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HomeFungusHow To Control Lawn Fungus

How To Control Lawn Fungus

Our List Of Lawn Diseases

How to Control Lawn Fungus

The commonest lawn diseases are listed below.

Red thread

The red thread is one of the commonest fungal diseases on lawns, especially on lawns that are deficient in nitrogen. It produces brown patches, especially during a wet summer and during the autumn.

The red thread is caused by the fungus Laetisaria fuciformis. It rarely completely kills the grass and the patches recover with proper lawn preparation and treatment. Affected grass produces a reddish tinge, later becoming light brown or even bleached in appearance and the leaves may bind together. Patches vary in size, usually from 7.5cm to 25cm in diameter, but can be much larger.

Fusarium patch or snow mould

Fusarium patch, more commonly called snow mould, is a common cause of brown patches on lawns. It is particularly prevalent in autumn or during mild spells in winter, but attacks can occur at any time of the year.

Snow mould is caused by the fungus Monographella nivalis and at first produces small patches of yellowy, dying grass that usually turn brown later. The patches increase in size and may reach 30cm in diameter, sometimes merging so that large areas can be affected. During wet conditions a white or pinky, cotton-like fungal growth may be noticed, especially at the margins of the patch.

Fairy rings

Fairy rings are caused by a number of different fungi that produce rings of dead grass and usually toadstools in the lawn in late summer and autumn.

Take-all patch

How To Treat Lawn Fungus Naturally 3 Ways To Do It

Do you observe patches in your grass lawn where the grass is dormant to grow? Then most probably it is a fungal infection taking place in your lawn which maybe you are unaware of.

To treat lawn fungus naturally, you can take baking soda mix with water and spray twice a week in the lawn or you can use neem oil which works as a fungicide in the lawn which can be sprayed once a week or twice a month. There are other ways like spraying milk and water mixture, which is also an organic and natural way to eliminate fungus from your lawn.

Now you know what are the natural ways but there are some other things that you need to know like how to identify the fungus and cure them according to type. What are the causes that result in fungal colonization? Lets discuss these in detail.

How To Treat Rust Lawn Disease

If youve identified rust as the problem in your lawn, you should take action right away. First, make sure your lawn is well fed and sufficiently watered. If you dont see any improvement within a couple of weeks, apply a systemic lawn fungus control. Because stressed, hungry, and improperly irrigated lawns are more susceptible to rust diseases, one of the best ways to help prevent them is to keep your lawn healthy and strong.

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How To Treat Lawn Fungus

Choose the Correct Product

Some lawn fungicides are broad spectrum, meaning they can control the spread of many diseases while others are narrow spectrum, meaning they only affect a few disease.

Choosing the right product is where disease identification is important. Using the wrong product for a disease that was misidentified may have no effect on the disease at all.

Carefully read the product label to make sure you are choosing the right fungicide for your needs.

Apply Fungicide

Lawn Fungus can be tricky to cure and may need more than one application of fungicide. Most fungicides can be reapplied every 14 28 days, but be sure to read the product label.

If you apply the same fungicide many times, your lawn can build up a resistance to the active ingredients. Due to this resistance, fungus may appear in your lawn even if you put down a preventative treatment.

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When To Apply Fungicide On Lawns: Experts Weigh In

Best fungus control for lawns

Homeowners lead busy lives, with a seemingly endless list of things that need to be done at any given time. Faced with the reality of juggling work, home and recreation, its easy for your lawn to become an afterthought.

As much as we wish this wasnt the case, healthy and well-manicured lawns dont take care of themselves. First, you need to make sure your grass is getting the amount of water and sunshine it needsand not too much. Then, you need to make sure you are mowing your grass to the proper height. Although most homeowners stop here, to keep your lawn happy and looking great youll also want to have an understanding of your soil chemistry to determine what nutrients might be lacking.

What are some of the risks you run if you dont care for your grass? Lawn diseases, weeds and a dead, yellow lawn, just to name a few.

Lawn fungus can look like brown, patchy grass. What can you do about it?

Ignore it and hope the situation improves? Choose one of the fungicide treatments and cross your fingers it works? If you decide to ignore the problem and it doesnt go away, you may start researching when to apply fungicide on lawns.

The short answer to the question is that you should apply a fungicide as soon as disease symptoms are discovered on the lawn. Why? Because while fungicides will destroy any fungus that might be damaging your lawn and stop the fungi from spreading, they cant reverse the damage already caused by the fungus.

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How To Prevent The Growth Of Grass Fungus

  • Only water your turf when necessary to prevent overwatering. Most lawns only need 1 inch of water each week.
  • On the flip side, try not to leave your lawn to dry out or it becomes susceptible to infection.
  • Only use slow-release, low-nitrogen fertilizers and follow the product instructions to prevent overfertilization.
  • Mow your lawn often to keep the grass at a desirable height. However, try not to overdo it or you make your grass susceptible to fungal growth. Only mow of the grass blades at any time.
  • Aerate the soil at least once a year to prevent it from becoming compacted.
  • Remove thatch layers greater than ½ inch to reduce the risk of waterlogging.
  • How To Identify Lawn Fungal Diseases

    Signs that a lawn fungus may have caused a disease in your lawn include:

    • White, yellow, or brown patches or rings that grow in diameter.
    • Thin patches of frayed, distorted, or discolored grass blades.
    • Gray, black, red, orange, or purple spots on blades or stems.
    • Gray, black, or pink powdery or threadlike coatings on and around grass blades.
    • Areas of darkened, wet-looking, slimy, or greasy-looking grass.

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    How To Prevent Lawn Fungus

    In most cases, preventing lawn fungus is a simple matter of proper maintenance. Limiting moisture, ensuring access to adequate water and nutrients, mowing to a correct height, and choosing the right fertilizer will almost always yield a fungus-free lawn. If this sounds like a lot of workwell, it is.Dont worry, though, because we have just the solution! A quality lawn care program like we offer at Blades of Green includes everything you need to prevent fungus. Check out our different lawn care services and see how we can help you finally have the lawn that youve always wanted.

    How To Control Fusarium Patch

    How Can I Prevent Lawn Fungus? | Pest Support

    Proper lawn care maintenance which includes adequate fertiliser, reduction of thatch levels, aeration, morning watering that is deep and infrequent and mowing at regular intervals is recommended to prevent Fusarium Patch.

    Alternately if the above lawn care maintenance procedures do not work, Fungicides with the Common Active Ingredient Iprodione should be used.

    myhomeTURF recommends using Indigo Voltar an effective Broad Spectrum Fungicide that can be purchased through our myhomeTURF online store.

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    Identifying Fighting And Preventing Lawn Diseases

    When disease hits your lawn grasses, control can be difficult unless you know how to identify lawn and grass diseases and understand the causes behind them. Many common lawn and grass diseases have fungal problems at their source. Fortunately, proper lawn maintenance and care prevent and resolve most fungal lawn diseases. To keep your lawn healthy and fungus-free, learn:

    Nering With A Lawn Care Pro In The Battle Against Turf Disease

    When it comes to beating lawn fungus, your best course of action is to partner with a professional that will employ preventative techniques but also be on the lookout for the first signs of trouble so that swift action can be taken when needed.

    At Master Lawn, we value a true partnership with our clientsand that includes open communication. If you notice a problem, we want to hear from you right away. We know that fungal disease can move fast and time is often of the essence. Thats why we even give out our teams mobile phone numbers to our customers. Often times they can text them a picture of what theyre seeing and get some answers quickly.

    You can also count on us to keep you in the loop of exactly whats going on with your lawn. After all, you deserve to have the fantastic lawn that you desire and shouldnt have to worry about it being ruined by disease. Fortunately, by making the wise choice in lawn care companies, you can rest assured that those worries will be taken care of for you.

    Ready to have a lush green lawn, free from disease, at your Memphis, TN or Olive Branch, MS home? Talk to a lawn care expert,choose from 3 program options, and become the master of your lawn.

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    Natural Ways To Control Fungus In Your Lawn

    There are several ways you can eliminate fungus in the lawn, either you can go with baking soda or with neem oil or you can also use milk.

    • Baking soda the best natural and effective way to eliminate fungicide in the lawn is to apply a baking soda solution. When baking soda is sprayed on the lawn, the soda disrupts the balance of the ions in the fungal cells which eliminates fungus from the lawn. Baking soda also eliminates fungus by leaving alkaline residues on the surface of the plant. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda in one gallon of water and spray the solution twice a week in the lawn.
    • Neem oil neem oil as the name suggest comes from the neem tree. Neem oil contains lots of essential nutrients and supplements which kills the fungicide in the lawn. Neem oil contains azadirachtin which acts as an insect repellent. Pour 5ml neem oil in one gallon water and spray it in the lawn once a week. Neem oil every month in the lawn will also helps the lawn to be healthy.
    • Milk normal milk mixed with water sprayed in the lawn can also be very effective to kill all the fungus in the lawn as milk contains amino acids and salts which kills and controls the fungus in the lawn. Take milk and water in the ratio of 1:9 and spray the solution once a month in the lawn.

    What Is Brown Patch In Your Lawn

    BAYER ADVANCED Lawn Fungus Control 10

    Brown Patch is a lawn summer disease caused by a fungus and is rife during warmer months when the humidity is high.

    Once started, Brown Patch can quickly spread on your lawn with damage first appearing as a circular area of brown and dead grass enclosed by a darker colour.

    Typically, Brown Patch infects lawns of poor health.

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    How Do I Get Rid Of Lawn Fungus

    First and foremost, you want to spot it early as many lawn fungus diseases can spread rapidly. If you are already utilizing professional lawn care and have a lawn care technician visiting your property regularly, then theyll be keeping an eye out for early signs of a problem.Even so, breakthroughs can occur in between visits. If you spot fungus on grass, you should contact your lawn care provider. There are lawn fungicide products that can be used to control the fungal spores.

    Control And Prevention: Fighting Lawn Disease On All Fronts

    There are three conditions that combine to create the perfect storm for the emergence of lawn disease:

  • the presence of the fungal pathogen in your turf, and
  • the type of grass that is inherently susceptible to the pathogen, and
  • stress conditions in your turf that give the pathogen a welcoming environment to take hold e.g., excess moisture, hot temperatures, unhealthy soil, weeds, improper mowing practices, and damaging insects.
  • Fungal pathogens can never be totally eradicated from the lawn they will lay dormant in the thatch, in the soil, or in the grass plants just waiting for the right conditions to become active. Therefore, establishing and maintaining a healthy lawn is the best defense against disease.

    Your SavATree specialist will create a holistic, multi-pronged treatment plan for your lawn disease:

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    Will Lawn Fungus Go Away On Its Own

    If you spot fungus on the grass, you might be tempted to wait it out and see what happens. Unfortunately, lawn fungus will typically not just go away on its own. Though there are some occasions it can start to resolve itself, more often than not, its a problem that is likely to spread and grow worse if left untreated. In fact, some of the more aggressive forms of lawn fungus can spread in a matter of 24 to 48 hours taking your problem from a small one, to a significant one.

    Applicable For All Diseases

    Lawn Fungus Control | Best Cure for Lawn Fungal Disease

    Organic treatments are substantially better for the environment but also typically less effective than chemical control. That being said, MicroLifes Micro Grow Soil Inoculant, or MicroLife Brown Patch 5-1-3, are industry-wide favorite amongst all organic treatments. These Microlife products have the powerful ability to fight against the bad microbes while not harming the good ones, feed the grass, improve soil quality, and contain an extra 53 beneficial microbe species.

    Actinovate is a Texas-made fungicide that stops diseases by coating the root system with agricultural bacteria called streptomyces which helps stop the disease from making its way inside the grass.

    Aerobic Compost Tea, a mixture made from oxygenating and steeping compost, is reportedly effective in providing beneficial, disease-fighting organisms. Lastly, Garlic GP Lawn & Turf is an all-natural, chemical-free fungicide made up of garlic juice, potassium sulfate, and citric acid that is safe for use around children, pets, and wildlife. This treatment is easy on your grass.

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    How Can I Get Rid Of Lawn Fungus Naturally

    Following some cultural recommendations can definitely have an impact on the likelihood of a fungal outbreak as well as getting rid of lawn fungus faster. If you have an existing fungus problem, youll still need a lawn fungicide to control the spores but these additional practices will also help.For one, you should make sure that youre watering properly. The hot and humid weather of Northern Virginia can be like an incubator for fungal growth. But you can avoid contributing to excessive nighttime moisture by watering your lawn in the early morning and allowing evaporation ample time to do its work.Proper mowing can also make a big difference. Mow your lawn to a height of around 3 to 4 inches in the summer using a mower with sharp, clean blades. Lawns that are mowed too short are stressed and more likely to succumb to fungal infections. If youre aware that your lawn has diseased patches, be sure to wash and disinfect the underside of your mower after each use to prevent spread.

    What Are Fairy Rings Fungi

    Fairy Rings, or Mushrooms, are a clear sign of beneficial microbes at work in your lawn, which is all part of your lawns ecosystem.

    In fact, mushrooms and toadstools are the reproductive part of a type of fungi that lives in the soil.

    For much of the time, these fungal structures remain hidden underground, breaking down organic material in your lawn a very good thing!

    When the conditions are right , mushrooms shoot through from the underground structures and appear in your lawn.

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    Eliminate As Much Shady Space As Possible

    Although it can be nearly impossible to eliminate everything from your yard that can cause an obstruction to the sun, cutting large branches and trimming down bushes will help reduce the fungi buildup that is normally associated with shady spots.

    Fungus thrives in moist, dark locations that typically dont see very much sunlight.

    Identify Rust Lawn Disease

    BAYER ADVANCED Lawn Fungus Control 10

    There are a few different types of rust that can attack your lawn. One type, called rust diseases affect the plant’s nutrients and water supply which causes it to become undernourished or stressed causing an orange-yellow color on its blades as well as making them brittle enough for breaking easily with little force applied against them–this usually happens during periods where temperatures stay above 70 degrees Fahrenheit . Other forms lie dormant until autumn when conditions become wetter than normal.

    When you notice the first signs of rust disease, it is important to act immediately. Lawns are most susceptible when they experience inconsistent watering or become over-wateredthis can lead them into more serious problems like stunting roots and lowering nutrient reserves which may cause a lack in nutrients such as iron . If Rust Is Currently Unchecked–or if symptoms have started appearing on your lawn but don’t yet look severe enough to indicate an emergency situation has begun), begin watching out near shady areas with compacted soil newly seeded patches that havent been established properly due to heavy traffic before planting time.

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