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How To Remove Fungus From Lawn

Lawn Fungus Problem Solved

Lawn Care Tips : How to Remove Grass Fungus

Ever notice brown patches on your otherwise beautiful green lawn? Your lawn may have Lawn Fungus. Lawn Fungus can be caused by over watering, humidity, drought, pest waste, and/or substandard lawn care. And with monsoon season upon us, your grass is more susceptible to fungus.

Here are some tips to help prevent fungus from infecting your lawn: Water early in the day, allowing the daytime to dry your grass Sharpen and disinfect your mower blades, ragged grass blades are more susceptible to fungus Remove no more than 1/3 of the grass height, this weakens or stresses your grass Dont under or over fertilize both can increase the risk of the disease If already infected, you made need to apply a topical fungicide to your lawn Brown Patch, Dollar Spot and Fairy Ring are common in Las Vegas

First Choice Tree Service has licensed Plant Health Care Techs that can apply a fungicide treatment to bring your lawn back to its full beauty. Give us a call today at 702-564-1998 to schedule your appointment.

Pssst Now is also the time to treat for grubs that are feasting on the roots of trees, plants and turf!

Should I Water My Grass If It Has Fungus

It is important to treat the Fungus right away so that it does not spread throughout your lawn. It is recommended that you only water your lawn as much as it needs to be watered. Do not water more than once a week. Do not use chemical sprays or fertilizers to control the fungus.

Instead, use a fungicide such as Fungicide-Free Lawn Fertilizer, which is available at most garden centers and garden supply stores. This product is safe to use on lawns that have been treated with other fungicides, but it may not be effective on grass that is not treated. If you are unsure about the effectiveness of this product, contact your local garden center for more information.

Adequate Sunlight And Air Circulation

If your lawn isnt getting enough sun, this could be the reason theres fungus presence. The same applies to air circulation. If your lawn isnt getting enough air, this could also contribute to the growth of fungi.

To ensure adequate sunlight and air circulation, make sure there are no obstacles blocking the sun or the flow of air. This includes trees, shrubs, and buildings. You should also avoid overcrowding your lawn with too much furniture or other objects

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Feed Your Lawn Regularly

Nutrient deficiencies can weaken grass plants, so feed at least 4 times per year with Scottsî Turf Builderî Lawn Foods. A nourished lawn is better able to fend off diseases. To make the whole feeding process simple, sign up for our personalized Scottsî Lawn Care Programyouâll get exactly what your lawn needs, right when itâs time to apply it, delivered to your doorstep. You can also for your smartphone to customize and track your personal lawn care program.

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Abc Can Keep Your Yard Healthy

Best fungus control for lawns

Yard fungus is unsightly and hard to diagnose and treat on your own. The professionals at ABC Home & Commercial Services can help you determine what is affecting your yard and the best methods to treat any kind of condition so you not only protect your beautiful lawn from dying but also protect your investment of time and money. Well cut out the guesswork for you so you can focus on enjoying your outdoor spaces.

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What Does Fungus Look Like On A Lawn

It starts as yellow, tan, or brown in the grass. It consists of rings that grow over time with a difference in diameter and will quickly fill your lawn with patches. Fungus is a fungal infection that can be caused by a number of different fungi, such as Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus, Trichoderma spp., and others.

The most common fungi that cause fungus in lawns are the Ascomycetes. These fungi are responsible for the majority of lawn fungus infections. Other fungi can also cause lawn fungi infections, but they are less common and are not as likely to cause damage to the turf.

Cultural Ways To Prevent Lawn Fungus

Following the correct cultural practices are a great way to reduce problems associated with fungus and disease and also will make you less likely to have to rely on fungicides:

  • Feed your lawn regularly and keep the nutrients balanced
  • Mow taller, more often, and with sharp blades
  • Follow the important summer lawn care tips found here: Summer Lawn Care
  • Bag your clippings! I know this causes a lot of controversy among landscape professionals but personally Im a big advocate of collecting your clippings. See my rant about this here: Leave Clippings on Lawn or Not?
  • Avoid watering at night. Night watering keeps your lawn too wet for too long and fungi can thrive under these conditions.
  • Use slow release fertilizers low in nitrogen and high in potassium during seasonal transitions. Synthetic fertilizers that are high in nitrogen will encourage quick blade growth. This is fine for when conditions are ideal, but during seasonal transitions when the lawn is stressed you want to minimize blade growth and allow the grass to focus on overall health and combatting disease. Using a product such as Stress Blend 7-0-20 is a great fertilizer to apply leading up to period of stress for your lawn. The increase in potassium is what helps aid in the overall health of your grass.

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How To Identify & Treat Lawn Fungus

Grass, just like any plant, can be afflicted with fungal diseases. Fungal diseases spread through fungus spores that usually do nothing to grass. However, under the right conditions, these fungal pathogens can spread and cause disease.

There isnt just one type of fungal disease, either: there are dozens, and some types of fungal disease are more common in some areas than others. For this reason, its important to understand what fungal infections can be hurting your grass, how they spread, and how to prevent them.

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How To Tell If Your Lawn Has Fungus

Stop Lawn Fungus From Growing in Your Lawn (4 Easy Steps)

The most important step when you spot fungus or another problem on your lawn is to correctly identify the specific type of disease thats present. Different lawn issues have different causes and symptoms, and treating your grass for the wrong thing could only lead to more damage not to mention, youll still have to deal with the original issues. Before you invest in a treatment, therefore, take the time to closely examine the issue or better yet, get a professional to identify the disease so you know exactly what youre dealing with and choose the right treatment the first time.

There are a number of signs to watch out for that indicate a problem with your lawn, and some of them are more obvious than others. In most cases, discoloration is the most obvious sign, as grass will turn yellow, tan, or brown in spots. Keep in mind, though that its not always a disease that can cause this. Higher than normal temperatures, inadequate watering, and insects can also cause dead or dying areas, only underscoring the need for adequate identification.

Assuming that everything else is normal, discoloration is just one sign that your lawn is sick. Brown patches not attributable to pets, slimy patches of grass, a film covering the grass and spots on individual blades of grass are all signs of an issue. While specific fungi and lawn diseases have unique signs, some of the most common types of disease and fungus include:

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Simple Treatment And Prevention Strategy

Heres the deal for cool season lawns you should mostly be concerned about fungus in late spring/early summer. Thats when your lawn is most vulnerable and fungus can overtake your lawn and kill infected areas.

For prevention, apply Scotts DiseaseEx in late spring/early summer before the real heat kicks in. Apply at 2-3 lbs per 1000 s/f. to your entire lawn.

If youre already starting to see disease pop up then apply with the curative rate of 3-4lbs per 1000 s/f rate, and apply whenever you notice that your lawn is infected, even if its early spring. Diseases such as Red Thread and Leaf Spot can hit cool season lawns before the summer hits so always be on the lookout since early intervention is so key in combatting disease.

Also, for a curative treatment have the Propiconazole in a tank sprayer on hand just in case you see signs of disease. Some diseases are widespread, while others may appear as specific patches. If you notice specific problem areas, or patches, then spot treat those areas with Propiconazole mixed at the curative rate of 2 oz per 1 gallon of water. If you see a widespread fungus such as leaf spot throughout your lawn, then spray your entire lawn with the Propiconazole. Just note that you should wait a couple days after applying Scotts DiseaseEx before spraying Propiconazole. If disease problems continue I would do a follow up treatment with the Propiconazole about 20 days later.

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Mix The Grass Species

If your lawn has one species of grass like St. Augustine, it is a vulnerability for fungal infestation and spread increases. Part of the remedy to controlling them is by mixing grass species. However, ensure the turf species youve chosen have similar growing conditions. For example, if you live in a region favoring the Kentucky Bluegrass growing conditions, mix it up with tall fescue or ryegrass.

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What Is Grass Rust And What Causes It

Grass rust is not a single lawn disease but rather a name for several species of a fungus called Puccinia or Uromyces. The yellowish-orange dots that you see on grass blades are actually the spores of this fungus, which is how it reproduces.

The fungus spreads when animals or humans pick up the spores on the skin, fur, or clothing and move them to an uninfected location. Although spores need to be present for the infection to start, certain weather conditions make this fungal disease much more likely.

Lawn rust is most likely to develop in the summer or early fall when temperatures are warm and humidity is high. According to the University of Illinois Extension Agriculture Program, here are some specific conditions that contribute to the growth of rust fungus:

  • A season of excessive, heavy rain that depletes soil nitrogen
  • Cool nights with heavy dew and frequent rainfall
  • Cloudy, humid weather followed by hot, sunny weather
  • Low soil nitrogen and low water availability that leads to slow growth

Can Grass Fungus Go Away On Its Own

Bayer Advanced Fungus Control for Lawns

When left uncontrolled, the fungus will spread to the rest of the lawn, destroying the efforts youve put to ensuring your lawn stays healthy. Consequently, it wont disappear or reduce unless you treat it naturally, organically or chemically. Treating your lawn for fungi should start as soon as you notice the unusual signs pointing to an infestation.

Remember, beneficial fungi are a key ingredient your lawn needs for healthy growth. That means fungi will remain in the soil even after successful treatment.

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What Is Grass Rust And How To Remove It

If you take a walk through your yard and come out with your shoes covered in a substance that looks like orange or brown dust, your lawn may have come down with a case of grass rust. This condition is caused by a fungus and although it can look serious, it is relatively easy to treat. Well explain what grass rust is and how to remove it, and then well recommend our picks for the best professional lawn care services to keep your grass looking green and healthy.

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Can I Spray Lawn Fungus Myself

There are lawn fungicide products sold at big box stores and hardware stores for the DIYer. However, you need to find the product thats rated specifically for your lawn disease in order for it to be effective. That means that you need to make a proper diagnosis as to what type of lawn fungus youre dealing with. You also need to make sure that you apply it properly. When homeowners start thinking about everything involved, they often decide theyd rather just let a professional handle it. Professional lawn fungicides are also going to be more powerful.

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Improve Soil Air Circulation

Improving the air circulation around your yard and soil will reduce humidity and reduce the time it takes for the turf to dry out, which further negates the conditions needed by brown patch fungus to spread. Air circulation can be improved by aerating the lawn and dethatching to reduce the thatch layer at the soils surface, as well as pruning back any large trees, shrubs, or other foliage that may be blocking the flow of air around your yard.

How To Treat Lawn Fungus Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Rust Disease/Fungus In The Lawn
  • A waterlogged lawn is a conducive breeding ground for fungi. While your lawn may look lush and green, eventually, its almost inevitable, that you may need to apply natural fungal control measures, as part of your lawn care routine.

    However, the success of fungi control using natural methods depends on the severity of the infestation, grass type, and your routine lawn care practices.

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    What Is A Natural Remedy For Lawn Fungus

    Organic solutions can be highly effective if applied early and to all affected areas. A few of our favorite natural remedies include neem oil, weak baking soda solutions, and composted tea leaves. None of these solutions are as effective against the advanced fungal spread as professionally applied fungicides but can still be a useful tool in your lawn maintenance routine.

    When To Apply Fungicide On Lawns: Experts Weigh In

    Homeowners lead busy lives, with a seemingly endless list of things that need to be done at any given time. Faced with the reality of juggling work, home and recreation, its easy for your lawn to become an afterthought.

    As much as we wish this wasnt the case, healthy and well-manicured lawns dont take care of themselves. First, you need to make sure your grass is getting the amount of water and sunshine it needsand not too much. Then, you need to make sure you are mowing your grass to the proper height. Although most homeowners stop here, to keep your lawn happy and looking great youll also want to have an understanding of your soil chemistry to determine what nutrients might be lacking.

    What are some of the risks you run if you dont care for your grass? Lawn diseases, weeds and a dead, yellow lawn, just to name a few.

    Lawn fungus can look like brown, patchy grass. What can you do about it?

    Ignore it and hope the situation improves? Choose one of the fungicide treatments and cross your fingers it works? If you decide to ignore the problem and it doesnt go away, you may start researching when to apply fungicide on lawns.

    The short answer to the question is that you should apply a fungicide as soon as disease symptoms are discovered on the lawn. Why? Because while fungicides will destroy any fungus that might be damaging your lawn and stop the fungi from spreading, they cant reverse the damage already caused by the fungus.

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    Lawn Fungus Treatment And Prevention

    There are several things homeowners can do to help treat the fungus and to prevent lawn disease. You might consider taking some of the following steps:

    • If you have grass clippings, fall leaves or other debris sitting in your yard, make sure to remove them so that your yard isnt vulnerable to fungal growth. When you mow, bag your clippings so that you dont spread possibly diseased grass all over your yard.
    • Lawns with high nitrogen levels promote fungus growth, so test your lawns pH before adding fertilizer and add any amendments judiciously.
    • Water deep and infrequently in the mornings so that the grass and soil have time to dry.
    • Aerate your yard annually.
    • When mowing, dont take more than inch off at each time. Raise the mowing height to allow more surface area for your grass blades to take in sunlight.
    • Fungicides will help treat the diseased grass, while pesticides can help get rid of insects that are destroying your yard.
    • Avoid urea-based fungicides when treating take-all patch and take-all root rot.
    • If you have take-all root rot, lowering the pH levels in your yard can sometimes help.
    • Avoid walking through or mowing the diseased area when conditions are wet because there is a greater change you will accidentally spread the fungus to unaffected areas.

    The best treatment for lawn diseases is a combination of turfgrass management and application of the right fungicide at the right times.

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    Do I Need To Treat Lawn Fungus Every Year

    Spectracide Immunox Lawn Fungus Control at Lowes.com

    To answer this, we need to be clear that there are both preventative and curative products. If you want to be proactive in preventing lawn fungus then you do need to treat every year. However, when it comes to curative products, these are only applied when there is an existing infection. These products are more expensive than preventative products, plus you might need to deal with addressing some damage, so many homeowners choose to treat their lawn preventatively.

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