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How To Get Rid Of Fungi Toe Nail

How Do You Get A Fungal Nail Infection

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus! | Dr. Doug Willen

Most fungal nail infections occur as a result of the fungi that cause athlete’s foot infecting the nails.

These fungi often live harmlessly on your skin, but they can sometimes multiply and lead to infections. The fungi prefer warm, dark and moist places like the feet.

You’re more likely to get a fungal nail infection if you:

  • don’t keep your feet clean and dry
  • wear shoes that cause your feet to get hot and sweaty
  • walk around barefoot in places where fungal infections can spread easily, such as communal showers, locker rooms and gyms
  • have damaged your nails
  • have a weakened immune system
  • have certain other health conditions, such as diabetes, psoriasis or peripheral arterial disease

Fungal nail infections can be spread to other people, so you should take steps to avoid this if you have an infection.

What Should You Do For The Best Outcome

Regardless of the recommended course of treatment for fungal nails, one thing always tends to ring true:

The sooner you come for help with fungal toenails, the better your chances of treatment successand the faster you can see results!

Letting the fungus continue to grow and thrive within your toenails will only increase the challenge of fighting it.

You dont even have to wait until your nails are looking that bad to come to see us. In the earliest stages of a fungal infection, you may only see some white streaks or spots under your nail. It can be easy to pass these off as simple nicks and bumps on the nail, but keep track of them. If they change shape or grow over time, its worth having us take a look. Catching a fungal infection this early can save you plenty of time.

How Effective Are Topical Treatments

So far, only a few studies have looked into topical nail fungus treatments with nail polishes or creams. Because these studies had weaknesses, the results should be interpreted with caution. Amorolfine has not yet been well studied. Ciclopirox polish and treatment sets with urea and bifonazole cream were tested in a few studies.

Research on the effectiveness of nail polish containing ciclopirox showed that, after one year:

  • About 10 out of 100 people who did not use ciclopirox no longer had a detectable fungal nail infection.
  • About 32 out of 100 people who used ciclopirox no longer had a detectable fungal nail infection.

In other words, treatment with ciclopirox got rid of the fungal infection in about 22 out of 100 people. But even if the fungus had gone away, the cosmetic result wasnt always satisfying. The nails only looked healthy after treatment in 7 out of 100 people.

Treatment with sets containing urea and bifonazole cream was tested in one study. It was compared with a treatment in which only urea cream was applied and the nail was removed, but without applying bifonazole cream afterwards. Three months after treatment was completed, it was found that:

  • No fungus was visible or detectable in about 41 out of 100 people who only used urea cream.
  • No fungus was visible or detectable in about 51 out of 100 people who used both urea and bifonazole cream.

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Risk Factors Associated With Toenail Fungus

Certain health conditions and lifestyle factors can make you increasingly vulnerable to developing nail fungus:

Health: You have a greater chance of contracting a fungal nail infection if you suffer from one or more of the following issues:

  • Other fungal skin infections, such as athletes foot or ringworm
  • Diabetes
  • Increasingly brittle, crumbly, or ragged nail
  • Nail that appears warped or distorted in shape
  • Nail that appears dull without any luster
  • Dark color, caused by the accumulation of debris under your nail
  • Slightly foul odor in the affected area

How To Cure Toenail Fungus With Sea Salt

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus

Sea salt is a cheap and easy remedy for treating toenail fungus. The natural treatment helps in curing the fungal growth and preventing the infection.

How to use?

  • To a bowl of water add half a cup of sea salt
  • Soak your feet in the sea salt solution for at least thirty minutes
  • After that rinse your feet and pat them dry.

Benefits of Sea Salt solution

Sea salt is one of the most effective ways for how to get rid of toenail fungus. It not only prevents the fungal growth but also pampers your feet. You can dip your feet in the solution as and when you want to treat the fungal growth and rejuvenate yourself. It gives you excellent results.


After dipping your feet in the solution do moisturize them as the sea salt solution will dry your skin.

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Avoid Sketchy Nails Salon

If you are going to any of the nails salon then always ask they have properly sterilize their tools and tubs after giving service to every client. If you are not comfortable to ask the owner or you are unsure about the sterilize tool then it is best to take your own nail kit. Ask them to use your own tools and polish to complete your pedicure or manicure. You should also stop painting your nails or getting fake nails altogether. As the nail polish trapped moisture in your nails and give you small cuts that attract bacteria which damaged your nails.

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What Is Toenail Fungus Exactly

Toenail fungus happens when tiny microscopic organisms called fungi get underneath your toenails, causing an infection, according the American Academy of Dermatology .

Not-so-fun fact: The same fungus that causes jock itch and athletes foot can also cause toenail fungus, which can infect your nails and the skin underneath, says Gary Goldenberg, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

Depending on the type of fungus youre dealing with, an infection can cause a slew of unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • Nail discoloration
  • Debris buildup underneath the nail
  • Lifting of the nail from the skin
  • Nail thickening or crumbling
  • Nail thinning or splitting

Toenail fungus is highly contagious and, if you have a fungal infection on your foot, the fungus can spread to one or more of your nails.

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Epidemiology Of Toenail Fungus

The occurrence of onychomycosis has been reported 23% across Europe and 20% in East Asia. In north America the statistics are found to be 14%, with fungal infections constituting the 50% of nail related diseases. Since this infection is contagious and can be transmitted directly or by using the belongings of an infected person, this serves as the reason for such wide spread rate of this infection.

There Is A Wide Range Of Options With Varying Success Rates

How To Treat Toenail Fungus, According To Doctors

Other than keeping your toenails trimmed and perhaps painted, you may not pay much attention to them unless a problem develops. Healthy toenails are pink, shiny and smooth, but a fungal infection can cause them to become discolored, thick, brittle and even painful.

Toenail fungal infection, known as onychomycosis, is a common but challenging condition toenail fungus treatments include a wide range of options with varying success rates.

Causes of toenail fungus

Fungal nail infections are usually caused by fungi called dermatophytes that infect the skin beneath the nail yeast is another common culprit. Toenails are especially vulnerable to infection when your bare feet contact damp surfaces such as showers, swimming pools and locker rooms. If you have athletes foot, the infection can spread to the nails.

Wearing closed shoes such as athletic shoes for extended periods also can contribute to infection if your shoes and/or socks are damp from perspiration or heat. Moreover, if your shoes fit snugly enough to put pressure on your toes, they can damage the nail bed, making it more susceptible to infection.

People with chronic diseases, such as diabetes or circulatory problems, also may be more prone to toenail infections.

Symptoms of toenail fungus

Toenail fungus symptoms can develop slowly over time and may go unnoticed at first. Symptoms can include:

Toenail fungus treatments

  • Tolnaftate
  • Terbinafine

When to see a doctor for toenail fungus

Preventing toenail fungus

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How Fungi Infect The Nail

Onchomycosis, or toenail fungal infection, is an invasion by a microscopic organism that thrives in warm, damp environments. Fungal spores are in the air, and they will grow if they land on a receptive surface like your toenail. They feed off the nail tissues, burrowing into the skin under the nail. Over time the nail thickens and may lift off the nail bed as fungal debris accumulates. Once your nail is raised off the nail bed, it won’t reattach, and a new nail won’t grow from that part of the nail bed. However, your nail will continue to grow from the root at the base.

How To Cure Toenail Fungus With Garlic

Garlic is an effective remedy for treating toenail fungus. It has excellent properties that can kill the fungus and prevent it from damaging your nail.

How to use?

  • Place the crushed garlic on the affected nail
  • Leave it for around thirty minutes
  • After that wash off the area with water
  • Repeat this remedy daily until the infection clears.
  • Alternatively, you can also ingest garlic or take garlic capsules that treat the problem from inside.

Benefits of Garlic

Garlic has strong antifungal and antimicrobial properties which make it an effective remedy for treating fungal infections. Those looking for how to kill the growth of fungus on the nail can try using garlic. It gives surprising results in no time.


Those with sensitive skin must do a skin patch test before using garlic. Rub some garlic on your arm, if it stings badly, then do not use this garlic remedy.

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Baking Soda And Hydrogen Peroxide For Nail Fungus

10 minutes

  • Mix the baking soda, peroxide, vinegar, Epsom salt, and water in a plastic tub until they are well combined.
  • Ensure that you are not using anything stronger than a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or it may damage your skin.
  • Soak the nails that have been affected by the fungus in this solution.
  • Wait for 10 minutes.
  • Dry your nails with a dry tissue. Dispose of the tissue after use.
  • Ensure that your nails are completely dry before you cover them.
  • How Often?

    You have to repeat this process every day until, and even after, the problem subsides. Getting rid of nail fungus is not easy and will take a lot of patience and effort.

    Why This Works

    Baking soda contains antifungal properties that help prevent the growth of fungus. This solution helps balance your skins pH levels while killing off fungus.

    Side Effects Of Toenail Fungus Medication

    how to get rid of toenail fungus

    One of the many benefits of using a homeopathic remedy is that there are little to no adverse side effects. Topical treatments often prescribed to treat toenail fungus can potentially burn or blister the skin. Oral medications for treating onychomycosis can cause liver or gastrointestinal damage. Be sure to read your medications list of potential side effects. Consult your pharmacist, physician, or specialist if you are concerned about side effects of prescription drugs.

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    Staying One Step Ahead Of Toenail Fungus

    An established fungal infection is hard to eradicate, but you can stop its spread and improve your toenail’s appearance.

    Toenail fungus isn’t a pressing health problem. Yet a fungal infection can ruin the appearance of your nails and cause pain as it lifts the nail away from the nail bed. And fungal infections are notoriously difficult to get rid of. “You may want to consider fungal toenail a condition to be managed rather than cured,” says Dr. James P. Ioli, chief of the podiatry service at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

    Does Toenail Fungus Turn Black After Death

    Toenail fungus does usually turns black after the death of the nail.

    If there is not enough blood flow, the toenail will usually start to rise and turn black.

    This can usually create a foul toenail odor and cause the toenail to decay. This can contribute to foot odor.

    A dead toenail will eventually be overrun with bacteria and toenail fungus.

    The recommended treatment is to come to see a great toenail fungus podiatrist such as us if you are in Michigan!

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    How To Heal Your Toenail Fungus At Home



    If you have mild toenail fungus, theres a very good chance that a home remedy can help you get rid of it. Though you can definitely try these with moderate to severe toenail fungus, too, as long as youre healthy, it is recommended that you see a specialist if its a bad case of fungus.

    As always, if your immune system is compromised or you have diabetes, its always best to see a podiatrist so you dont risk making things worse or needing surgery.

    Without further ado, here are several home remedies you can try to heal your toenail fungus.

    Is Onychomycosis Still A Problem

    How I got rid of TOENAIL FUNGUS with Apple Cider Vinegar *EASY & AT HOME**

    The great majority of superficial fungal infections are caused by dermatophytes, which belong to one of three genera , with T. rubrum being the most prominent cause of nail infection . summarizes the prevalence of various superficial fungal infections in different geographic areas . Among superficial fungal infections, by far the most difficult to cure is toenail onychomycosis . The prevalence of onychomycosis has been reported to be as high as 23% across Europe and 20% in East Asia . In North America, the incidence of onychomycosis is up to 14% , with fungal infection responsible for 50% of all nail disease . With millions of dollars being spent annually on oral and topical prescriptions, laser treatments, over-the-counter products, and home remedies, it is obvious that people are still bothered by their fungal toenail infections and are determined to get rid of them. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. To successfully cure toenail onychomycosis requires long treatment duration that may extend to a full year. Even then, complete cure, defined as clinical cure plus mycological cure , is often unattainable.

    Distal subungual onychomycosis of the great toenail.

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    Tips To Combat Foot Fungus

    The best way to combat foot fungus is to reduce your exposure to it. There are simple things you can do to prevent from contracting foot and nail fungus.

  • Wash and dry your feet well after exercising. Be sure to get between your toes.
  • If you use a communal area such as a shower at your gym or the local pool, wear waterproof shoes such as flip-flops to ensure your feet dont come into contact with contaminated surfaces.
  • If you suspect a case of athletes foot is brewing, treat it right away with over-the-counter creams mentioned above.
  • Because athletes foot and toenail fungus thrives in dark, damp environments, wear shoes that breathe and dont trap sweat inside of them, and change your socks often. Invest in some socks that wick moisture away from your skin.
  • Be sure to protect your feet at home if someone has a foot infection.
  • Complications Regarding Toenail Fungus

    Toenail fungal infections are typically painless or at least start off that way. But without proper self-care and treatment, the condition can spiral into a more severe case of nail fungus, which can be painful and may cause irretrievable damage to your nails.

    Moreover, the toenail infection can sprout other serious infections that can spread beyond your feet, particularly if you have a suppressed immune system due to certain medications, diabetes, or other conditions.

    Because people with diabetes are already predisposed to reduced blood circulation and nerve supply in their feet, their odds for catching toenail infections as well as bacterial skin infection are quite high.

    Thus, it is imperative for people with diabetes to seek professional medical help for any seemingly minor foot injury including a nail fungal infection to avoid any future complications.

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    The Dangers Of Using Bleach On Your Body

    Bleach is a common household cleaning product. Its often used to remove color from fabrics, remove mold or mildew, or to sanitize dirty surfaces. When used on your body or skin, however, it can cause serious problems. According to the Asian Journal of Research in Dermatological Science, using bleach on toenail fungus can actually cause infection and irritation to the skin and nail. Irritation, such as a rash or burning sensation, is especially common if you have sensitive skin. Other common complications include:

    • Burns: If bleach is applied to the skin, it can cause a chemical burn. The burn can appear as red welts, and the skin may be irritated and painful.
    • Allergic reactions: Similar to irritation, an allergic reaction can be triggered by applying bleach to the skin.

    What If Nail Removal Is Considered

    Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus

    With laser therapy, topical medications, and oral antifungals in our arsenal, we almost never have to actually remove toenails to treat a fungal infection. It does still remain a rare possibility, however, if the case is extreme or continues to come back.

    Why not consider nail removal earlier? Because when nails are fully removed, it doesnt necessarily guarantee that the new nail will grow in properly. The nail can grow back misshapened, thickened, or even with fungus re-infecting the toenail.

    If the new nail comes back in an unpleasant manner or the fungus just continues coming back no matter what, we can treat the underlying nail matrix to prevent new nail from ever growing again . This does not place your nails at any real disadvantage, but its still nice to be able to keep your toenails if you can!

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