A Few Techniques To Try
Your first attempt at long-nail contact lens removal should be the pinching method. This approach uses your fingertips, and not your nail. Here is the basic idea:
- Push on the opposite sides of the contact lens using the index fingers on either hand. You can angle your nails so that they point away from your eyeball.
- This requires you to use the sides of your fingers or the tips just beneath the nail.
- The goal is to press the lens from either side so that it moves forward and comes out easily. Do not use too much pressure.
- Try a few different configurations of fingertips and various angles. Everyone will find a unique approach that works best for them.
The pinch method is popular because it can be learned quickly and doesnt cause much discomfort. Just make sure to keep track of those lenses and check them for scratches.
Another technique, slightly more advanced, is the rolling method. Heres how it works:
- Use the padded part of your fingertip to gently press the contact lens down to the lower eyelid. Keep the nail angled away from the eye.
- Keep pushing slowly but firmly until the lens comes into contact with the lower eyelid and you start to feel the resistance.
- Add a little bit of extra pressure, and the contact lens will roll out over the eyelid and out of the eye if done correctly.
Ring Finger Index Finger And Middle Finger
Before proceeding, place your lens on your middle finger. With your index finger pull your eyelid up and with your ring finger, pull your lower lid down.
As you do this and with your eye wide open, gently place the lens that is already on your middle finger.
Do not worry the lens will fall off your finger on the way the liquid it has been in prior will help it stick to your finger.
Unable To Remove Contacts With Long Nails
Ive now had contacts for over 15 years and have gotten mostly used to touching my eyes on the daily.; But there is one thing I was never able to solve how to remove contact lenses when you have long nails.
To be honest I didnt worry about this for a long while. The square and squoval shapes that were popular during my high school years never had any appeal to me.;
Fast forward to the present day however and I am in love with the ballerina/coffin nails.;
And so I have been facing a dilemma for the past couple of yearshow to get my coveted nails without ripping my cornea off every night?
I practiced with press on nails but always had to end up either cutting them or removing them completely at bedtime. I tried lots of different finger holds but just couldnt get a good grip.
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When To Get Medical Help
If you think theres a problem with your lenses take your lenses out and go to your prescriber.
Get advice straight away by calling 111 if you have:
- blurred vision
- painful, red or swollen eyes
- a white or yellow spot over the coloured part of your eye
Page last reviewed: 28 May 2020 Next review due: 28 May 2023
Always wash your hands with a mild soap and dry with a lint-free towel before handling your lenses.
Clean, rinse and disinfect your lenses each time you remove them.
Always handle the same lens first to avoid mixing up the right and left lenses.
Remember to handle your lenses gently.
Removing the lens from your eye
Contact Lens Care
- Clean, rinse, and disinfect your contact lenses after each time you wear them
- Clean contact lens case after every use with warm soapy water, and let air dry or dry with clean paper towel
- Use fresh solution every day. Never top up existing solution as the lenses will not get properly disinfected
Additional Information
Never sleep in your contact lenses
-Avoid Hot tubs and swimming with contacts lenses in
Sleeping in contacts, using eye drops that get the red out, and more bad habits that can lead to serious eye problems when contact lens wearers are careless
Contact Lens Insertion Process
- Wash and dry your hands. You should try to use a non-perfumed anti-bacterial soap and dry your hands with a lint-free towel.
- Place lens right side up on your finger. Your lens should rest gently on your fingertip like a small bowl.
- Inspect your contact lens. It is a good idea to get in the habit of checking your contact lenses any time you go to insert them. You should always check to make sure your lens is not torn or damaged, and that there is nothing stuck to the lens before you put it in your eye.
- Use your other hand to keep eyelids spread apart. Gently hold your upper eyelid open with one finger and then carefully pull your lower eyelid down using your other fingers. You want to make sure you dont blink during the insertion process and you dont want your eyelashes to get in the way.
- Place the lens on your eye while keeping both eyes open. Slowly move your finger with the contact lens towards your eye, and look upwards as you make contact.
- Slowly release lower eyelid, then the upper eyelid. Close your eyes for a moment to allow the lens to settle into place.
- Blink slowly a few times and take a moment to test your focus. Look at several different objects that are varying distances away to help check that your contact lens is properly situated on your eye.
- Repeat procedure for your other eye.
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Using Only One Finger
This is similar to one of the ways to put lenses on. Choose one finger and simply remove the lens.
It will naturally stick to your finger and will separate from your eye.
Wash your hands thoroughly beforehand as the contact with your skin is direct.
Whichever method you opt for, be careful not to accidentally hurt your eye with your long nail!
Reasons For Choosing Contact Lenses
Each wearer has a different reason for using contact lenses. However, in our experience the major reasons why our customers want the option of contact lenses in addition to glasses are:
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People Reveal Simple Trick To Take Contacts Out Without Using Your Hands
Anyone who wears contact lenses knows the struggle of getting them in and out, as your eyes often stream and your nails scratch your eyeball.
But it turns out there’s a much simplerand quickerway to remove them without using your fingers, perfect if they’re not clean or you’ve been chopping chillies.
A lens-wearer , which has gone viral after a fellow user shared the clip while testing out the method.
Mahea Ramos uploaded a video on Monday, which has since been viewed more than 45 million times.
Ramos follows a step-by-step guide posted by Lalaleluu, who demonstrates the technique.
First you need to keep your eyelids open, then look to one side and blink, which should force your contact out.
Lalaleluu, who took both of hers out in the short video, explains: “You pull up and down, you look to the side and then you blink. That worked so well.
“That’s the easiest way to take out contacts. I’m so proud of myself. I still struggle with putting them in, but I’m a master of taking them out now. Hope that helped.”
Ramos followed suit and her lens popped out with minimal effort, as she looked shocked.
She captioned the video: “The way I struggled with taking out contacts all these years.”
Scores of lens wearers have thanked the pair for widely sharing the tip, with Vicky writing: “I’ve been wearing contacts for 5+ years and just struggle taking them out whenever I get my nails done, why isn’t this more well known, thank you.”
How Does The One By One Program Work
Once youve collected your old contacts, blister packs and foil, you can pick one of two recycling paths:
Take the waste to a local eye doctors office. Find a vision practice near you participating in the contact lens recycling program. At this time, drop-off locations arent available in Alaska and Hawaii.
Ship it to TerraCycle. If you go the shipping route, youll place the waste in a sealed cardboard box and then drop off the box at a UPS location or schedule a pickup from your home. Free shipping labels are available.
You dont need to wash the contact-lens waste before you recycle it, but you should be sure the blister packs are free of liquid.
Once received, the contact lenses and blister packs are separated and cleaned, Bausch + Lomb says.
The metal layers of the blister packs are recycled separately, while the contact lenses and plastic blister pack components are melted into plastic that can be remolded to make recycled products.
Fortunately, the program accepts used contact lenses and other contact-lens recyclables from any manufacturer, not just Bausch + Lomb.
For every qualifying shipment weighing at least 2 pounds, Bausch + Lomb will donate $1 per pound to Optometry Giving Sight, a global fundraising initiative that seeks to prevent blindness and impaired vision.
Think of recycling your contact lenses as a win-win with little effort on your part. Your contact lenses and their packaging are recycled, and youre helping programs to prevent blindness.
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How To Remove Contacts With Long Nails
When you start wearing contacts, it takes some getting used to at first. For most contact-wearing people, its a relief to have them.
It may seem like a lot of work at first, but it pays off. Once you start wearing them, you will feel the relief. Many people are opposed to wearing contacts because they believe they can get a lot of eye infections.
Thats simply not true but you have to be careful around your eyes and the cleanliness of your contacts. If you pay extra good care of both, its not likely that you will get an eye infection.
On the other hand, removing contacts with long nails opens so many other risks when it comes to contacts. Since the nails are long, you can damage the contact or your cornea with the nail by accident.
So, if youre beginning to wear contacts, wed advise you to get rid of the long nails until you figure out your way around contacts. It can be too hard at first, and you may end up hating contacts for no reason.
And there is no real reason why would you hate wearing contacts they are very convenient and easy to use even if it doesnt seem that way initially. For beginners, it would be best to keep your nails clipped for a while, but later on, there is no reason why you should give up wearing acrylics altogether!
Having said that, there are a few methods of removing contacts we found for you to make your life easier. We recommend that you try all of the methods before you settle on one that works best for you!
Inspect Your Lenses First
Always inspect your contact lenses before putting them in your eyes. Give them a once over to check for rips, chips or jagged edges. If you see any issues, throw the lens away and start over with a new one. Its good to have a backup supply on hand in case something like this happens.
Its a smart idea to contact the manufacturer if most of your new lenses have damage. You can also try and switch up the contacts brand. Talking to your doctor can point you in the right direction.
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How To Take Out Your Contact Lenses
Youve mastered putting them in, but what about taking them out again? Have a look at this video about removing your lenses .
1 Before you do anything, make sure you wash and dry your hands.
2 Look straight into the mirror, tilt your head down slightly and pull your lower eyelid down.
3 Using your finger move the lens down onto the white of your eye and then gently pinch it out.
4 Now just repeat on the other eye. Simple.
Makeup Tips For Contact Lens Wearers
Makeup Brushes by o5com
As a contact lens wearer, you can safely wear eye makeup to complement the beauty of your eyes. To prevent eye makeup from irritating your eyes or damaging your contact lenses, follow these safeguards:
Use cosmetics that are designed specifically for contact lens wearers.
These products are free of nylon and rayon fibers and mica articles that can flake off in your eyes and damage your contact lenses. Theyre water-soluble for easy removal; and theyre hypoallergenic, so youre less likely to experience a sensitivity reaction to them.
Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before inserting your contact lenses. Avoid soaps containing oils, fragrances, dyes, and anti-bacterial or anti-fungal agents. These substances can remain on your fingers and contaminate your contact lenses.
Insert your contact lenses before you apply makeup. This prevents makeup on your hands from getting on your hands from getting on your contact lenses and it allows you to see better when applying makeup.
Apply mascara only to the tips of your eyelashes and never use mascara as eyeliner. Apply eyeliner outside your eyelashes, never to the inside rim of your eyelids. This will help prevent the mascara wand from accidentally brushing your eye or contact lens and will help prevent your eye makeup from flaking off into your eyes. Eyeliner on the inside rim of the lids can plug oil glands and lead to infection.
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Tips For Comfortable Wearing
Have a look through some of our top tips for wearing your contact lenses comfortably.
- Wash and dry your hands before handling your lenses or touching your eye
- Stop wearing your lenses if your eyes become red or sore contact us for advice
- Clean your lens case regularly and allow it to air dry
- Check that the prescription on the lens packaging is correct
- Check your contact lens solution instructions before use
- Insert your lenses before applying eye make-up Return for all the aftercare visits recommended by your optician
- Contact us if you have any concerns or queries, however trivial they may seem
- Stop wearing your lenses if your eyes become red or sore contact us for advice
- Throw away your lenses after the recommended period
- Clean your lens case regularly and allow it to air dry
- Replace your lens case regularly Replace the tops of solution bottles after use
- Use fresh solution to store your lenses
- Dispose of solution bottles after the recommended period
Tips For Easy Removal
- Keep your nails short. Until you master removing your contact lenses you may want to keep your fingernails short. This will help you avoid scratching and damaging your eyes.
- Take your makeup off first. You should always remove your makeup before you remove your contact lenses. This will help you avoid contaminating the lenses.
- Consider a plunger. If you are having trouble removing your contact lenses you may want to talk to your optometrist about a plunger. These small devices can be used to touch your contact lens and remove it directly from your eye. However, if you do use a plunger make sure it only comes in contact with your contact lenses, not the surface of your eye.
- Make sure your eye is moist. If you are having trouble getting your contact lens out because your eye is dry dont panic. Instead, simply use some eye drops to lubricate your eye and then remove the lens.
- Close the drain. If you are removing your contact lenses over a sink you should make sure to close the drain stopper. This will prevent your lens from getting lost if you happen to drop it.
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Are Contacts Hard To Put In And Take Out
Yes, putting your contacts in can be really easy. All it needs is a bit of practice and patience and youll be a seasoned wearer in no-time. Watch our video tutorials for different methods for applying your contacts and find the one that works for you or speak to your optician at your next eye test.
Can I Remove Contact Lenses With Cotton Buds
The simple answer is NO.The chance of introducing bacteria and foreign bodies in to the eye increases by using implements such as cotton buds, the fibres can easily come loose and remain in the eye, causing irritation, add to that that you lose sensation when using a cotton bud so it every easy to apply too much pressure and cause your eye to become red and inflamed.;
It has been known for contact lens wearers to use Q-tip to remove contact lenses but this is not a practice we can condone, your fingertips;really are your best way of removing contact lenses
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