curving their abdomen upwards like scorpions.

The move about the soil and can fly from plant to plant when hunting for food.

Release throughout the greenhouse at a rate of 1 per 10 sq feet To ensure reproduction and mating, release 50-100 in one spot in the center of the release area.

Rove beetles are most effective when applications are started when pest population first decide. One application of rove beetle per crop cycle is usually sufficient if started early in the season. Works well with stratiolaelaps.

Rove beetles are used primarily to control shore flies, root aphids and fungus gnats as well as other small arthropods in the soil or planting media. They also help control soil stages of thrips and feed on most other small soil organisms such as moth flies, springtails, and root mealybugs.

Do not water soil or growing medium 10 minutes before and a few hours after release. Release in centrally located area where major infestation is on damp soil. Only open when ready to release as some may fly.


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Cultural Practices To Aid Establishment

Dalotia are most effective when incorporated into an IPM program. They are very robust and can cope with a wide range of conditions. They can tolerate a waterlogged environment, however they do perform better when the growing medium is not constantly saturated.

Breeding boxes have potential to enhance establishment and performance of this predator in hydroponic crops. This approach is utilised in ornamentals and floriculture overseas but has not yet been widely adopted in Australia.

Complementary biocontrol options

Dalotia work very well in combination with a variety of other biocontrol agents. They complement the activity of Hypoaspis mites deployed to control fungus gnats, shore flies and thrips. For treatment of thrips we combine these soil-dwelling predators with species that are active within the foliage such as Orius predatory bugs and Montdorensis or Cucumeris predatory mites.

For management of root aphid we recommend combining Dalotia with Hypoaspis and Lacewings.

Life Cycle Of Shore Fly

Eggs are laid singly on the surface of algae. Larvae have eight pairs of short legs and a breathing tube with two dark colored openings called spiracles at the posterior end. Pupation occurs at the edge of the algae mats. Breeding takes place in stagnant and strongly saline water found in greenhouses as a result of excessive irrigation and soil leaching. To reduce shore fly numbers, eliminate algae, avoid over watering, and limit fertilizer run-off.

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Biobest Atheta System 1000

  • The predatory beetle Atheta coriaria
  • A slender and light to dark brown biological control agent
  • Efficient biological control agent of e.g. larvae of the fungus gnats, shore fly and springtails, eggs and larvae of moth flies and pupae of thrips

What are the benefits of Atheta-System?

  • The adult predatory beetles are optimally spread, thanks to their good flight capacity
  • Actively search for prey in the soil
  • Smooth adaptation to various substrates such as potting soil, coconut and rock wool

How does biological control with Atheta-System work?

  • Both adults and larvae are good predators
  • They are attracted by the smell of affected plants or by other organic material, in which prey is present
  • The predatory beetles consume 10 to 20 prey a day
  • They do not go into diapause in covered crops

In which crops can you introduce Atheta-System?

  • Herbs and ornamental plants in pots
  • Propagation of seedlings and cuttings

Understanding The Fungus Gnat Life Cycle

Greenhouse rove beetle Dalotia coriaria predator of flies and fungus ...

To get rid of a pest, it is best to understand its lifecycle and weaknesses. The fungus gnat is no exception. Fungus gnats are some of the most common houseplant pests. You will most often find them hanging out in wet plants, household drains, and sewer areas. Fungus gnats can be brought into your home from an infected plant bought at a nursery or garden center. Once they infiltrate one plant, they can easily make their home in any nearby plants.

Adult fungus gnats live about one week on average and can lay up to 300 eggs in moist soil, moss, and cracks and crevices on the surface of plants. They prefer to lay their eggs where the fungus is already growing. It takes anywhere between 4-6 days for tiny larvae to emerge and begin feeding on plant roots for about 2 weeks. In the pupal stage, which lasts 3-4 days, young adults leave the soil and begin the next generation. In total, from egg to adult can be completed in as little as 3-4 weeks. As adults lay their eggs and multiply, you begin to have a complete infestation.

Because of their productivity and short gestation period, potted plants become the host for each stage: egg, larvae, pupae, and adult. In a very short amount of time, your pretty little plant can be home to multiple generations at once. Because of this continuous lifecycle, multiple applications of whatever remedy you choose may be required until there are no surviving eggs or adults left.

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Fungus Gnat Rove Beetle

Starter culture with enclosure : $20

Detailed Species Stats -Click-

  • Temperature Requirements: 60-90 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Air Humidity: Not picky.
  • Favorite Foods: Fungus gnats.
  • Locality: Dearborn, Michigan.

Plagued by fungus gnats? Cant use pesticides due to your gigantic insect collection, moral quandaries, or other eclectic reasons? Look no further! These tiny rove beetles will do all the dirty work for you! Once established in an area they will work around the clock to control your fungus gnats. These rove beetles target all members of the Sciaridae and will not harm other invertebrates like springtails or isopods. This stock is being examined by a rove beetle specialist for an exact ID, but preliminary species determination has been made. These rove beetles do not attack fruit or phorid flies!

**Please allow one to two months of preparation time as new colonies are created on an as-needed basis.**


Description And Life History

Adult fungus gnats are grey to black and about 3-4 mm long. They have long legs, thread-like antennae and large compound eyes that meet above the base of the antennae. Adults resemble small mosquitoes and are weak fliers. They are often seen resting on the media surface. Each female lives about 10 days and lays about 150 oval, white eggs in the organic matter of the media. Eggs hatch in 2-7 days, depending on the temperature, producing white larvae that are 4-6 mm long. The larvae have 12 abdominal segments and a distinctive shiny black head . They feed for 5-14 days before pupating. Adults emerge 4-6 days later. As with other insects, fungus gnats become more active and reproduce more quickly at warmer temperatures. The life cycle can be completed in 21 days at 24°C, compared with 38 days at 16°C.

Figure 1. Adult fungus gnat on sticky card. Note the long legs and antennae.

Figure 2. Fungus gnat larva

Figure 3. Shorefly adult. Note the very short antennae, stout body and clear spots on wings.

Figure 4. Shorefly larva.

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Beneficial Insect Combo Packs


All Beneficial Insect Combo Packs come with Free Shipping!

Please check the next tabs for more information on any of the insects offered in the combo packs.

Notice: Beneficial Insects ship out immediately, within 1-3 business days, and sometimes the same day. BuildASoil will not be held accountable if insects arrive too early to be placed in soil.[email protected]

The Beneficial Insect Triple Pack contains: Rove Beetle + Steinernema Feltiae Nematodes + Stratiolaelaps Scimitus

Rove beetle , formerly known as Atheta coriaria, is a native species of a soil-dwelling rove beetle which feeds on small insects and mites. Both adults and larvae are active aggressive predators and are attracted to decomposing plant or animal material and algae, where their hosts are found. While they are beetles, they do not necessarily look like beetles. They are light to dark brown in color, with adults being 3-4 mm long. They are slender with short wing covers. Rove beetles have an interesting habit of curving their abdomen upwards like scorpions and can run or fly when disturbed . Since they can actively fly, they rapidly colonize the release area. However, too many Atheta in flight may be because of disturbance to their home.

Target Pests: Shore flies , fungus gnats , western flower thrips , root aphids

How to Use:

Shipping Info:

Insects are shipped via UPS Overnight and may take 3 days to process.

Garden Size

Useful Info:

Shelf Life: Up to 2 weeks .

Life Cycle Of The Rove Beetle Atheta Coriaria And Suitability As A Biological Control Agent Against The Fungus Gnat Bradysia Sp Nr Coprophila

Dalotia coriaria (rove beetles)

There were no significant differences in prey consumption when using second and third instar fungus gnat larvae as prey and starved and non-starved rove beetles. Overall, predation efficacy in Petri dishes was high as fungus gnat larval density increased with 3.9, 7.0, 11.1, and 15.3 larvae consumed in 24 hours after exposure of 5, 10, 15 and 20 fungus gnat larvae to one rove beetle adult. However, lower predation rates were found at different predator:prey ratios when using 1 to 5 rove beetles and growing medium as a substrate.

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How To Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats Once And For All

I brought home one plant from a home improvement store two years ago, and ever since I have been fighting the constant battle to get rid of the rapidly reproducing fungus gnats. And Im here to tell you, gnats are annoying. They fly around your face, taunting and daring you to catch or kill them. As an indoor plant lover, the fungus gnat has become the most irritating pest for me to deal with. Though they are harmless to humans, fungus gnats multiply rapidly in indoor plants, killing them in the process.

Houseplants can add color to your home while helping to improve the air quality inside. They can make space feel more comforting. Recent studies have even shown that some houseplants can help you get better sleep. By acting as air purifiers, oxygen producers, and providing lovely scents, house plants help to improve the quality of our lives. Here are a few of the best ways to keep your leafy air purifiers alive and safe from fungus gnat infestations.


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