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Types Of Fungus Gnats

Control fungus gnats // Cinnamon vs. mosquito bits vs. sticky traps vs. diatomaceous earth

There are six different families of insects that make up the broader category of fungus gnats. These include the Sciaridae, Mycetophilidae, Ditomyiidae, Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, and Keroplatidae. Most fungus gnat species are not harmful to our gardens, but the dangerous ones are in the Sciaridae family, especially those in the Orfelia and Bradysia species.

While adults dont cause any lasting damage, the fungus gnat larvae of that family will move on to plant roots once their preferred foodstuff is gone. The larvae chew holes in the roots and cause yellowing, wilting, and even plant death in large numbers. Not only do they damage roots, but the Sciaridae can spread disease. Since their preferred food is fungal growth, they easily pick up spores from infected plants or soil and spread diseases.

Fungus gnat adults are often confused with mosquitos as they look similar in shape, but are much smaller. These tiny black flies rarely get any larger than an eighth of an inch long. The larvae themselves grow a bit larger than the adult gnats. Fungus gnat larvae have a black, shiny head with a white to clear body that can reach almost a quarter inch in length. Theyre hard to locate because they tend to remain under the soils surface, out of view. They may, however, make a shiny trail on the soil surface of heavily infested plants.

Natural Nonpesticide Ways To Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats

If you dont want to spray pesticides in your house and prefer to try a natural method first, you can spray a solution of soapy water on the plants leaves, says Frank Meek, a board-certified entomologist and the international technical and training director for Orkin.

Mix soap and water, and apply it to the foliage of the plant with a fine-mist spray bottle, Meek says. Generally a concentration of one tablespoon dish soap in a quart of water is strong enough to deter fungus gnats without bothering your plant.

Soap and water method not working? Then you may want to break out the big guns and bring in nematodes. Nematodes are microscopic worms, available at garden supply and home improvement stores, that dig into the soil and feast on fungus gnat larvaeand they dont cause any harm to your plant in the process. You simply spray or sprinkle them onto the soil, then let them do all the hard work.

If none of these solutions is working for you, it might be time to consider a pesticide. But before you grab the first chemical pesticide you see at the store, take time to do some research first. Most pesticides are designed with specific types of pests and plants in mind, so thoroughly read the labels. And always follow the directions before using the pesticide to ensure the safety of your family members, pets, and the environment overall.

Homeowners can use interior plant pesticides as long as the type of plant is listed on the product label, Meek says.

Repot The Plant To Deter Fungus Gnats#

If you have larvae infested soil and do not want to kill the gnats, you can always repot the plant in fresh soil with good nutritive value. Remove the house plant from its container and discard the infested soil. Make sure that you rinse off the roots or shake excess soil from the plant.

All plants have their own sensitivities, so it is important to look up how to best repot the plant you are working with. Once you have cleaned out the container, you can repot the plant.

Make sure that there is no decaying plant matter in containers or near your newly potted plant as fungus gnats can easily spread. Also, be careful to only water the plant as required and not to keep the soil soaked as this will just keep attracting fungus gnats.

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Where Do Fungus Gnats Come From

Fungus gnats feed on decaying plant matter and fungi and thrive in moist conditions, such as soil, which is where they lay their eggs, says Derek Gaughan, founder of the DIY pest control website Bug Lord. If you own a lot of houseplants, you are more susceptible to having a problem as this is their ideal habitat.

With so many of us working from home these daysand at risk of overwatering our plantsits no surprise that these critters are out in full force. How many times a day have you walked by your favorite houseplant and decided to water it?

The best thing you can do is avoid overwatering your plants and to let the soil dry out between waterings, says Gaughan.

You might also notice an infestation of fungus gnats shortly after repotting your houseplants or after bringing new plants into your home. This is because bugs sometimes hitch a ride inside bags of potting soil or plants from home improvement stores. They can also make their way indoors if you set your houseplants outside to get some sunlight then bring them back in.

Causes Of Fungus Gnat Infestation

How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats

Knowing how to kill fungus gnats is easy, but it’s better off to prevent them altogether. Part of doing that is understanding what causes an infestation in the first place.

Fungus gnat eggs are generally planted in overly moist soil, though outdoors they’re known to even use moist, rotting wood. If it’s moist and has fungus growing, especially in topsoil, they like it.

Early intervention is the key to preventing an outbreak. If you see adults flying around in any significant numbers you need to act in the ways mentioned above, and quickly since their life cycle is so fast.

You need to get rid of the adults and stop eggs from hatching and larvae from developing all at once, otherwise multiple generations can grow while you’re just dealing with the adults over and over.

The cause of an infestation indoors and outdoors is simply a lack on your part to attack at least two stages of the life cycle to put an end to the replication.

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Drawbacks Of Using Bt Spray

One of the very few issues that come with using BT spray is that some forms, such as Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawl can be harmful to bees and possibly other beneficial insects like wasps. Its only harmful if consumed or if the spray is sprayed directly onto the insect. This can be easily avoided by spraying when the bees arent active, such as the late afternoon when theyve returned to their hives. Once dry, this is not harmful to your beneficials.

Many caterpillars are harmed by Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki which will be an issue if you have a butterfly garden thats meant to attract butterflies. Avoid spraying the garden if you dont want to harm those butterflies. Keep in mind that BT only kills young caterpillars, so the beneficial butterflies wont have as much of a risk if youre able to spray the garden once all the beneficial larvae have matured into adult butterflies.

That brings us to the issue of BT being highly dependent on timing. Unlike chemical insecticides, BT has to be applied at the right time. This control method wont kill eggs or adults, so you have to apply it when the insect pests such as caterpillars or other larvae are actively feeding. If youre new to gardening or havent closely studied the habits of the insects in your area, it can take some practice to get it just right.

How To Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats With Tea Tree Oil

Many people use tea tree oil on the skin. However, it is also a great solution for a gnat infestation. Combine 20 drops of tea tree oil with a litre of water. Water the infested plants with this mix, and you should help remove any larvae in the soil. For the adults, use some adhesive traps around the plant.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Fungus Gnats

It is pretty easy to tell if you are dealing with fungus gnats, since they are plenty big enough to spot with the naked eye, and will often make their presence known by flying up in swarms from the soil if the plant or pot is disturbed. Adult gnats are attracted to light, so you may spot them congregating around windows and bright areas in your home. If the infestation is particularly heavy, you may even see slimy trails running across the top layer of soil, similar to slug or snail trails, which are left by the larvae.

The adults pose more of an annoyance to us humans than cause harm to our plants. They will often fly around faces, drinks, and food sporadically which makes them quite a nuisance! Mature, healthy plants will generally not be affected by a moderate fungus gnat infestation. It is the larvae of fungus gnats that pose a threat to plants.

Because the larvae feed on soft, new growth and young roots, they can cause extensive damage to seedlings. In young plants, you may notice stunted growth, yellowing, wilting foliage, and even death if the larvae have been feeding excessively from the root system. These symptoms, however, can be indicative of several other problems, such as root rot or under-watering, so make sure you give any symptomatic plant a full health check to determine the root cause.

Be Careful To Avoid Overwatering#

10 Ways Prevent & Kill Fungus Gnats in Seedlings and Houseplants

Good drainage is your friend when it comes to keeping fungus gnats at bay. If your plant containers are consistently damp, fungus gnats will find their way to it and make themselves at home.

Do not overwater your plant and if you find that the soil itself does not drain well, add some perlite to the mix to help with absorption and drying out.

When you do water your plants, make sure that no water is left in the saucer beneath the pot. Empty these out no more than 30 minutes after the plant has been watered.

Plan your watering schedule carefully. Follow the care instructions for your plants and avoid watering until the soil is suitably dry. You can push your finger into the soil to feel if it is dry enough before watering. It is quite important to keep the top layer of your potting soil dry as this will deter fungus gnats from laying their eggs.

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Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is made from microscopic fossil shards and shreds the larvae and the gnats upon contact.

You can buy DE from garden centres or on .

If you buy DE, make sure you buy the food grade version, not the product made for pools.


Apply a layer of DE to the top of the soil, or mix it into soil mix if you are repotting a plant.

It is a good idea to wear a mask while handling DE

Did It Work?

DE was very effective in killing off both larvae and gnats, with good results within a week. After around three weeks, the population was all but gone.

Although it is effective, it is quite expensive and, when used outside, will also kill helpful insects such as worms.

What Are Those Black Flies Fungus Gnats

Fungus gnats are small flying insects that look like mosquitoes. However, they dont bite, and they do not carry any disease. Adult gnats are generally very tiny .

Differently from mosquitoes, these insects are always around houseplants potting soil. If you see a swarm of insects flying around every time you touch, come close or water your houseplants, then you know that they are fungus gnats.

The eggs fungus gnats lay very small , shiny, white, and oval in shape. The problem is that they can lay, on the surface of the soil , hundreds of eggs at once, making an infestation very hard to eradicate.

After the eggs open and the small larvae will start feeding on leaves on the soil and plant roots. After 2-3 weeks, they developed into full adults and will be around for another week in the adult form to then die.

Even though larvae feed on the plants roots, hardly ever significantly affects plant growth. This can only be the case in case of a massive infestation or in the case of a small plants.

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Allow The Potting Soil To Dry Out To Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats#

As fungus gnats are attracted to damp environments, it is important to ensure that your house plants potting medium is not always wet or damp. It is tempting to water house plants frequently, but you might not be doing your plants any favors if your watering frequency is attracting insects.

If your plants are constantly watered, the environment becomes prime real estate for mold and algae to grow. And by now you already know that mold and algae are two things fungus gnats love. By allowing the top 2 inches of soil to get completely dry between watering, you can create a soil environment that is not fungus gnat friendly.

Before you water your house plants, feel the surface layer of the plant. If it is wet or damp, do not water. If it is dry, you can water. Female fungus gnats specifically seek out soil that is consistently wet. Drying soil deters eggs from hatching into larvae.

Giving your indoor plants the right amount of water is the most important thing you can do to keep your houseplants healthy. It seems like such a simple thing to do, but its a skill that you need to develop. Ive written several articles to help you get this right. Read about ways to tell when to water your houseplants and how often to water your houseplants for more information

Use A Hydrogen Peroxide And Water Solution To Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats#

How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats Forever in Soil and Houseplants

3% Hydrogen Peroxide is an effective substance for controlling larvae. To get rid of fungus gnats, mix a solution of 1 part of hydrogen peroxide with 4 parts of water.

You should only water your house plant with this solution when the top of the potting medium is dry. When you pour the peroxide solution into the soil, you might hear an effervescent sound.

Once the peroxide has done its job of killing the gnat larvae, it will break down in the soil. It is completely harmless to your plant. While it should work first time around, you might need to repeat the process.

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Chemical Control Of Fungus Gnats

AzaMax uses food-grade formulation ingredients and does not use harsh chemical solvents to kill fungus gnats.

If none of the methods mentioned above work or if the fungus infestation is too large and needs to be controlled as soon as possible, then you can resort to chemical methods of getting rid of fungus gnats. However, use chemicals only as your last option as they are harmful to the environment and can even harm beneficial insects in your home.

My Sticky Trap Method For Indoor Plants

Remove the paper on one side of the trap only, exposing the sticky surface. Do not stick the pointy end into the soil. Instead, lay the trap down flat, sticky side up, on the soil surface.

Yes, you can cut them in half or smaller for smaller pots but if you want to do that, cut first before removing the protective paper. It’s best to cover at least one quarter of the soil surface, ideally one half, with the trap/s.

Lay the trap flat on the soil, after watering with Mozzie Bits. I find the trap stays sticky a good two weeks or more . In a couple of weeks, flip the trap over, peel off the paper on the other side to expose a fresh sticky layer, and you get double the use compared to how they recommend using them.

Once both sides are used up, get a new trap. Used this way, you’ll get up to 4 weeks Fungus Gnat trapping from one sticky trap, instead of 2 weeks each, and catch many more gnats than using them upright.

Using one trap at a time, a pack of 5 will last you up to 20 weeks per plant. That’s the adult population fast declining, which of course reduces the eggs, but for this to work you need to interrupt the larvae cycle too. That’s where a little ‘Mozzie Tea’ comes in…

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Where Do Fungus Gnats Lay Eggs

Fungus gnats frequently hang around potted plants, running across compost, growth media, foliage, and wet mulch piles. Females will deposit their eggs in organic matter or potting soil with high moisture content. Larvae have a shiny black head and an elongated body that ranges in color from whitish to transparent and is legless.

How To Deal With Fungus Gnats On Houseplants

Foolproof Fungus Gnat Prevention and Control

As people who adore plants, we never want to see them suffer at the hand of pests. But we especially dont want to see pests in our houseplants, because that brings the problem inside our homesgross! Fungus gnats are nasty little winged critters that resemble tiny mosquitoes and are similar in size to fruit flies. The good news is that these plant flies are much less damaging than many other pests, and better yet, theyre pretty easy to get rid of.

What are Fungus Gnats?

Fungus gnats are identifiable by their long legs, transparent wings, and affinity for nutrient-rich, moist soils. You might notice these tiny flies buzzing around plant containers, but you wont see them munching on the plants foliage directly, like some more harmful pests do. You will, however, notice them in the soil, feasting on plant root hairs and other organic matter. Make no mistakeif left untreated, these bugs can still cause a considerable amount of damage.

While adult fungus gnats only have a life span of about a week, they can make a pretty significant impact in that short period, laying up to 300 eggs in the right conditions. With this fast turnaround and short life cycle lasting just 3-4 weeks, populations can skyrocket pretty quickly.

Signs of Fungus Gnats

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Gnats

Dealing with Fungus Gnats in Houseplants

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