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HomeFungusHow To Treat Severe Nail Fungus

How To Treat Severe Nail Fungus

Trim The Nail Is Much As Possible:

  • In order to heal the toenail fungus, you must get rid of the conditions that allow the toenail fungus to lift.
  • If you use toenail cutters and and nail file, you can get rid of about 95% of your toenail. Thats not getting good blood flow and is creating a home for the toenail fungus.
  • So even before you start applying any creams or treatment products, get rid of as much of the dead nails possible.
  • As long as your toenail is not bleeding, that means the toenails not getting any blood.
  • These are our favorite products to treat toenail fungus at home.
  • Keratin Granulations are very easily taken care of through moisturizing your nails with cuticle wax, oils and simply avoiding nail polish for a little while.
  • It is not necessary to buy anything expensive or online it is fine simply using a product like Vaseline or any other petroleum oil in most circumstances.
  • So get yourself some petroleum jelly at your corner store and just apply it to your nails at night when you wont be using your hands. In 2 weeks you should be in great shape!
  • Make sure you read the reviews and see if it is good for you!

When Should I Call The Doctor

In rare cases, toenail fungus can cause an infection called cellulitis. Without prompt treatment, cellulitis may pose a serious danger to your health.

You should seek treatment guidance from a trusted healthcare provider if you have:

  • Circulation problems.
  • Redness, pain or pus near the toenail.
  • Weakened immune system.

Which Treatment Is Right For Me

Nail fungus is usually harmless. But many people find discolored or thickened nails unpleasant to look at and want to get rid of the fungus as soon as possible. Fungal nail infections can also spread, and may infect other people. Regardless of the treatment you choose, it will take a while until the nail looks normal again. Its especially important to be patient where toenails are concerned. It can take a year for a healthy big toenail to grow back. Nail fungus can sometimes be very persistent despite treatment. It can also come back after successful treatment.

Topical treatment isnt likely to get rid of a fungal nail infection. Treatment with tablets is considerably more effective and takes less time. But some people cant take tablets because of the very rare, yet serious risks. How you feel about the pros and cons of the different treatment options is a personal matter. You can also discuss the options with your doctor.

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How Do Dermatologists Diagnose Nail Fungus

To find out if a patient has nail fungus, a dermatologist examines your nails and nearby skin. Its important to check the skin because the fungus can spread. You may already have a skin infection caused by fungus like athletes foot.

To get rid of the infection, you will need to treat all infected areas.

Before giving you the diagnosis, your dermatologist may also take some samples. Collecting a bit of debris from beneath a nail, trimming off part your nail, or scraping off a bit of skin can be very helpful. In a lab, these samples can be examined under a microscope to find out whats causing the problem.

Are you hiding an infected nail with nail polish?

Be sure to ask your dermatologist if you can wear nail polish while treating nail fungus.

Can Severe Toenail Fungus Be Cured

Best Listerine for Toenail Fungus in 2021 and Beyond ...

Yes but not by just topical medication!

  • Many people with toenail fungus are never able to successful treat their toenail fungus.
  • It is unfortunate because they desperately try every home remedy and buy expensive topical creams that state they are a miracle cure. But nothing ever works out.
  • This is because they are treating the symptoms of the disease and not the cause.
  • The toenail must become weak and the nail bed must be damaged before the fungus ever enters into the picture.
  • According to current scientific literature, less than 30% of all deformed and thick nails were initially caused by toenail fungus.

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Nail Fungus Treatment Fingernails

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Kill The Fungus And A New Fungus Will Replace It

  • If you attempt to eradicate the fungus, it wont help because the space underneath the nail will still be there.
  • Eventually a new strain of fungus will just enter through the cracks in the tissue and continue to inflame and irritate the area under the nail.
  • This opening and cracking under the nail is initially caused by microtrauma or a systemic disease.

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What Is The Most Effective Treatment For Toenail Fungus

The most effective toenail fungus treatment for you will largely depend on your symptoms and situation. Your provider will consider several factors before recommending a treatment plan thats customized to you.

Overall, oral antifungal medications may offer the most treatment potential. Pairing oral drugs with topical antifungal medication may make treatment more effective.

Best Soak: Purely Northwest Tea Tree Oil Foot & Body Soak

How to Treat Toenail Fungus CORRECTLY | Easy Steps (2021)
  • Relaxes muscles with Epsom and sea salts

  • All-natural solution

  • Essential oils may be potential allergens

If youre looking for an all-natural route to treat toenail fungus, then this foot soak could be for you. Not only is a foot soak a relaxing way to end your day, but the ingredients used in Purely Northwests soak include Epsom salt, sea salt, tea tree oil, and other oils. These ingredients soothe the skin while addressing foot and toenail fungus.

The combined ingredients work to dry out the fungus to prevent it from spreading. Benefits of the soak also include healing cracked feet and soothing aches.

This US-made product has no dyes or synthetic fragrances, making it a great all-natural solution. But results, depending on severity, might take longer to show when using the soak over prescription or over-the-counter treatments.

Active Ingredients: Epsom salt, Dead Sea salt, MSM, and Therapeutic-grade essential oils | Dose: Add 1.5 tablespoons of foot soak mix for every gallon of water. Mix with hands until the salt dissolved. Add additional salts for a more stronger or aromatic foot bath. Soak your feet for About 15-20 minutes. | Uses: Treats fungus all over feet eliminates food odor and aches

  • Great for athletes and gym goers

  • Cleanses and deodorizes

  • Also treats acne, candida, and rashes

  • Fragrant oils may be overwhelming

  • Tea tree and lavender sooth skin

  • Money back guarantee

  • Results can take several weeks

  • Only for toe and fingernail fungus

  • Expensive

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There Is A Wide Range Of Options With Varying Success Rates

Other than keeping your toenails trimmed and perhaps painted, you may not pay much attention to them unless a problem develops. Healthy toenails are pink, shiny and smooth, but a fungal infection can cause them to become discolored, thick, brittle and even painful.

Toenail fungal infection, known as onychomycosis, is a common but challenging condition toenail fungus treatments include a wide range of options with varying success rates.

Causes of toenail fungus

Fungal nail infections are usually caused by fungi called dermatophytes that infect the skin beneath the nail yeast is another common culprit. Toenails are especially vulnerable to infection when your bare feet contact damp surfaces such as showers, swimming pools and locker rooms. If you have athletes foot, the infection can spread to the nails.

Wearing closed shoes such as athletic shoes for extended periods also can contribute to infection if your shoes and/or socks are damp from perspiration or heat. Moreover, if your shoes fit snugly enough to put pressure on your toes, they can damage the nail bed, making it more susceptible to infection.

People with chronic diseases, such as diabetes or circulatory problems, also may be more prone to toenail infections.

Symptoms of toenail fungus

Toenail fungus symptoms can develop slowly over time and may go unnoticed at first. Symptoms can include:

Toenail fungus treatments

  • Tolnaftate
  • Terbinafine

When to see a doctor for toenail fungus

Preventing toenail fungus

Purnail Nail Fungus Remedy Review

PurNail Nail Fungus Remedy is an all-natural alternative to the more aggressive products on the market for treating nail fungus. Rather than taking a powerful anti-fungal by mouth, you can use this topical treatment to help rid yourself of the fungus that is growing under the nail. It will take some time for this treatment to work. though. The product estimates that you will need about a three to four month supply, but if you do not want to take prescription medication or they are not effective for you, then scrubbing on a topical treatment might be the solution that takes care of your embarrassing nail fungus.

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Treating The Fungus With Over

Natural remedy to treat toenail fungus in 2020
  • 1Soften and trim your nails. Keeping your nails short reduces pressure on your toe or finger, relieving pain. Trimming can become difficult when infected nails become thick and hard, however, so you may need to soften them first. Buy a non-prescription lotion containing urea, which can thin and break down the diseased part of the nail plate.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Before bed, cover the infected nail with the lotion and wrap it in a bandage.
  • In the morning, rinse your feet with soap and water to remove the cream. The nails should soon begin to soften enough for you to file or cut them.
  • Look for a 40% urea lotion.
  • 2Buy an antifungal cream or ointment. There are many non-prescription options you may want to try before visiting a doctor. First, file off any white markings on the infected nail, then soak it in water for several minutes. Dry your nails before applying the cream with a cotton swab.
  • Using a cotton swab or other disposable applicator will help prevent the fungus from spreading. Touch the affected area as little as possible.
  • Also Check: Best Polygel Nail Kit With Lamp

    How To Treat Fungal Nail Effectively

    Owing to the high recurrence rate of fungal nail infections, pharmacy professionals should be able to advise patients on effective treatment and preventative and appropriate self-care strategies to avoid re-infection.


    Fungal nail infection is a mycotic infection caused by fungal invasion of the nail structure and is one of the most common nail disorders, representing half of nail abnormalities in adults. Its prevalence in Europe is around 4.3% over all age groups and 15.5% of all nail dystrophies in children. OM is more commonly diagnosed in men and older people, affecting 2050% of people aged over 60 years. An increased incidence among older people may be attributed to multiple factors, including reduced peripheral circulation, diabetes, inactivity, relative immunosuppression, and reduced nail growth and quality. Toenails are affected more commonly than fingernails.

    This article will cover the causes, types and treatment of OM, practical information to help guide patient consultations and when to refer to podiatry.

    Why Diabetics Are The Most Affected

    Fungal infection may be prevalent among those suffering from athletes foot disease, as well as the elderly, but the most vulnerable and susceptible group in the society are people suffering from diabetes. This is because high blood sugar content alters their bodies immunity.

    The severity of the Condition

    The severity of the infection depends on the number of infected nails and the percentage of infection in each infected nail. Going by these criteria, the condition can be said to be either mild, moderate or severe. 28% of infected patients are suffering from a mild infection, 40% from moderate infection, while 32% suffer from severe fungal infection. This is according to a treatment report issued by an independent body.

    Not only are people suffering from diabetes more susceptible to attacks by a fungal infection, but they are also the most at risk to suffer complications of the same, which include foot ulcers, cellulitis, gangrene, infections from bacteria, paronychias, osteomyelitis, and amputation of lower limbs, says Mariam.

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    Do Fungal Nail Infections Occur On Both Hands & Feet

    Treating toenail fungus

    Fungal nail infections tend to affect toenails far more than fingernails. This is because the feet are more often exposed to the kind of environments and surfaces where this type of infection thrives.

    The infection can appear on any part of your nail but usually occurs under the nail plate on the nail bed.

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    Fungal Nail Infection Treatments

    Early treatment of fungal nail infections may prevent damage to or loss of the nail and treatment at any stage may reduce discomfort and improve the nails appearance. However, fungal nail infections can be difficult to treat, and can recur following successful treatment.

    Also, because nails grow slowly, it can take up to a year for the appearance of the nail to return to normal, even if treatment is successful. To check if your fungal infection has been successfully treated, your doctor may make a small scratch on the normal-looking new nail growing from the nail bed. As your nail grows, the appearance of the new nail growing behind the scratch is monitored. If the nail behind the scratch remains normal-looking, the infection has been treated and no further treatment is needed the abnormal nail in front of the scratch just needs to grow out.

    Fingernail infections can generally be cured more quickly and effectively than toenail infections.

    Are Oral Medications For Nail Fungus Toxic

    The newer drugs are unlikely to cause any liver problems in patients without known liver disease. Blood tests are not needed for once-weekly treatment with fluconazole however, people taking longer courses often have their liver function tested before starting the medicine and then retested during the course of treatment. It is important to notify the doctor of all side effects while on the medication. You should tell your doctor of all current medications to prevent potential serious drug interactions.

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    What The Experts Say

    The most common presentation of toenail fungus is a white/yellow discoloration of the nail that is thick and filled with yellow/white keratin debris. The more severe the toenail fungus, the thicker the nail, and the more nails involved makes it that much harder to treat the nails even with effective therapies.”Orit Markowitz, MD, founder and CEO of OptiSkin treatment center in New York City.

    Best Ointment: Fungi Nail Anti

    Toenail fungus treatment
    • Infused with five oils for skin healing

    • Easy-to-use brush applicator

    • Only for mild infections

    • Doesn’t heal the nail plate

    Fungi Nail Antifungal Ointment uses an innovative design to address multiple forms of fungal infections one can find on their feet. Its wide-tip applicator applies the appointment on larger areas of the feet, such as the soles and in-between toes. Then the smaller applicator works to get around the nail cuticles and underneath the nail.

    Once applied, the maximum-strength ointment kills the fungus with the active ingredients of zinc undecylenate and undecylenic acid to help treat toenail fungus. The ointment also soothes itching and burning that can come with an infection, all while healing the skin. For best results, apply twice a day to clean, dry feet.

    The ointment also soothes itching and burning that can come with an infection, all while healing the skin. For best results, apply twice a day to clean, dry feet.

    Active Ingredients: Zinc undecylenate 20% and Undecylenic acid 5% | Dose: Tube and brush applicator delivers the appropriate amount. Apply thin layer on affected area twice daily or as directed by a doctor. | Uses: Treats and prevents fungal infections fights athletes foot and ringworm

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    How To Treat Severe Nail Fungal Infection

    Some people opt not to do anything about their nail fungal infection because they are not bothered by it at all, or at least they have adapted to live with the condition. However, it is recommended that the infection is treated immediately because it might get worse.

    For severe nail fungal infection cases, treatment is necessary. In such cases, the infection may even spread to other parts of the body and will compromise the overall health of the patient.

    Doctors are likely to prescribe oral fungicidal medicines to treat severe nail fungal infections depending on the patients condition, medical history, other ailments, and restrictions. While oral treatments are generally considered effective, but they are slow in delivering results and they come with side effects. Therefore, doctors take into consideration their patients individual health records in prescribing oral fungicidal medications.

    Its not the most common solution, but surgery is also sometimes recommended for extreme cases of onychomycosis. A part of the nail or the entire nail can be removed in the surgery, which can be done in a clinic or in the doctors office. By removing the nail, the fungi infection is also removed, allowing a new and healthy nail to grow back. It takes time for the new one to grow fully, though, and the fungi may even return during the recuperation period.


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