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How To Treat Lawn Fungus With Baking Soda

Increase The Soils Ph Using Weak Baking Soda

For New Gardeners: How to Make a Baking Soda Anti-Fungal Garden Spray – MFG 2014

Baking soda is a safe remedy for controlling fungus in your lawn since it is alkaline-based. This helps increase the soils pH, reducing fungus ability to keep thriving in the grass. Heres how to apply it:

Youll need the baking soda, water, and spray bottle

  • Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a gallon of water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution on affected areas.
  • Repeat this after every three days until the fungus disappears.
  • Remember not to go overboard with the baking soda-water solution as it can increase the soil pH level, more than expected. Doing so may compromise the soils ability to recover should a disease erupt again.

    Common Causes Of Fungus In Grass

    Fungal diseases and fungal growth typically occur in excessively moist conditions. Your lawn may become saturated with water due to a variety of reasons, such as:

    • Improper mowing
    • Excess fertiliser

    Addressing these causes helps reduce the risk of fungal growth and protect against brown patches on lawns.

    Should I Water My Grass If It Has Fungus

    It is important to treat the Fungus right away so that it does not spread throughout your lawn. It is recommended that you only water your lawn as much as it needs to be watered. Do not water more than once a week. Do not use chemical sprays or fertilizers to control the fungus.

    Instead, use a fungicide such as Fungicide-Free Lawn Fertilizer, which is available at most garden centers and garden supply stores. This product is safe to use on lawns that have been treated with other fungicides, but it may not be effective on grass that is not treated. If you are unsure about the effectiveness of this product, contact your local garden center for more information.

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    Will Baking Soda Kill Bermuda Grass

    Yes, baking soda will kill Bermuda grass. However, among all of the grass types listed here, Bermuda grass is the type that holds up the best against treatment with baking soda. For example, if you use a paste made up of baking soda and water to spot treat crabgrass, the crabgrass will die before the surrounding Bermuda grass.

    How To Prevent Lawn Disease

    For New Gardeners: How to Make a Baking Soda Anti


    Dethatching is the process of removing dead plant matter from your lawn. Thatch builds up between the base of grass blades and soil, creating an optimal environment for fungus to thrive.

    Most lawn care companies provide dethatching services, but you can also dethatch your lawn with a manual thatch rake, power rake, or vertical mower.

    Core Aeration

    Core aeration involves using a machine to pull cylindrical plugs out of the soil, adding natural fertilization and circulation to the turf. Core aeration helps prevent lawn disease by loosening compacted soil and stimulating grass growth.

    You should typically aerate your lawn about once a year, but you can increase the frequency if your yard gets heavy foot traffic or shows signs of standing water.

    You can hire a landscaping company to aerate your lawn or do it yourself by renting an aerator from your local home improvement store.


    Set your sprinklers to water your lawn early in the day. Your grass needs about one inch of water per week to help it grow, but watering late in the day gives it less time to dry properly. Water early to help prevent your grass from staying wet and developing fungus.


    Ensuring proper lawn mowing techniques is another way to prevent fungus outbreaks in your lawn.

    Before the mowing season begins, sharpen your mowers blades to avoid a ragged turf. Poorly cut grass is more vulnerable to fungal infection, so a clean mowing job is a must.

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    How To Prevent And Treat Lawn Fungal Diseases

    A simple change in your lawn care practices may be enough to prevent or eradicate lawn fungal disease. At other times nature may deliver a soggy spring or summer heat wave that just cant be helped.

    Stressed or unhealthy lawns are much more likely to develop disease so the better you care for your lawn, the better the grass will be able to handle the natural conditions in your area.

    Follow these steps to help take control of fungal diseases in your lawn:

    • Air Circulation: Many lawn fungi develop under moist, still conditions. Thin out trees and shrubs to allow air to circulate all over your lawn, and plant shade-tolerant grasses under trees.
    • Snow: Avoid walking on or compacting snow in your yard during the winter, since heavy snow layers can breed snow molds that emerge in spring.
    • Go Natural: If certain areas of your lawn are prone to fungal disease due to conditions you cant change, consider naturalizing the area with groundcovers or flower beds that will be better suited to those conditions.
    • Organic Treatment: Applying organic treatments such as neem oil, compost tea, or a weak baking soda solution can help with small patches of fungus.
    • Fungicides: If all else fails, look for a fungicide thats rated specifically for your lawn disease. Fungicides wont help your grass regrow, but theyll get the fungal spores in check so that your improved lawn care practices can take effect.

    What Liquid Makes Plants Grow Faster

    Soil hosts the all-important ingredients required for healthy plant growth. To speed up the development of plants, additional liquid in the form of nutrients or fertilizers is added. These nutrients are available in granule forms and mixed with water for different applications. The addition of these healthy mixtures enhances plant growth and vigor against harmful insects and fungal pathogens.

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    Are Lawn Mushrooms Dangerous

    Have you ever wondered if lawn mushrooms are poisonous? It is very common to find mushrooms on the lawn during the temperate and humid season. However, you don’t have to worry too much about it.

    Lawn mushrooms are generally not poisonous to humans, but as a precaution, it is wise not to attempt to consume them unless you are 100% sure you can accurately identify them. It is also important to note that pets and humans have different metabolisms and digestive systems. Therefore, an edible mushroom for people can be dangerous for pets and vice versa.

    Tips To Get Rid Of Mushrooms In Your Lawn

    Baking Soda Pesticide and Fungicide Spray

    There are many ways to get rid of mushrooms in your yard. You can try any method that suits your lifestyle and budget, or you can try a combination of methods to get rid of them in the fastest and most efficient way. Although they can be considered beautiful, it is important to eliminate mushrooms that may come into contact with people or pets for safety reasons.

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    How Do You Get Rid Of Fungus On Plants

    One way to prevent plant fungus infections involves the adoption of preventative measures. These are:

  • Use fungal disease-resistant varieties
  • Monitor your plants daily for symptom appearance or spores
  • At first appearance or development of symptoms, isolate the infected plant from the rest and regularly spray with mild chemicals or home remedy.
  • Spray your plants with neem oil, insecticidal soap, and vinegar to stop the spore germination of powdery mildew in the first place.
  • Do not overwater your plants because humid conditions favor the development of fungal spores.
  • Spray your plants with copper and sulfur-based commercial fungicides to kill the fungus instantly in the case of vegetables.
  • Remove the alternate host such as weeds and other herbal fungus to interfere with their life cycle.
  • Remove and discard the garden debris, harvest residues, and weaker plants to stop the infection cycle of the fungus and further spreading.
  • Keep your plants healthy because a healthy plant will fight back and quickly recover from insects, pests, and plant fungus injuries.
  • Delay the sowing time of your favorite vegetables when you feel the weather conditions are favorable for the fungal infection initiation.
  • What Are The Causes Of Fungal Infection

    One of the most common reasons can be that you are mowing your grass too low. Other reasons include variation in temperature and humidity, drought, compacted soil in your field, wrong grass type, overfeeding, and using too many fertilizers can result in such conditions.

    Let us see how we can make sure if its a fungus occupying your lawn.

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    Will Vinegar Kill Lawn Fungus

    Vinegar contains a strong, acetic acid that helps it kill and damage fungus. It can definitely be used to treat fungal diseases in a lawn. However, you need to use it in moderation, as vinegar can be strong enough to damage your lawn.

    You should dilute the vinegar with some other ingredients when using it as a fungicide. Combine 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 3 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide, 3 tablespoons baking powder and 2 quarts of water. Mix the ingredients and then spray the infected area.

    How To Use Baking Soda To Kill Lawn Algae

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    In the botanical world, many flowers, vegetables and other entities seem to go together like salt and pepper in the culinary world: pansies and violets, violets and violas and zucchini and squash among others. So it also goes with lawn algae and moss, which everyone from university extension services to home improvement stores often groups together. It’s easy to find chemical eradicants to kill moss or algae in grass, but if you’re looking for a natural remedy, try mixing a baking soda solution. You still have to take precautions, and you may have to repeat the application, but the mixture could be the answer you’ve been seeking.

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    Baking Soda And Weed Control

    Due to baking sodas phytotoxicity, it can work as a weed control. CrabGrassLawn suggests killing crabgrass with baking soda if this weed is a problem in your garden. Gardening Know How recommends baking soda as an option for killing dollar weeds as well. Some gardeners especially like using baking soda, along with other items like boiling water and salt, because you can find these things easily in your kitchen and they are less toxic than using chemical weed-killers, as Eco Gardener points out.

    If, however, you use baking soda on weeds that grow in your lawn, you probably will not be able to keep it from negatively affecting the lawn grass as well. Instead of applying baking soda by itself, try a natural weed-control product that combines baking soda with other natural ingredients, such as cinnamon. The application rate varies among such products, and the area to be treated needs to be watered thoroughly and then sprinkled with the powder.

    Stop Lawn Disease Or Fungus With Big League Lawns Today

    We are a lawn care company in Ogden, Utah. Big League Lawn cultivation experts provide lawn fertilization, lawn aeration, and lawn pest control. Our professional team has more than 40 years of combined experience developing beautiful lawns in Utah. All our lawn care services are 100% guaranteed. We serve Weber and Davis counties in Utah.

    Call Big League Lawns at , or contact us online to schedule your FREE LAWN ANALYSIS and start the transformation of your yard into the beautiful, healthy lawn of your dreams!

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    Mix The Grass Species

    If your lawn has one species of grass like St. Augustine, it is a vulnerability for fungal infestation and spread increases. Part of the remedy to controlling them is by mixing grass species. However, ensure the turf species youve chosen have similar growing conditions. For example, if you live in a region favoring the Kentucky Bluegrass growing conditions, mix it up with tall fescue or ryegrass.

    How To Repair Lawn Spots Damaged By Summer Patch

    EZ How to Make a Powdery Mildew Spray – Baking Soda Fungicide

    Once summer patch is under control, repair the damaged areas quickly and easily by using an all-in-one patch and repair mix like Scotts® EZ Seed®. It contains high-performance grass seed, continuous release fertilizer, and super-absorbent growing material to help grow grass wherever you need it. Check the package for directions, and use this product during spring or fall for best results. Another option is to overseed your entire lawn with Scotts® Turf Builder® ThickR Lawn Sun & Shade or Scotts® Turf Builder® ThickR Lawn Tall Fescue Mix during early spring or fall to help restore your lawn to its original thickness.

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    Will Baking Soda Kill Crabgrass

    Yes, baking soda will kill crabgrass. Crabgrass is highly susceptible to baking soda as an herbicide. Apply a wet paste with a high concentration of baking soda to water, a 1 to 1 ratio is recommended, and wait for the crabgrass to brown. After it does, be sure to dilute the area with water as soon as possible to prevent potential or further damage to the surrounding lawn or other plant life.

    How To Treat Lawn Fungus

    Choose the Correct Product

    Some lawn fungicides are broad spectrum, meaning they can control the spread of many diseases while others are narrow spectrum, meaning they only affect a few disease.

    Choosing the right product is where disease identification is important. Using the wrong product for a disease that was misidentified may have no effect on the disease at all.

    Carefully read the product label to make sure you are choosing the right fungicide for your needs.

    Apply Fungicide

    Lawn Fungus can be tricky to cure and may need more than one application of fungicide. Most fungicides can be reapplied every 14 28 days, but be sure to read the product label.

    If you apply the same fungicide many times, your lawn can build up a resistance to the active ingredients. Due to this resistance, fungus may appear in your lawn even if you put down a preventative treatment.

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    How Do You Use Chamomile Tea For Pest Control

    Chamomile tea works best as a natural insecticide and fungicide because it contains sulfur which provides nutrition and protection from pests at the same time. To make a chamomile tea spray, brew a batch of tea for 24 hours and pour it into a spray bottle. Then, use it as a foliar spray and ensure the beneficial bees and other insects are not present in the garden.

    Is Baking Soda Good For Your Yard

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    Baking soda can be good for your yard, but it can also be harmful. An infrequent application of a mild baking soda spray can effectively kill fungus and mildew, and harmful grasses.

    However, the qualities that make baking soda an effective pesticide will eventually end up damaging your healthy plants as well. Spraying too much, too often, will begin to corrode the plants.

    Too much baking soda can begin to effect the pH balance of the soil as well. When the pH balance falls off, then the soil can become inhospitable. This stops new plants from sprouting, and kills well established plants.

    As one of the primary components of baking soda is sodium, over spraying can lead to a build up of salt on plants. In the short term this is okay, and will have no repercussions for edible plants, but can be harmful in the long run.

    Always check on a small patch first. As a homemade solution you may want to try different formulas to achieve different results. Hardier plants will withstand a greater application of baking soda, where new growth may find it overwhelming.

    Spray a small area first to see how the plants react, and adjust the formula as necessary. Take care not to over spray, as too much may damage.

    Other homemade options include apple cider vinegar solutions, mouthwash solutions, and milk solutions.

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    Natural Remedies For Lawn Fungus

    There are many natural remedies for lawn fungus. These include baking soda solutions, neem oil, and compost teas. For the best results, you should use these natural options early in the season as a preventative rather than waiting to treat your lawn after you already have a fungus.

    Neem Oil

    This is one of the better natural solutions available. Dilute 2 oz of neem oil into 1 gallon of water. Apply 2.5 gallons of the spray solution per 1,000 sq ft. You will typically need to apply this solution two or three times on a 7 14 day interval to ensure effective control.

    Baking Soda

    Using a weak baking soda solution to treat lawn fungus issues can be effective but you must be cautious. Baking soda is a salt and like all salts, can damage your lawn.

    Grass type and environmental conditions such as rainfall, air temperature and lawn stress all affect how your grass reacts to the baking soda, so you run the risk of doing more harm than good.

    Compost Tea

    While the use of compost teas are generally considered a good way to increase the organic content of your lawn, research on using them as a natural fungicide is limited. When applied in the spring, compost teas will help to boost the overall health of your lawn and can help your lawn to be less susceptible to getting a fungus in late spring or summer.

    However, compost teas alone are usually insufficient in preventing turfgrass diseases.

    Clove Oil

    Helping Prevent Resistance To Fungicides

    When using fungicides for recurring lawn disease problems, you need to alternate fungicides. Lawn diseases can become resistant to fungicides with repeated use. It is not as simple as picking two different products or two different brands you will want to select at least two fungicides with different modes of action or active ingredients.

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