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HomeHow To Stop Nail Biting Teenager

How To Stop Nail Biting Teenager

Make The Stop Biting Nails Reward Match The Nailbiter

How to Stop Biting Your Nails As A Teenager: Break the Habit Once and For All/ Chizzy Charles

I knew I couldnt just hand her $5 nope, not this money-saving teen.

It had to be worth the hard work to stop biting her nails.

After all, she rather enjoyed it.

It was something to keep her busy when she had to sit still.

It was something she could do when she felt nervous or pressured and now, what would she do?

So, I raised the stakes and offered her $20 to stop biting her nails for five days.

Her eyes grew big at $20!

Her sister piped in, I bite my nails too!

She immediately became the object of envy.

Toddlers Biting Nails: How To Help Them Stop

Nail-biting is one of the most common habits among toddlers.

Whilst thumb sucking, teeth grinding, hair twisting, and nose picking are all common quirks and nervous habits, nail-biting is the habit most likely to continue past the toddler years. There are lots of different ways to help children to stop biting their nails, but the key is not to rush them, and to make sure they know you are doing it together, they shouldn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed, it just one of those things!

To read more about parenting toddlers, why not check out toddler formula and toddler growth spurts?

How To Stop Your Childs Nail Biting

Kids can develop pretty gross habits. Nail biting is a common onemore than 50 percent of teenagers bite their nails. But frequent nail biting can lead to infection, warts and permanent nail damage. Pediatrician Dr. Cindy Gellner discusses why nail biting can be a serious health concern and offer some strategies to help your kid kick the habit.

Dr. Gellner:


Dr. Gellner:

Well, it can lead to a bacterial infection called paronychia where the nail bed becomes infected, red, painful, and pus comes out. That requires antibiotics, and sometimes your child’s doctor will even need to drain the infection. Your child could also get warts around their nail, having bleeding a lot, or even permanent nail damage.

Kids will often bite their nails because they’re stressed out or they’re actually transitioning from thumb-sucking, there is something wrong with the nail, like it’s broken, or they’re picking up the habit from seeing other kids doing it.

Cutting the nails regularly helps. Trying to figure out why your child is biting, like if they’re stressed, helps too. Some kids do it when they’re bored, so keep them busy. Gentle reminders are good too. Just don’t punish your child if they do it. Tell them why it’s not a good habit, and help them make the better choice.


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Complications Related To Child Nail Biting

Following are the complications related to nail biting in children:

  • Sometimes children can gnaw into their nails so deep that they often bleed that can hurt their fingers or make their gums sore.
  • Nail-biting with dirty hands can lead to infections and diseases.
  • Severe nail-biting can be a sign of underlying attention or anxiety problems that need to be dealt with.

Understanding why your child continues to bite their nails is half of the solution to stopping the habit. Over time, it is possible to get them to quit by reinforcing positive alternatives.

When To Look For Help To Stop Nail Biting

5 Foolproof Ways to Stop Biting Your Nails  For Good!

No matter how hard you try, you may realize that youre not making progress. But that doesnt mean you should give up. It means that you need to look for help. Here are some times when its best to get the help of a doctor or therapist:

  • When all other options have failed to generate results.
  • If you believe the habit is related to a more serious problem, such as an anxiety disorder.
  • When your nail biting is causing other health problems, such as gaps in your teeth.

When it comes to learning how to help kids stop biting nails, you may need a little bit of help getting through to them.

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When To Be Concerned

If your childs nail-biting leads to physical concerns chipped teeth, ingrown nails, damaged cuticles, or worse you may want to talk to your childs pediatrician. And if you suspect that the habit is a result of anxiety, its never a bad idea to find a professional your kid can talk to. Anxiety is a part of growing up, but finding healthy coping mechanisms can help your child face big and small challenges more readily.

As you know, many grown-ups still bite their nails. It certainly isnt the best habit, but its also not the worst. You can certainly try our tips on how to stop your childs nail-biting, but keep age in mind and remember to prioritize communication above all else. If you keep at it slowly but surely your kiddo will become more aware and will more likely want to work with you to curb the habit.

Editors’ Recommendations

How To Stop Your Child From Biting Their Nails

Parents should never be punitive or insulting about their kids nail-biting habit. Often, calling attention to the behavior, especially through ridicule or punishment, will cause it to worsen, says Dr. Montez.

Instead, if youre disturbed or distressed by nail biting, you can try habit reversal training, which uses positive reinforcement. Most people are unaware of their habits, explains Dr. Hill, so the first step is bringing it to your childs attention. One way to do this is sitting them in front of the mirror as they bite their nails and saying, This is what it looks like and feels like when youre biting your nails.

Or, if your child is old enough, you can simply ask them about their nail biting. When you gently bring it to their attention, you can say, Do you feel better when you do that? Or are you just bored?’ says Dr. Chavis. Kids can give very insightful answers to simple questions.

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Reward Every Little Victory

Whether youve managed to get through a whole day without biting your nails or made it through your first month of no-nail biting make sure you celebrate!

Plan some rewards for these milestones, like treating yourself to a nice manicure or a buying yourself a nice piece of clothing youve had your eye on for a while.

This positive reinforcement should help you kick the habit for good.

And remember if you find yourself biting your nails, dont be too hard on yourself, simply acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes and start again youve got this!

Coat Yournails With A Bad Flavor

Nail biting – How to get your kids to stop

One ofthe maximum not unusual ways to stop nail biting is to apply a bad-tastinglacquer to the nails,” says Dr. Zeichner. “If you dont just like thetaste, then you’ll stop placing it to your mouth.” For this exact cause,some special nail polishes have a bitter taste to them to prevent you frombiting your nails, like ORLY No Bite Nail Bite Deterrent, or ella+mila No MoreBiting, which Berry recommends if you’re searching out a child-friendlyversion. The terrible flavor will make you think two times earlier thannibbling!

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Uses Of Aversion Therapy

Since aversion therapy is used to eliminate problematic behaviors and unwanted desires, its uses are more limited than talk therapy and many other types of psychotherapy. Disorders, conditions, and problems for which aversion therapy is most frequently used include drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, pedophilia and other types of deviant sexual behavior, homosexuality, cross-dressing, compulsive nail biting, gambling, smoking, violent behavior, anger problems, and weight loss.

It is important to note that the vast majority of professionals in psychiatry and clinical psychology do not consider homosexuality to be a psychiatric disorder or condition that requires treatment, nor is it listed in the current edition of the DSM . However, because some cultures, religions, and other individuals or groups consider it to be sinful or unacceptable, aversion therapy was often used in an attempt to inhibit or eliminate homosexual urges or desires and convert the person to a heterosexual sexual orientation and lifestyle. Today, the use of aversion therapy in an attempt to treat homosexuality is considered an ethical violation by both the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association.

How To Stop Kids From Biting Their Nails

The last thing you want to do is hope that your child grows out of this habit. If you dont take care of it while theyre young, its a habit your child may carry into their teens and adult life. Understanding why children bite their nails and how to address the habit will allow you to take the appropriate action at the appropriate time.

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Breaking A Nailbiting Habit Is Never Easy

There were a few tears in the beginning, but soon those tears turned into smiles, and then happy giggles of triumph!

She was thrilled she wouldnt be a thumb-sucker for life!

The situation with my other daughter is a bit different.

Shes older a teenager.

I decided to approach her bad habit a little differently.

If you have a toddler with bad habits, we have another article for toddlers!

Think with me now.

What is something your child or teen loves?

Something they would do extra chores for?

Something they would wish or work for?

That is your secret weapon.

Nail Biting Habit Causes

One FUN Trick to Stop Nail Biting in Kids » Pint

To nip nail biting in the bud, you need to understand why kids indulge in the habit and the nail biting causes. Nail biting is a very common stress relieving habit. Kids bite their nails due to a wide range of reasons like curiosity, boredom, stress relief, habit, and often imitation. Nail biting is one of the many nervous habits among kids that will most likely grow into adulthood, if not stopped before they become a teenager. This is why breaking the nail biting habit in your child is important.

That being said, there are several strategies parents can use to nip the nail-biting habit in the bud. To a certain extent, ignorance works. A lot of kids drop the habit after a few years. However, some parents cannot just look away when they discover that their kids picked up a nail-biting habit.

A very effective way of curbing the habit is to use nail biting polish for toddlers. A nail-biting polish is a top-coat nail polish with an added ingredient that tastes bad, designed to stop biting nails by giving reminders every time the fingers enter the mouth. There are several types of nail-biting polish on the market. In this article, we will be taking a look at the best ones for your kid.

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Dear Dr Jennifer: My Teenage Daughter Has Started Biting Her Nails How Can I Help Her

Dr Jennifer Grant, a GP with the Beacon HealthCheck screening programme at Beacon Hospital.

Dear Doctor,

My teenage daughter has got into the nasty habit of biting her nails. She’s just started into fourth year in school and it seems that the thought of doing work experience seems to have kicked it off. She’s frightened of her life about having to do this and literally started biting her nails as a result. Do you think I need to get her some counselling or help? This seems like a strange thing to just happen and I’m worried..

Answer: Nail biting, with the wonderfully medical moniker ‘onychophagia’, is a very common complaint in all age groups. Some feel it is an oral-compulsive habit, others feel it is a sign of anxiety and there is a third school of thought that believe it could in fact be a sign of perfectionism!

Nail biting typically begins during childhood, increases substantially during adolescence, and declines with age, although the habit may continue into adulthood. The considerable increase in onychophagia in teens may be explained by the difficulty of transitional phases in their life, and the feeling of instability associated with those phases.

You have very perceptively noted that the proposition of work experience for your daughter in fourth year has triggered her biting. I have no doubt that your analysis here is correct. Addressing this psychological trigger is key to management.

When Should I Be Concerned About Child Nail Biting

Generally speaking, nail biting is a harmless habit. This behavior is something your child may experiment with for a few days or weeks and eventually give it up entirely. In most cases, your child should outgrow the habit and you may find the problem goes away on its own. However, you may notice your child picks the habit back up again with a vengeance. If your childs nail biting comes and goes, and you see the problem getting worse, you may have could cause to have concerns.

Err on the side of caution and consult with your childs pediatrician if their nail-biting is causing physical harm, such as bleeding fingers and/or sore gums. The question of whether you need to visit a doctor to learn how to stop nail biting in a child is one you shouldnt sweep under the rug. Just the same as anything else regarding your childs health, its better to be safe than sorry.

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Acknowledge That Nail Biting Is A Negative Habit That You Want To Stop

Prepare yourself for the changes you need to make and the challenges you will face in order to overcome this bad habit. Make a commitment to stop nail biting for good.

This is the most difficult part, even though it sounds easy. Tell other people that you are committing to this change so they can help keep you accountable. Write it on a piece of paper and put it over your desk so you will look at it every day. Take this commitment seriouslyyoure either in or youre out.

This may also involve identifying your triggers. If you know what makes you bite your nails, you can look out for those things and be conscious of your resulting actions. Identify your triggers, alter your behavior, and you will find it easier to stop biting your nails.

Foolproof Ways To Stop Biting Your Nails For Good

Life Coaching for Parents : How to Stop a Child from Nail Biting

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Lets face it: Nail biting is a bad habit.

But if this is a habit that you have, you’ve likely noticed that it isn’t easy to stop.

Nail biting is common in children and teenagers. In fact, it is the most common nervous habit worldwide, and its a popular habit among adolescents because the teen years can be especially stressful, and stress can manifest itself through nail biting. But there are also numerous adults who bite their nails in times of stress as their coping mechanism.

Although nail biting is generally considered a minor bad habit, and some might say it is not as gross as picking your nose in public, habitual nail biting can certainly reveal a persons emotional state. It is considered one of the indicators of some mental health disorders, including ADHD.

This habit can make the fingernails grow in a strange way. In the long term, nail biting can cause damage to the teeth by chipping the tooth enamel, which can lead to cracks or even breakage.

Side bar: One simple health habit you can build is to drink this superfood green drink, which gives you a boost of energy and supplies your body with the nutrients it needs to get through the day.

What You Will Learn

Recommended Reading: Opi Fingernail Polish Retailers

How To Stop Kids From Biting Their Nails For Good

Just like adults mindlessly chew at their fingernails, so do kids. It might be a nervous habit or a grooming activity they turn to in moments of boredom. More often than not, they dont even realize when they are doing it.

It could be an unconscious go-to if they are worried about taking a test, thinking about a situation with a friend, or just watching a brain-numbing video on YouTube.

Generally speaking, nail-biting is no big deal and fairly harmless you might consider having some patience and wait to see if this phase passes. However, if finger-chomping hangs in for the long haul , youll want to take some simple steps to nip this habit in the bud. Heres what you can and should do.

Reward Each Little Victory

Who doesnt love a good sticker chart? They can be a fun and useful way to reward your child for not biting their nails.

Choose a time marker, e.g. day, half a day and give your child a sticker if they manage not to bite their nails during this time.

Once they have earned a specific number of stickers, give them an award like a trip to the cinema or a toy theyve had their eye on for a while.

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At What Age Do Children Get Into The Habit Of Biting Nails

Biting Nails after three to four years of age. There is a clear mention in a research paper that children usually do not start cutting teeth by the age of three or four.

According to the Global Journal for Research Analysis, this habit is more common in children between 4 and 6 years of age, which may increase further in adolescence.

This habit may also decrease if it grows gradually. About 28 to 33 percent of children between the ages of 7 and 10 have this habit. Also, 45 percent of adolescents also suffer from this habit.

Learn further how children feel the habit of chewing nails.

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