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Finger Skin Peeling Near Nails

Peeling Skin: How Vitamin Deficiency Or Overdose May Play A Role

how to get rid of peeling skin around nails

What does peeling skin on fingers have to do with a vitamin deficiency? Indeed, your skin around the nails peeling may result from too little or too much intake of certain nutrients.

Any vitamin deficiency that leads to dry skin will eventually develop flaking or peeling skin around your nails. That being said, the vitamin deficiency must be severe before you start to see dry and rough skin around nails.

Vitamin B3 or vitamin B7 deficiency and vitamin A toxicity can all cause peeling skin around nails. Letâs take a deeper look at how vitamin deficiency or overdose can lead to peeling and dry skin around the cuticles of the nails.

Your Hands Are Frequently Wet

The most common cause is repetitive wetting or drying of hands, says Blair Murphy-Rose M.D., F.A.A.D., board-certified dermatologist and clinical instructor at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center. So it happens often with hairdressers, house cleaners, and other jobs requiring frequent soaking of hands.

Your nails may also peel if you spend time in hot or humid places. Too much moisture or prolonged exposure to moisture causes the nail to swell with water and become soft, explains Dr. Peters. The end result is a soft and brittle nail that is susceptible to damage from minimal trauma.

To prevent this from happening, Dr. Peters recommends wearing gloves when doing the dishes, drying your hands and nails thoroughly after washing them, and regularly applying a hand cream that contains vitamin E to replenish any moisture that is lost.

How To Stop Your Cuticle Skin From Peeling:

While cuticle skin peeling is not a cause for concern, there are ways to deal with it for aesthetic reasons.

  • Home remedies like switching to skin-friendly detergents or soaps improving your diet to promote skin health and finally quitting your nail-biting habit will help.
  • Prevention is always better than cure. Keep your hands moisturised with a hand cream such as the Vaseline Intensive Care Healthy Hand Stronger Nails Hand Cream to keep them soft, smooth and healthy-looking. Infused with petroleum jelly and keratin, this hand cream is lightweight and non-sticky too.

Written by Sumona Boseon May 12, 2020

Sumona Bose is a writer, skincare junkie and a self-professed makeup connoisseur. Equipped with a Master’s degree in Fashion Management and over 3 years of experience writing in the beauty and fashion space, her passion for learning new things has no bounds. Working closely with dermatologists, beauty excerpts, makeup artists and hairstylists, she brings you the best of all things beauty. From trending skincare ingredients to makeup looks that help you slay, she manages to bring something new to our readers every single time. Her hobbies include home workouts, watching foreign films and binge-watching makeover shows!


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Things You Should Know

  • Moisturize your cuticles regularly to keep them in great shape.
  • Push your cuticles back with an orange stick instead of cutting them.
  • Treat any cracked or painful cuticles with a topical antibacterial ointment.
  • Prevent dry cuticles by wearing gloves, avoiding drying agents, eating healthy foods, and staying hydrated.

What Is The Skin Around The Nails Called

Cracked Skin on Fingers Around Nails â Causes and Treatment

While most people think that the skin around the nails is called the cuticle, it is actually not. The cuticle is a very small layer of almost translucent skin that protects the new nails from getting infected. The skin around our nails that usually gets dry, itchy, flaky or infected is called the Eponychium. Yeah, it is pretty wordy. We felt the same way!

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Is Chapped And Peeling Cuticle Skin Bothering You Heres What You Need To Know

Samiksha Pattanaik

No one likes the look of cracked and peeling cuticle skin. Whether you are on a date, at a business meeting, or for that matter, even in your daily life, flaky skin around the nails can be quite unpleasant to look at.

Peeling skin can also be painful, especially when you are eating with your hands or when it comes in contact with water.

I often encounter patients suffering from skin peeling associated not just with their facial skin but also the skin around the finger and toenails, which are the other most commonly exposed parts of the body, says Dr Nivedita Dadu, a dermatologist at Skinology Skin and Hair Clinic, New Delhi.

The peeling of the cuticle skin can be triggered by a number of things.

Here are some of the major causes:

Environmental factors

Our skin is exposed to a number of external elements on a daily basis, which can affect the skin hydration.

The cuticle skin bears the brunt of most of the environmental agents, which are one of the most common triggering factors for the drying up and eventual peeling of the skin, Dr Dadu says.

Inherent dry skin or seasonal changes leading to dry skin is one of the major causes for peeling of skin. Harsh weather conditions like dry summers and extreme winters result in damage to the exposed surface of hands and feet, she adds.

She says excessive washing of hands or prolonged exposure to water can also lead to dryness of skin.

Chemical agents


Underlying health conditions

When to be concerned?

Can An Immune System Disorder Cause Skin Peeling On Fingers And Hands

Yes! Topping the list:

Hand eczema is a common condition that affects about 1 in 10 people living in the U.S. Eczema can easily be mistaken for regular old dry skin because it gives the skin a similar appearance and tends to occur more frequently in winter. But eczema usually has specific triggers, like allergens and irritating substances, and will likely require further treatment. Also, research suggests that genetics may play a part, so if eczema as well as asthma or hay fever run in your immediate family, your risk of developing this condition increases.

Symptoms include redness, itching, pain, cracks, as well as dryness to the point of peeling and flaking. It often affects people who work in cleaning, catering, hairdressing, health care, and mechanical jobs where they may come into contact with chemicals and other irritants, according to the National Eczema Association.

It can be tricky to differentiate between contact dermatitis and eczema, as they both cause similar symptoms and those with eczema are prone to developing contact dermatitis. Anytime the skin is dry and prone to inflammation, youre more likely to develop contact dermatitis, Dr. Tiernan says.

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Here Are 9 Home Remedies For Peeling Nails:

1. People with sensitive skin should refrain from washing their hands in hot water because doing so causes double dehydration of the skin.

2. Remove the sap from an aloe vera leaf and apply it on your palms.

3. If you notice that your hands are particularly dry, moisten them with malai for 10 minutes. Rinse your hands and apply milk cream because it is a good hydrating agent and regenerates the skin.

4. Run a few drops of ghee on your hands while cooking to protect your hands from damage caused by cutting acidic vegetables like onions, potatoes, and tomatoes. You can also use coconut, olive, or almond oil in place of ghee.

5. To keep your skin hydrated and supple, consume fruits. Be careful to include foods that are high in iron, vitamin B12, and biotin.

6. Dont put your hands too close to your mouth to avoid nail biting.

7. Protect your hands from the cold by keeping them warm.

8. Acetone, or nail polish remover, a very abrasive chemical in nail polish removers, should be avoided. Your skin may become dry as a result.

9. Take great care of your skin and cuticles.

10. To prevent pores from opening, moisturize palms at least three times daily. Cover your hands with socks at night after moisturizing for better results. Try it for an hour if you cant do it all night. Absorption will increase as a result. If your palms are sweaty, stay away from this as it will make you more agitated.

You Have A Fungal Infection

What to do for peeling cuticles around nails? – Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle

Onychomycosis, or fungal infection of the nail, can cause several different types of nail dystrophy including nail peeling, says Dr. Rose. You may also experience thickening of the nails and white or yellow-brown discoloration, according to experts at the Mayo Clinic.

If you think you have a fungal infection, make an appointment with your dermatologist, as they can be tricky to treat. Your doc can confirm that you have an infection and will likely prescribe oral antifungal meds to help the nail heal.

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How To Fix The Skin Around Your Nails

This article was co-authored by Kristin Pulaski. Kristin Pulaski is a Professional Nail Artist and the Founder of Paintbucket, a self-owned and operated nail salon based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She has over five years of experience running Paintbucket and is licensed as a nail technician. Paintbucket offers nail art manicures, pedicures, and soft gel extensions along with customized packages for wedding and bridal parties. She holds a BA in Managerial Science from Manhattan College.There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 17 testimonials and 88% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,374,488 times.

Many people suffer from dry, cracked skin surrounding their nails due to things like cold, dry weather and biting their nails. Along with biting their nails, sometimes people even bite the skin surrounding their nail. This can lead to painful rips and tears that have the potential to become infected. Thankfully, dry, cracked, and ripped skin around the nail can be repaired by following a few easy steps to ensure your hands stay groomed and moisturized.

What Does Fingertips Peeling Mean

Fingertips peeling is a condition in which the upper layer of your skin or epidermis around the nails becomes dry and eventually starts to peel off. Sometimes, it can be accompanied by other symptoms such as itchiness, rash, redness, inflammation, etc.

In most cases, it is not a serious concern but it can be uncomfortable while performing your daily tasks using fingers. However, it can also be associated with other medical conditions, which may need a timely diagnosis.

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Complications Of Untreated Skin Peeling

The peeling of skin requires medical attention and proper diagnosis. The patient should ensure that there is nothing to concern and it is not due to any serious medical condition. Untreated skin peeling may lead to exposure of the underlying tissues which may lead to infection. The primary line of defense gets compromised and the patient is vulnerable to infection and dehydration.

How To Prevent Fingertip Peeling

Dry Skin On Fingers Near Nails
  • Keep your skin moisturized. Apply moisturizing creams at least twice a day.
  • Avoid taking hot water showers as it may dry out your skin. You may use lukewarm water for washing your hands and bathing.
  • Pat your skin dry instead of rubbing it with a rough towel.
  • Avoid using products with harsh chemicals.
  • Consume foods that are rich in vitamins B3 and B7.
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water may help hydrate your skin.

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Finger Or Thumb Sucking

The old adage about small children putting anything and everything in their mouths is true including fingers.

Too much finger or thumb sucking, can lead to skin cracking or peeling. If this comforting habit is becoming a problem for you or your child, its a good idea to have a chat with your pediatrician or try some of these helpful tips.

Peeling fingertips can also indicate an underlying medical condition, such as:

Are There Any More Causes To Know

Finally, there are some situations in which peeling skin is a symptom of a much more severe conditionone that may require immediate medical care. In particular, Dr. Boh points to Steven Johnson syndrome, a severe reaction to a new medication whereby the skin breaks out into a painful rash and blisters before shedding. And Dr. Tiernan notes that toxic shock syndrome often comes with peeling skin, too, as well as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, body aches, and confusion.

Again, its unlikely that one of these conditions will sneak up on you, but if your skin is peeling off in large sheets or if the shedding skin is accompanied by extremely tender skin or a fever, see a doctor right away.

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Problem #: Peeling Skin On Fingers Near Nails

Exposing your hands to harsh detergents or submerging them in water for a long period of time may cause the skin around your nails to peel or become red and inflamed.

Peeling skin around your nails can also be an allergic reaction to something youve touched or come in contact with, says Dr. Schlessinger. That could be anything – from fragrance in a hand soap used for washing dishes to a metal, such as nickel, on jewelry or clothing.

Skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, may also lead to peeling skin, so if the problem persists, schedule a visit with your dermatologist to receive a professional diagnosis.

Medical Reasons For Skin Peeling

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The following medical conditions might also be the reasons for skin peeling around the nails.

  • Allergic Reasons: If the patron has allergic problems which cause irritation and itch to the skin, skin peeling may come into play.
  • Minerals and Vitamins: Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients for the body. Calcium and iron supply the body with the necessary energy to keep the skin and bone in the right shape. Vitamin B-3 deficiency causes skin peeling and sometimes an overdose of Vitamin A is also responsible for this.
  • Skin Diseases: Some people have skin diseases such as exfoliative keratolysis, eczema on fingers, psoriasis etc. In most cases, these chronic skin diseases result in skin peeling on the palms and around the nails.

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Tweezerman Mini Nail Rescue Kit

This pint-sized nail tool kit has everything you need to keep your nails looking neat and trim, including a cuticle clipper with precision angled blades and a nickel-plated nail file. The tools nestle into a convenient oval-shaped case thats small enough to tuck into your handbag, desk drawer or glove compartment.

Treatment For Skin Peeling

As we have already seen the possible reason for the occurrence of skin peeling problem on fingers near nails, it is essential to understand the treatment to cure this problem.

Some of how this problem can be treated are:

  • Allergy In case of an allergic reaction, it is essential to know the substance which caused the allergy and after that stop using that product for one month and verify if the problem of skin peeling is reducing.
  • Skin disorder If the problem of skin peeling on fingers near the nail is due to some skin disorder, it is always recommended to consult a dermatologist. He can give proper advice on how to treat this disease.
  • Skin infection If you are having any bacterial infection on the skin, which causes skin peeling, it is advisable to apply some antibacterial creams which can cure your problem.
  • Mineral deficiency If the skin peeling problem is due to mineral deficiency, then you should focus on consuming diet having proper vitamins and minerals. It will help if you concentrate on eating healthy food.
  • Nail-biting If you are having a bad habit of nail-biting, which is the reason for the problem of skin peeling. It is better to get rid of this habit of nail-biting as soon as possible.
  • Dryness in the skin If you are suffering from dry skin, you can cure it by washing your hands regularly with hot water. You can also apply coconut oil on your skin which can help in removing the dryness.

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Skin Peeling On Fingers Near Nails

Skin peeling may also occur near fingernails. If the fingernails are also involved, this may be due to fungal infection. During the fungal infection, nails are also cracked and damaged along with the peeling of skin near the nails. There may be pus at the edge of the nails and the patient experiences pain and inflammation.

Fungal Nail Laser Treatment

what causes peeling of skin in fingers in children? â FirstCry Parenting

If youve been hiding your yellowed nails from the world for too long, its time to do something about it. In just three to four weekly laser sessions, you can say goodbye to nail fungal infection for good.* With laser toenail fungus treatment, no harmful pills or ointments are required.

Nail fungal infection removed in just three sessions* More effective than oral medication* Faster than topical ointments* No pain, downtime, or side-effects*

*Results may vary from individual to individual.

*Disclaimer: All photographs represent one persons experience, and results may vary for each patient. All photographs are of actual patients from Instant Laser Clinic. The visible change in these photographs has occurred as a result of the procedure/s undertaken. Some before and after photos shown are not exact, in that they vary in light, contrast, clothing, background, distance from camera, hairstyle and make-up.

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