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HomeFungusHow To Get Rid Of Long Term Toenail Fungus

How To Get Rid Of Long Term Toenail Fungus

Causes And Solutions: Toenail Fungus

Getting Rid of Stubborn Fungal Toenails of a Long-Term Diabetic (Trimming, Shaping, & Treatment Plan)

Fungal infections can happen to anyone and anywhere. Some people have fungal infections in their hair, organs or even toenails.

The most common fungal infection is seen in the toenails. A fungus is very common and everyone has it in their bodies, but when a fungus multiples and fungi begin to thrive, you may have a serious toenail infection.

Although it may appear to be ugly, it is harmless till it spreads to your bloodstream.

Most people treat toenail fungus because it looks bad and can be painful sometimes. It may even be a danger to your health if it reaches the bloodstream.

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Sets With Creams And A Nail Scraper

Treatment sets that contain two creams and a nail scraper can also be used for the topical treatment of nail fungus:

  • One cream has urea in it, which softens the nail so it can be removed.
  • The other cream contains bifonazole, which has an antifungal effect.

For this treatment, the affected toe or finger first has to be soaked in warm water for ten minutes and then dried. After that, the urea-based cream is applied to the nail, and the nail is covered with an adhesive bandage. After 24 hours, the bandage is removed and the toe or finger is held in warm water again. The softened layer of the nail is then scraped off using a spatula, the cream is applied again and the nail is covered with a new bandage. This treatment is carried out over 14 days. Once the infected part of the nail has been scraped away completely, the skin beneath is treated for another four weeks with a bifonazole cream.

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Tea Tree Oil And Castor Oil

With natural antiseptic and antifungal properties, castor oil and tea tree oil for nail fungus have been used for centuries. Undiluted tea tree oil can be applied directly to affected nails to help kill fungus ten minutes after application, gently massage the oil into the nail using an old toothbrush.

When applied to surrounding skin, tea tree oil is best diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil. Continue to use daily until several weeks after new nail growth has occurred to prevent the fungus from returning.

Treatment For Fingernail Fungus


There are many treatment options for fingernail fungus. You can choose an over-the-counter solution or a home remedy. Again, the best way to treat a fungus is to catch it early. At any stage, though, you must address it fully. Never stop a treatment solution before the fungus is completely gone. You should also refrain from applying fake or gel nails until the fungus has cleared up.

Lets take a look at some of the most popular ways to get rid of fingernail fungus caused by fake nails.

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Foot Fungus: Causes And Risk Factors

A foot fungus is a fungal infection of the skin, better known as athletes foot, says Sundling. The fungus enters through cracks in the skin. Its known as athletes foot because athletes or anyone who is more active and sweats a lot is more at risk. Kids are also more at risk, because they dont tend to wear different shoes, and changing your shoes is one way to avoid foot fungus.

Foot fungus is very common. It does not mean that someone is dirty or didnt bathe, and if you have a compromised immune system, you may be more susceptible, says Sundling.

Over The Counter Medication

While some over the counter medications are effective enough to be given as prescriptions, other OTC medications have limited effects on disease. They might help for mild to moderate cases, but they arent usually effective on severe ones. If used incorrectly and without guidance, they might even prove to be ineffective and produce unforeseen side effects. However, a dermatologist can tell you whether or not these can be effective for you. Here are some OTC medications that may or may not be included in a treatment plan given by one of our dermatologists:

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Treatments For Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus can be difficult to treat, and getting rid of it can take a long time. Ointments, antifungal pills and laser treatments can be used. The treatments are similar for children and adults, but it can be hard to keep up with daily regimens in children.

Where to start:

  • Over-the-counter options include applying 100% tea tree oil twice daily for six months. You should see improvement in the infection, appearance and symptoms. Most topical treatments take at least this long to work because a new, uninfected nail must come in.
  • Tea tree oil cures fungal toenail infection in about 18% of people who try it. It also improves nail appearance and symptoms in up to 60% of patients after six months of treatment.
  • I donât advise soaking your toes in tea tree oil or other solutions meant to kill fungus. This has not been proven to kill nail fungus effectively.
  • Prescription strength topicals and antifungal pills. Like any medication, these can have negative side effects. Antifungal pills have the highest cure rate at 80%, but theyâre often left for difficult cases. We keep an eye on liver function when these pills are used.
  • If more treatment is needed:

  • See a podiatrist . If you try an over-the-counter treatment and donât see any improvement after two months, consider making an appointment. A podiatrist can confirm that you have toenail fungus and make sure youâre getting the right treatment.
  • Laser Procedure For Toenail Fungus Under The Nails

    Cheesy Fungal Toenails: Trimming Long Toenails

    Using a laser directly on the toenails helps to reach those areas underneath and inside the nail. This is because the type of light used can penetrate through the tough layers of the nails. Laser procedures are very convenient because they can be completed in under 10 minutes per foot.

    The PinPointe foot laser is FDA-approved for the temporary increase of clear nail in patients with onychomycosis.

    This machine can be used on almost all patients because it has virtually no side effects. In one study, over 83% of people who received three sessions with a laser and improved their foot hygiene had no fungi after 18-months.

    Some people start to see visible improvement after just one visit, although you may need to return a small number of times for follow-up.

    The laser works by targeting the fungi without hurting your skin and nails. Its designed to be at the right level to penetrate your nail and damage the infecting fungi, while not being too high to cause burning or pain for your feet. Most people dont feel anything, or they just feel a warming sensation.

    At the time of the procedure, the toenail will usually not become instantly clearit takes time to grow out. As long as your infection is treated and you dont get re-infected, you should see new healthy, clear nail as it grows out within 12-18 months.

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    Inaccurate Liquid To Powder Mix Ratio

    Too Wet makes little bubbles that will certainly expand in dimension in time. Too Dry catches air in the completely dry powder and also typically gives in as well thick of a first application. Suggestion: A typical, healthy fluid to powder proportion is 1.5 to 1, specifically. You could have to re-calibrate your fluid to powder use to represent seasonal moisture and also temperature level modifications.

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    Toenail Fungus: Causes And Risk Factors

    Toenail fungus is a fungal infection in the toenail. It happens when a fungus anything from mold to yeast to other types of fungus gets in the nail bed from a cut or break in the nail or repetitive trauma to the nail, and penetrates the nail itself, says Dr. Sundling. The nail then continues to grow with the fungus. Once a nail plate is infected with fungus, it will never not be infected, and you must wait to see how it grows out and whether the new nail growing behind it is healthy. The new nail rarely grows in healthy without treatment, says Sundling.

    Toenail fungus is very common 14 percent of people have it in North America, according to an article published in the journal PLoS Pathogens and its more common the older you get, adds Sundling. Wearing shoes that are too small can damage the nail and make it more vulnerable to fungus, as can having a fungal infection on the skin of the foot and not treating it, which could expose the nail to fungus. You may be more at risk to toenail fungus if you have diabetes, or a weaker immune system.

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    How Do I Know If I Have A Fungal Nail Infection

    Because other infections can affect the nail and mimic symptoms of a fungal nail infection, the only way to confirm a diagnosis is to see a doctor. Theyll take a scraping of the nail and look under a microscope for signs of fungus.

    In some cases, your doctor may send the sample to a lab for analysis and identification.

    Over-the-counter products arent usually recommended to treat nail infections since they dont provide reliable results. Instead, your doctor may prescribe an oral antifungal medication, such as:

    Causes Of Toenail Fungus


    Well, essentially its an imbalance of bad bacteria to good bacteria in your body. Just like with other health conditions that stem from gut-related problems, when you dont have enough good bacteria living within your gut, you wind up developing high levels of yeast and fungus in your body that can show up on your skin.

    Besides poor gut health, other risk factors that can tip the scale in terms of an infection forming include:

    • Having athletes foot
    • Coming into contact with fungi, for example in nail salons, contaminated swimming pools, gyms and saunas
    • Damaged nail beds
    • Wearing dirty or tight shoes
    • Skin conditions, such as psoriasis
    • Circulation problems in the legs, from existing conditions like diabetes or artery disease
    • A weakened immune system
    • Genetic predisposition

    In particular, fungal nail infections can be caused by three different types of fungus, either by themselves or in combination:

  • Dermatophytes fungus that grows on the skin, hair and nails but dont penetrate tissues of the body. Athletes foot or Trichophyton rubrum is the most common dermatophyte and can actually infect the toenails. Infection can also begin by touching objects that have dermatophytes on them, such as nail clippers, nail files, socks, shoes, shower floors, etc. Dermatophytes are the cause of most fungal toenail infections.
  • Molds referred to as nondermatophytes, its a type of fungus that often grows in soil and may grow on the skin and nails. Its not usually transferred between people.
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    Ways To Safely Treat Toenail Fungus At Home

    Stocksy/Design by Cristina Cianci

    Toenail fungus sounds funky, but believe it or not, its much more common than you think. Thats because the pesky foot issuewhich most often presents as yellowing, cracking, and thickening of the nailscan be caused by everything from slower-growing nails and excessive sweating to athletes foot and walking barefoot in communal areas such as pools, shower rooms, gyms, and the like.

    Most infections are caused by tinea species, but can involve harder-to-treat species of dermatophytes,â says Francisco Oliva, DPM. He adds that infections usually occur when theres a combination of issues affecting the toenail. Sometimes there is an injury to the nail at some point, he explains. The effects can be delayed for months and years. Once the fungus invades the nail, the keratin layer of the nail becomes a difficult barrier to penetrate.

    When To See A Doctor

    In most cases, toenail fungus is considered a cosmetic problem. Still, it may cause serious complications for some people.

    If you have diabetes, toenail fungus may lead to foot ulcers or other foot problems. According to a 2012 study, chronic toenail fungus is a significant risk factor for bacterial cellulitis of the leg.

    If you have diabetes or a weakened immune system, you shouldnt use home remedies for toenail fungus. Contact your doctor for the appropriate course of action.

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    Are There Any Side

    No, Kerasal doesnt have any side-effects usually. In rare cases, long-term uses of Kerasal can impact your health. When Kerasal is absorbed through your skin, it may cause dizziness, vomiting, diarrhoea, trouble in breathing, and hearing loss.

    Avoid smoking till the gel is dry as it can be inflammable too. Do not topically apply this medicine on or in your . If irritation persists around the toenail or the affected skin, wash it immediately and contact a doctor.

    The Nail Fungus And Candida Connection

    Ram’s Horn Toenail: Severe Fungal Toenail

    So what exactly is Candida, and how does it become a problem? You might be surprised to learn that Candida is a type of yeast naturally present in small quantities in your mouth and intestines. It helps you digest and absorb the nutrients from your food. However, when it overgrows and gets out of control it can lead to a variety of symptoms, from skin issues such as nail fungus, itching, psoriasis, and rashes, to brain fog, chronic fatigue, mood issues, bloating, constipation, seasonal allergies, and even autoimmune conditions.7

    Candida overgrowth can be triggered by any number of factors. For example, a round of antibiotics may kill off the good bacteria that keep yeast in check, allowing Candida to gain control of your intestines. Lifestyle factors may also contribute to yeast overgrowth in your gut. Diets high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol feed the yeast naturally present in your body. While factors such as birth control pills or a high-stress lifestyle may disrupt the delicate balance of your gut flora, providing the ideal environment for yeast to flourish and manifest as a fungal infection.

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    What Are Treatments For Toenail Fungus

    Do you need to treat your nail fungus? Maybe it doesn’t hurt, and the yellow, thick nails don’t bother you.

    But nail fungus doesn’t go away by itself. And if you don’t treat it, there’s a chance it could get worse. It could spread to other nails or through your body. It could cause pain when you walk.

    There are a number of ways to take care of it, including:

    Nonprescription options. You can buy antifungal creams, gels, and nail polish at the store and online without a prescription. You might want to try one of them first if the infection doesn’t look bad. Some people also swear by home remedies like menthol rub, tea tree oil, mouthwash, or snakeroot extract — but studies show mixed results.

    Prescription polish and creams. Your foot doctor will likely trim your nail and file away its dead layers. They may also take a piece of your nail and send it to the lab to make sure itâs really a fungus and to find out what type it is.

    The doctor might suggest an antifungal drug that you paint on your nails. This may work on its own, or they may suggest you take it with antifungal pills.

    Prescription medications. One of several antifungal pills may help. They work, but it may take many months to do the job. They also come with side effects like nausea, vomiting, and headaches. They may cause liver damage too, so your doctor will watch you closely while you take them. Be sure to tell them about any other meds youâre taking — some antifungal pills might not work well with them.

    Toe Fungus: Dont Ignore It

    If you have toe fungus, you should consult a podiatrist. If this is the case, the fungus can spread to other toes if not treated promptly. Board-certified dermatologists are skilled in diagnosing and treating skin, hair, and nails. If you have a fungal nail infection that you are concerned about, it is best to consult with a physician.

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    When To See A Bethesda Md Or Springfield Va Podiatrist

    If you try several of these remedies and see no results, its time to see a podiatrist. Toenail fungus is notoriously stubborn, so dont be too surprised if home remedies dont quite work. It can also take quite a long time for these home remedies to work because you have to continue doing them consistently until the new nail has fully grown out.

    If youve tried the homeopathic route and arent satisfied with the results, you can always come see Bethesda, MD & Springfield, VA Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross! If you have moderate to severe foot fungus, it is recommended that you see a doctor anyway because there can be complications if the infection is left untreated. Call us at . We offer same day appointments if you dont want to wait.

    The Podiatry Centers treat all medical and surgical foot and ankle conditions. Licensed Bethesda, MD Podiatrist, Dr. Paul Ross can help bring you foot and ankle pain relief.

    Our Bethesda, Maryland and Springfield, Virginia Podiatry offices offer the most effective and state-of-the-art, quality podiatry care services with a smile to patients in our local community, including: Woodbridge VA, Fairfax VA, Annandale VA, Arlington VA, Alexandria VA, Burke VA, Gaithersburg MD, Potomac MD, Silver Spring MD, Rockville MD and Chevy Chase MD.

    Return to a pain-free life and get back to the things you love!


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