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Can Nail Fungus Spread To Skin

Early Treatment Is Key To Preventing Severe Onychomycosis

Does Nail Fungus Spread?

Nail fungal infections are best treated in its earliest stages. Once you spot any of the mentioned early signs and symptoms, seek the advice of your health professional. Usually, for early onychomycosis, treatment may simply be in the form of topical anti-fungal solutions. EmoniNail is a perfect example of a topical treatment that contains safe and effective ingredients, such as undecylenic acid and tea tree oil, that will likely kill fungi and improve the nails overall health.

Treating onychomycosis in recent times has advanced and the availability of surgical treatments, laser therapies, and other oral anti-fungal medications are now out in the market. Although not necessary in early onychomycosis, they also prove to be successful in eliminating fungal nail infections. These types of treatments are best recommended under the supervision of your doctor. Visit your physicians to know what treatment works best for you.

What Is The Most Effective Treatment For Toenail Fungus

The most effective toenail fungus treatment for you will largely depend on your symptoms and situation. Your provider will consider several factors before recommending a treatment plan thats customized to you.

Overall, oral antifungal medications may offer the most treatment potential. Pairing oral drugs with topical antifungal medication may make treatment more effective.

Can Nail Fungus Spread To Other Parts Of The Body

Nail fungus can initially occur in one nail and then it gradually spreads to the surrounding skin. If it is not treated then it can spread to the other nails adjacent and if it occurred in the toenails it can spread to fingernails and vice versa. The toenail fungus can also spread to the skin on top of the feet close to the toes which are also called athletes foot. This can happen vice versa as well because athletes foot is a risk factor for toenail fungal infection. Toenails fungus can also spread to the genital if the underwear touches the infected toenails when wearing which is called jock itch. It also can spread to other people who have close contact with you.

Toenail fungal infection can break the nails and damage the nail bed and the adjacent skin. This can become an easy way for the bacteria to enter the toes and feet. If this happens in a person with diabetes mellitus with complications or in a person who is immunocompromised then the infection can be serious and cause ulcers which will ultimately lead to a loss of the foot or leg.

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How Does Toenail Fungus Spread

Toenail fungus is also known as onychomycosis or tinea unguium. Its a medical condition in which fungi infect the nails, leading to nail discoloration. The infection is not dangerous, but can cause changes and itchiness to your nails. Doctors recommend using an over-the-counter antifungal cream for treatment. If left untreated, toenail fungus can lead to foot odor, foot pain or even loss of nails. Moreover, toenail fungus can be highly contagious. If you ignore the infection, it can spread and become worse. Heres everything you need to know about toenail fungus.

Can Toenail Fungus Spread Internally If Not Treated

Can Nail Fungus Spread to the Skin?

The slightest sign of toenail fungus e.g. minor discoloration must not be ignored. Ignoring toenail fungus could prove to be very costly in a short time. Many people tend to ignore it because it can seem really insignificant.

The dangers of neglecting toenail fungus infection include:

Foot pain: an untreated toenail fungus infection can quickly deteriorate into thick, brittle, and crumbly nails which could be very painful. In this situation, it can become quite difficult to walk especially when wearing shoes.

Fast spread: toenail fungus can quickly spread to surrounding skin and other nails if not treated promptly. The spread of this infection could result in a skin condition called athletes foot. This condition is characterized by red, itchy, and cracked skin. Untreated toenail fungus can also become jock itch when it spreads to the genitals.

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Widespread infection: for people with underlying health issues, toenail fungus infection can quickly spread to the skin where it can cause a crack hence opening the skin for bacteria infection. This can become deadly when it enters the bloodstream hence toenail fungus must be treated promptly.

Lower quality of life: toenail fungal infections are not life-threatening for most people but could however greatly impact the quality of life if left untreated.


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How Do Health Care Professionals Diagnose A Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal nail infection can be identified by its appearance. However, other conditions and infections can cause problems in the nails that look like fungal nail infection. Fungal nail infection must be confirmed by laboratory tests before beginning treatment, because treatment is long, expensive, and does have some risks.

There Are Four Types Of Nail Infections

  • Distal Subungual Onychomycosis . This is the commonest nail infection. It is caused by dermatophytes. DSO is the infection of the nail and the nail bed by the organism. The infection starts off from the end of the nail bed then the nail turns yellow or white, nail and skin debris build up below the nail. With time the condition gets worst and the nail becomes thickened, breaks up and separate from the skin. The thick nail may cause discomfort when wearing covered shoes. DSO is very hard to treat and completely eliminate, wearing ill-fitting, tight shoes which can worsen the condition and sometimes the reason for the infection as well.
  • White Superficial Onychomycosis . This is the second commonest fungal nail infection. It affects the superficial part of the nail. First white spots will appear on the nail and then the whole nail will turn white and covered with chalky material. The nail will not become thick or separate from the skin. This is easy to treat than DSO.
  • Candida Onychomycosis. Candida is yeast, is an uncommon nail infection but it can cause nail and nail fold infections. Candida infections are more common in fingernails, it can involve all nails at the same time and the affected nails might separate from the nail bed. The nails become discolored , the shape distorts, the nail becomes thicker and signs of inflammation can be present in the affected nails. Therefore, yeast nail infections can be painful.
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    Fungal Nail Infection Causes

    Itâs a good idea to wash your hands and feet often. Use soap, and make sure you get between your fingers and toes.

    Keep your fingernails and toenails short and trimmed straight across.

    Wear socks that wick away moisture. If your feet sweat a lot, change your socks once or twice a day, or take off your shoes and let your feet cool when you have the chance.

    Use antifungal powder or spray on your feet as well as in your shoes. Throw away old pairs of closed-toe shoes since fungi might be living in them.

    If you get manicures at nail salons, visit only the ones that disinfect tools after each client. You can also bring your own file and clippers from home. Ask that your cuticles not be cut, since this can cause tiny breaks in the skin that let germs in.

    Donât share towels if someone else in your family has nail fungus. This will pass around the infection.

    See your doctor if you think you have nail fungus. You may need a prescription to treat it, whether that means taking a medicine by mouth or using a special cream. In severe cases, your nail may need to be removed so a healthy new one can grow in its place. Doctors can also use lasers to treat nail fungus.

    You get an infection when a crack in your nail or the skin around it allows fungus to get inside and grow.

    Youâre more likely to get a fungal nail infection if you:

    • Are a man

    So Can Toenail Fungus Spread Internally

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    Yes, the fungi that cause this infection are in fact very contagious and they can spread to other parts of the body and even in the blood as well if not treated properly. But most commonly they spread to other nails of the feet or fingernail.

    I always recommend that once you realize you have nail fungus you should get it treated as soon as possible before it gets late.

    Ignoring a fungus is very dangerous, and finding out what happens to a fungal infection if left untreated likely isnt something you want to experience yourself.

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    Can I Go To The Salon At All

    Unfortunately, theres no way to be 100 percent guaranteed that youll be protected from contracting or spreading nail fungus if you go out for a pedicure. Fungi like to hide in foot baths, jets, and tools that havent been completely cleaned.

    If you do want to take your toenails to the salon, whether you have an ongoing fungal toenail infection or not, following these tips can help make you safer:

    • Make sure the salon and all technicians are fully licensed.
    • Choose salons that fully sterilize all tools using either an autoclave or UV light between guests. Tools or products that cant be sterilized should be single-use only.
    • If possible, choose a salon that uses pipeless foot baths, as fungi can linger in pipes even if the basin is thoroughly sterilized between patients.
    • Try to schedule an appointment earlier in the day, as theres less opportunity for baths or tools to be contaminated by other guests.

    Cover Your Feet In High

    Fungus loves environments that are warm and damp. This makes locker rooms, gyms, and public pool areas more likely locations to facilitate spread.

    Much is said about protecting your feet from picking up fungi in these places, but it is equally helpful for those who already have them to wear protection as well. Wearing aqua socks or shower shoes that cover your nails will help limit any potential for contamination.

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    How Can I Tell If I Have Toenail Fungus

    Toenail fungus usually starts subtly, so you might not notice anything different with your nail immediately. After a while, though, you see some noticeable differences that indicate a fungal condition. Nails become:

    • Thicker
    • Discolored
    • Tender

    Because a nail infected with a fungus is compromised, it can also break or split easily. As the condition progresses, itchiness and pain can occur, and the nail becomes separated from the nail bed.

    What Do Fungal Infections Of The Nails Look Like

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    When fungi infect a nail, they usually start at its free edge, and then spread down the side of the nail towards the base of the cuticle. Eventually the whole nail may be involved. The infected areas turn white or yellowish, and become thickened and crumbly. Less commonly there may be white areas on the nail surface. The nails most commonly affected by fungal infections are those on the big and little toes. Sometimes, especially in those who carry out regular wet work such as housewives or cleaners, the skin around the fingernail becomes red and swollen. This is called paronychia, and can allow infection to get to the nail.

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    Is Toenail Fungus Really Such A Problem

    If youre thinking you can just live with it, we dont advise letting toenail fungus go untreated. Its an insidious problem, and without treatment, you have to deal with the discomfort of the nail as well as feeling self-conscious about its unsightliness.

    If you let a nail fungus infection go for too long, several problems emerge. The infected nail can become misshapen and increasingly separated from your nail bed. Itching and pain are unpleasant side effects if theyre too severe, you can have trouble wearing shoes or walking.

    You need to be especially attentive to treating toenail fungus if your immune system is compromised. If youre living with diabetes, its critical not to ignore the fungus. Even a mild infection like this can snowball into something more serious, like cellulitis, a severe bacterial skin infection.

    Another problem is that untreated fungus eventually can spread to either neighboring toenails or to the skin of your foot, causing athletes foot. Possibly the worst outcome of untreated nail fungus is needing to have your nail surgically removed.

    When Should I Call The Doctor

    In rare cases, toenail fungus can cause an infection called cellulitis. Without prompt treatment, cellulitis may pose a serious danger to your health.

    You should seek treatment guidance from a trusted healthcare provider if you have:

    • Circulation problems.
    • Redness, pain or pus near the toenail.
    • Weakened immune system.

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    What Causes A Nail Fungal Infection

    The infection is usually caused by exposure to a fungus. The fungus grows in wet, dark conditions. The fungus grows when your feet are in warm, sweaty environment . It enters your nail through a crack in the nail.

    Nail fungal infections happen at any age. They are more common in adults older than 60 years of age. They are common in people who have diabetes or circulation problems. They also are common in people with a weakened immune system. Men are more likely than women to get fungal nail infections.

    Could Toe Nail Fungus Cause Other Health Complications

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    Nail fungus can be caused at any age as yeast and molds infect nails and spread infection. People often ignore toenail fungus as it is not painful and only seems to have a bad appearance.

    Toenail fungus should not be ignored as it can have consequences and long term health complications. Potential complications of the nail fungus include pain, the spread of infection, damage to nails, and loss of the nail.

    Fingernails can also get affected with fungus but toes are more likely to get infected. Also, fungal infection is not fatal for health in most cases, it should be taken seriously if you already have a health disorder such as diabetes. Medications can also make your immune system weak which will cause you to suffer from more infections.

    Health Complications Caused by Toenail Fungus

    Although serious health dangers are considered fatal for health, toenail fungus can also cause various health complications. These complexities can occur mainly if toenail fungus is left untreated.

    Foot Pain

    Toenail fungus may affect your feet and cause pain when you wear shoes. Infected toenails can thicken and can get brittle to cause trouble while walking.

    Spread of Fungus

    The surrounding skin can get affected by the infected toenail fungus which may itch and become red. Wearing shoes and socks all day long with an infected toenail can easily spread the fungus all over the skin and onto the other nails. The condition can also get worse by affecting the genitals.

    Widespread Infection

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    Skin: Condition: Infomation Griseofulvin

    Griseofulvin has been used for many years and is the only one of the three medicines licensed for use in children. It is only absorbed fully if taken with fatty foods , and long courses of treatment are usually needed . Even so, only about three quarters of infected fingernails and one third of infected toenails will clear up. Relapses are common.

    How Do Fungal Infections Spread

    Fungal infections are spread from person to person by direct contact, or by coming in contact with an object that an infected person has used, such as a towel. Warm, moist environments encourage the growth and spread of fungal infections, which is why they are so common in public showers. You can also spread a fungal infection by sharing nail files and clippers.

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    What Can I Do To Prevent Tinea Infections

    Skin that is kept clean and dry is your best defense. However, you’re also less likely to get a tinea infection if you do the following things:

    When you’re at home, take your shoes off and expose your feet to the air.

  • Change your socks and underwear every day, especially in warm weather.

  • Dry your feet carefully after using a locker room or public shower.

  • Avoid walking barefoot in public areas. Instead, wear flip-flops, sandals or water shoes.

  • Try not to wear thick clothing for long periods of time in warm weather.

  • This makes you sweat more.

  • Throw away worn-out exercise shoes. Never borrow other people’s shoes.

  • Check your pets for areas of hair loss. Ask your veterinarian to check them too. It’s important to check pets carefully, because if you don’t find out what is causing your fungus infection, you may get it again, even after treatment.

  • The Danger Of Waiting To Treat The Fungus

    Can Toenail Fungus Spread Through Nail Polish

    The greatest danger of not treating the foot or toenail fungus is that it can spread to other parts of the body, such as the hands and groin.

    If for some reason you cant treat your toenails or your feet right away, at least use an antifungal topical cream on the surrounding skin, Dr. Ng says. That will help keep it from spreading and keep the skin intact.

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    Fungal Infections Of The Nails

    What is a fungal infection of the nail?

    Fungal infections of the nails are also known as dermatophytic onychomycosis, or tinea unguium. The responsible fungus is usually the same as that that causes athletes foot a common infection of the skin of the feet, especially between the toes. In athletes foot the responsible fungus lives in the keratin that makes up the outer layer of the skin. When the fungus spreads to the keratin of the nails, the result is a fungal nail infection.

    Keep up to date with the latest research about fungal infections of the nails and all things skin related with our newsletter.


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