Overview Of Nail Psoriasis
Psoriatic nail disease has many clinical signs. Most psoriatic nail disease occurs in patients with clinically evident psoriasis; it only occurs in less than 5% of patients with no other cutaneous findings of psoriasis.
An estimated 10-55% of all patients with psoriasis have psoriatic nail disease, and approximately 7 million people in the United States have psoriasis. About 150,000-260,000 new cases of psoriasis are diagnosed each year. US physicians see 1.5 million patients with psoriasis per year.
Severe psoriatic nail disease can lead to functional and social impairments if left untreated.
See the images of psoriatic nail disease below.
See 15 Fingernail Abnormalities: Nail the Diagnosis, a Critical Images slideshow, to help identify conditions associated with various nail abnormalities.
For patient education information, see the Psoriasis Center and Arthritis Center, as well as Psoriasis, Types of Psoriasis, Understanding Psoriasis Medications, and Psoriatic Arthritis.
How To Hide Nail Psoriasis
If you feel self-conscious about your nail psoriasis, there are some things you can do to make it less noticeable.
Cosmetic treatments such as nail filing, buffing, and polish can improve the appearance of your nails while they heal. Just avoid fake nails, which may increase the risk of your nail separating from its bed.
Complications Of Toenail Psoriasis You Should Be Aware Of
As noted above, toenail psoriasis can lead to a condition known as onycholysis, in which the nail detaches from the nail bed. This can allow bacteria access to the nail bed, leading to infection.
Subungual hyperkeratosis, the accumulation of a chalky substance under the nail, can cause the nail to become raised, which may be painful and can cause difficulty walking normally or wearing shoes.
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Common Clinical Manifestations Of Nail Matrix Psoriasis Include
Pitting is the commonest manifestation of nail psoriasis. Pits affect the fingernails more commonly than the toenails. They are superficial depressions in the nail plate that indicate abnormalities in the proximal nail matrix . Psoriasis affecting the proximal nail matrix disrupts the keratinization of its stratum corneum by parakeratotic cells. These cells are exposed as the nail grows and are sloughed off to form diffuse and coarse pits. The length of a pit is suggestive of the length of time, the matrix was affected by the psoriatic lesion and a deeper pit is suggestive of involvement of intermediate and ventral matrix along with the dorsal matrix. Pitting may be arranged in transverse or longitudinal rows or it may be disorganized. They may be shallow or large to the point of leaving a punched out hole in the nail plate known as elkonyxis. More than 20 fingernail pits per person are suggestive of a psoriatic etiology and more than 60 pits per person are unlikely to be found in the absence of psoriasis.
Pitting affecting the fingernails
Transverse grooves are formed in the same way as pits when the psoriatic lesion affects a wider area of the nail matrix .
Transverse grooves on the nail plate in a patient with psoriasis
Nail plate thickening and crumbling
It suggests an extensive involvement of the entire nail matrix by the psoriatic process .
Nail plate thickening and crumbling resulting in complete nail dystrophy
What Is Psoriatic Nail Disease
Psoriatic nail disease is a type of psoriasis. It is not caused by infection and you cannot pass it on to anyone else.
Psoriasis is a common skin condition that usually causes patches of red, scaly skin but sometimes only affects the nails. There is also a form of arthritis that is linked to psoriasis, called psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic nail disease is particularly common if you have psoriatic arthritis. You can read more about these conditions in the separate leaflets called Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis.
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Treatments For Nail Psoriasis
The same treatments you get for skin psoriasis can also treat your nail psoriasis. Because your nails grow slowly, it can take time before you see any improvements in the newly grown parts of your nail.
The treatments for nail psoriasis include:
- Ultraviolet light is used to treat skin psoriasis and may also be useful in nail psoriasis. The treatments usually take place in a doctor’s office or a clinic.
- Medicines that work throughout your body. Your doctor may call these “systemic medications.” Some examples are:
Leave Your Cuticles Alone Unless Youre Removing A Hangnail
Pushing back or cutting cuticles or dissolving them with a cuticle remover can injure skin and set off a psoriasis flare. Another dont: cleaning debris with a sharp object or nail brush. Probing underneath the nails can cause puncture wounds and can encourage detachment of the nail, says Dr. Sutera.
Soaking the affected nails in soapy warm water may be sufficient to remove the debris.
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Pathophysiology Of Nail Psoriasis
The pathogenesis of the psoriatic nail disorder is not completely known. Nail psoriasis may be due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and immune factors. A well-known fact is that a familial aggregation of psoriasis exists. Studies have linked psoriasis with certain human leukocyte antigen subtypes . A T-cellmediated inflammatory process is being investigated as part of the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
Who Gets Nail Psoriasis
Nail psoriasis affects 90% of patients with chronicplaque psoriasis at some time in their life. It is more common in adults with a prevalence of up to 80%, compared to children in whom it has been reported in 713%. In the absence of skin or joint disease, psoriatic nail disease has been described in 510% of adults.
Psoriatic nail disease may be a risk factor the development of psoriatic arthritis and is often associated with prolonged severe cutaneous psoriasis.
Nail psoriasis can affect all races and age groups, and both sexes, although a male predominance has been reported in one large case series.
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What Treatments Are Available
Mild nail disease which isn’t causing discomfort does not need any treatment. If the nail disease is severe and causing problems then your doctor may refer you to see a skin specialist for advice and treatment. Unfortunately treatment of psoriatic nail disease is difficult and not always successful.
Treatments for nail psoriasis include:
- Treatments applied to the nail, which include steroids, salicylic acid, calcipotriol or tazarotene. Local treatments applied to the nail are often not very effective but are worth trying. If the nail is lifting off then strong steroid scalp application can be trickled under the nail.
- Antifungal treatment – this may be required for fungal nail infection if this is also present.
- A steroid injected into the nail – this may be effective for some types of nail psoriasis but it is painful.
- Light therapy – psoralen plus ultraviolet light A treatment is effective for some types of nail psoriasis but not for pitting of the nail.
- Removing an affected nail – this can be done by applying a special type of ointment and then covering the nail for seven days. Otherwise the nail can be surgically removed using local anaesthetic.
How Long Does A Bruise Under Your Toe Nail Take To Heal
The healing time for a bruised nail depends on the gravity of the bruise and the right treatments you do. A badly bruised toenail might even fall off. In such a case, it will require more than 6months for the new nails to grow in place of the lost one. Do not try to remove the bruised nails forcefully.
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Overview Of Treatment Of Nail Psoriasis
Many treatment options are available after the diagnosis of nail psoriasis is made. The treatments focus on improvement of the functional and psychosocial aspects of psoriatic nail disease.
The treatment options for nail psoriasis include topical corticosteroids, intralesional corticosteroids, psoralen plus ultraviolet light A , topical fluorouracil, topical calcipotriol, topical anthralin, topical tazarotene, topical cyclosporine, avulsion therapy, and systemic therapy for severe cases. Onychomycosis requires antifungal therapy for improvement. Laser and light therapies have emerged as possible cost-efficient, in-office treatments; however, large-scale trials are needed, particularly in consideration for the effects in combination with other current therapies.
For preventive care, keep the nails dry and protect them from trauma to avoid the Koebner effect and possible secondary microbial colonization. In areas of onycholysis, the nail plate should be trimmed to the point of separation for medications to be effective.
At present, no definitive and curative treatment has been agreed upon by medical experts. Discuss all treatment options for psoriatic nail disease with the patient, and choose the best individually tailored regimen.
Pick The Right Polish And Polish Remover
Polish can go a long way toward improving the appearance of nails, as well as provide a level of protection. A strengthening or ridge-filling base coat can help shore up weak or brittle nails. But some ingredients found in nail lacquer for instance, formaldehyde and toluene can cause contact dermatitis in some people with psoriasis, who have sensitive skin. To sidestep them, consider using 5-free nail polish, which refers to products that dont contain these types of ingredients. Dr. Sutera likes Dr.s Remedy Enriched Nail Care products.
When it comes to polish removal, opt for a product that doesnt contain acetone, a harsh solvent. Non-acetone removers are less drying and gentler on sensitive skin.
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How Do You Get Rid Of Dark Nails
If your nails are stained after using dark colored nail polish, wipe away the nail polish using a nail polish remover. Then use a nail scrub brush to scrub off the stains from your nails. You can also soak a cotton pad in acetone to scrub your nails.
What Are The Best Ways To Treat Nail Psoriasis
At the Skin Center of South Miami, men and women have access to our doctors with decades of combined experience in the South Miami, FL community. Patients who have been dealing with white spots or other discoloration of the nails may not actually have nail fungus, but instead may be struggling with a condition known as nail psoriasis.
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The Advent Of New Treatment Options: Biologic Therapy
Overall, the conventional treatment for nail psoriasis appears to be unsatisfactory, tedious, and inconvenient. Most of the treatment options achieve only a moderate efficacy, complete clearance is infrequent and efficacy of conventional therapy decreases with time. This clinical challenge faced by many dermatologists has recently been addressed with the introduction of the biological response modifiers. These agents have demonstrated efficacy in both the skin and nail components of psoriasis.
The best studied biologic agent is infliximab. The best evidence comes from the EXPRESS trial which was a phase-3 double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial . A total of 378 patients with moderate to severe plaque type psoriasis with nail involvement were randomly assigned in a ratio of 4:1 to receive infliximab 5 mg/kg at weeks 0, 2, 6, and every 8 weeks till week 46. Placebo was given at 0, 2, 6, 14, 22 and crossing over to infliximab occurred at week 24. This study showed that infliximab resulted in significant improvement in nail psoriasis as early as week 10 and at week 50 full clearance was evident in 45% of patients.
In a study done by van den Bosch et al., 40 mg of adalimumab every other week reduced the mean NAPSI score by 65% after 20 weeks .
Treatment Of Nail Psoriasis
Nail disease is usually overlooked in the management of psoriasis, with skin involvement being the primary concern. Also, treatment of nail psoriasis is a big challenge for a dermatologist because of the following reasons:
Poor drug delivery: the matrix pathology is hidden by the proximal nail fold and the nail bed changes are protected against treatment by the overlying nail plate and nail bed hyperkeratosis, making delivery of drug to the affected site very difficult.
Slow rate of nail growth attributes to a longer duration of treatment required, leading to a questionable long-term compliance by the patient.
Keeping in mind the potential significant toxicities of the various systemic agents advocated for psoriasis, the use of systemic agents is not generally advisable for treating nail psoriasis alone and is recommended for cases with coexistent severe skin or joint disease or in patients with extensive or recalcitrant nail psoriasis.
Also, despite the recognized burden of nail psoriasis, there is a dearth of good-quality evidence for the management of nail psoriasis. A recent systematic review on treatment options for nail psoriasis, published in January 2013, highlighted the fact that the quality of trials done so far is generally poor and the data available is insufficient to advocate a consistent treatment approach or algorithm for the management of psoriasis.
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Dark Spots Or Lines On Nails
Dark spots or lines on nails can likely be assign of splinter hemorrhage. These are tiny blood clots that tend to run vertically under the nails. This condition is not specific to any particular condition. It can, however, be associated with acute systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriatic nails, and antiphospholipid syndrome.
Symptoms of endocarditis may develop slowly or suddenly. Some may include fever, chills, and sweating. Other symptoms may include:
- Small area of bleeding under the nails
- Swelling of feet
- Painful skin spots on the palms
When the cause of the dark spots or lines in nails is endocarditis or splinter hemorrhage, you may need to be hospitalized at first to receive antibiotics through the vein. Have your health care provider diagnose the condition as soon as possible to effect the right treatment option.
How Is Nail Psoriasis Treated
Just like psoriasis that impacts other areas of the body, nail psoriasis can be treated in many of the same ways. Nail psoriasis can take longer to treat and results may be seen slowly, due to the slow growth and replenishment of new nails. However, treatment options for nail psoriasis may include:
- Medication applied to the nails. The doctors of Skin Center of South Miami may first prescribe a topical medication that can be used directly on the nail and around the finger or toe. These topical medications may include corticosteroid treatments, retinoid creams, or vitamin D lotions. These medications are often applied to the area several times a day to achieve results.
- Injections. Some patients may do best with a corticosteroid injection that is administered directly under the surface of the nail every few months. A nerve block or anesthetic will be used to numb the area. This treatment is often recommended for patients with severe or recurring nail psoriasis.
- Systemic medication. Oral medications that work from the inside out may also be used for the treatment of nail psoriasis. These may include medications such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, apremilast, and acitretin.
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How Is Psoriatic Nail Disease Diagnosed
The diagnosis of psoriatic nail disease is usually made by the appearance of the affected nails. Sometimes scrapings from under the nail, and nail clippings, are sent to the laboratory to be tested for fungal infection of the nail, which can sometimes look like psoriatic nail disease.
Occasionally, a sample of nail is needed to confirm the diagnosis.
How Is Toenail Psoriasis Treated
Unfortunately, not many good treatment options exist for toenail psoriasis. Conservative treatment usually begins with topical corticosteroid creams or ointments, or non-steroidal alternatives such as Tazorac and Dovonex.
The drawback to these creams and ointments is that they may not penetrate the nail plate adequately. Also, long-term steroid use can cause the skin and nails to thinwhich takes months to grow out.
Another treatment option is phototherapy. This involves treating the nails with topical or systemic psoralen compounds, which cause the nail to respond to ultraviolet light.
According to some experts, the best treatment involves intralesional steroid injections. This means injecting cortisone into the base of the nail and into the nail folds alongside it. This treatment can be effective, and when done properly it is not as painful as it sounds.
Proper care of your feet and nails is vitally important if you have psoriasis. Avoid getting pedicures, as nail salon personnel often treat the nails roughly, and many of them trim cuticles,; , which allows bacteria to enter the nail , and is especially bad for persons affected with toenail psoriasis.
Keep your toenails short to avoid injury, and try to keep the nail folds clean and dry. Above all, one of the best treatments for psoriatic nails is control of your overall psoriasis.
Medical References:
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Are There Home Remedies For Nail Psoriasis
There are no home remedies to cure nail psoriasis. In areas where the nail has loosened, gently trim the nail back to the skin where it is connected. This will allow medications to work better. All nail care must be very gentle. Vigorous nail care and attempts to remove debris beneath the nails can cause psoriasis to flare and worsen. Attempt to avoid injuring the nails so that the nail doesn’t loosen more and so that the area doesn’t become infected.
Nail polish is safe to use and can hide discoloration. It may also help to reduce the appearance of surface irregularities. Nail polish should be removed before medical examination of the nails.
Diagnosis Of Nail Psoriasis
Diagnosis of nail psoriasis can be made easily in a patient with concomitant skin psoriasis. Close examination with a hand lens can help in appreciating the above mentioned changes in a greater detail. However, in cases of isolated nail psoriasis and in patients presenting with a diagnostic dilemma to a dermatologist the following techniques can be used.
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