Home Remedies To Make Your Nails Thicker At Home
Nail care is a major concern for many people. They worry that using commercial products might cause damage to their nails. Well, home remedies to make your nails thicker and stronger at home are a great solution to this concern.
There are many good nail care remedies out there and some of them will be more effective than others. You can find ways to make your nails grow stronger at home with simple ingredients that you already have laying around your home. This is one way to save money on costly salon treatments, too.
Some home remedies to make your nails stronger and thicker include rubbing alcohol, liquid vitamin C, aloe vera and even tea tree oil. All of these items are fairly inexpensive and easy to find at your local drug store or supermarket.
If you have any vitamin C in your home, you could take a supplement to help make your nails grow thicker and healthier. Taking vitamin C internally is another way to make sure that youâre getting the right amounts of the vitamins in your body, as well.
How To Strengthen Nails Home Remedies
Having healthy, shining and well-shaped of your nails enhances the beauty of your hands and feet. All most everybody is struggling with different treatments and practices that can make his or her nails strong, long and healthy.There are various potential natural cures that are not only inexpensive but also has the potential of showing positive results. Why should you spend more on products that may came with some side effects when you can achieve your dream of having strong nails by using the following home remedies:
- Mixture of lemon juice and olive oil
Lemon juice and olive oil are widely used as beauty ingredients in treating various skin conditions. This two ingredients also has the ability to strengthen your nails. When applied on the nails, the olive oil penetrates into the cuticle to strengthen the nail.On the other hand, lemon repairs the peeling nails as well as removing the yellow and other stains that are caused by infections or nail polish. To use this remedy, you simply mix 6 tablespoon of olive oil and 2 table of lemon juice to make enough solution for both finger nails and toenails.Using a microwave, heat the mixture to become slightly warm. Soak your nails in the mixture for at least 20 minutes daily. Leave it on the nails for an overnight before rinsing or washing it away in the morning.
- Coconut oil
- Apple cider vinegar
- Tea tree oil
- Sea salt
- Egg yolk and milk
- Vitamin E oil
- Green tea
How Are Thick Toenails Diagnosed
See a doctor if you notice a change in the appearance of your nails. Treating a fungal infection in its early stages will help prevent the condition from worsening.
Your doctor will look at your nails to diagnose the condition. The doctor may also take a swab underneath the nail or take a toenail clipping to diagnose the condition.
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Ditch Nail Polish Removers That Contain Acetone
A nail polish remover loaded with acetone is harsh on weak nails and can dry them out something fierce. This can cause peeling, splitting, and those unsightly white, mottled marks, says Dr. Solomon.
Her rec? Tenoverten Non-Acetone Polish Remover. Its essential oil-based, removes polish in a matter of seconds, and feels very gentle on nails and cuticles, she says.
How Are Thick Toenails Treated
Although not all cases of toenail fungus need to be treated, thick toenails may be a sign that the fungus has gotten worse. Several methods are available to treat your toenails. You can try some home-based treatments first and then talk to your doctor about prescription-based options. Topical and oral medications are the mainstays of therapy.
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How To Grow Long Strong Nails
This article was co-authored by Lindsay Yoshitomi. Lindsay Yoshitomi is the nail artist behind the blog, Lacquered Lawyer. She was featured as one of Nail It! magazines Bloggers You Should Know, and has been on the cover of Nail Art Gallery Magazine. She has been practicing nail art for over 15 years.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 101 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 2,258,100 times.
Growing long and strong nails is a multi-step process. As long as you take good care of your nails, you can grow them to the length you desire. You need to start by making sure you stop bad nail habits. After that, taking appropriate vitamins and manicuring properly will help you grow long, strong nails.
Home Remedy Nr 8 Diet For Nail Growth
A lack of nutrients is the most common reason for slow nail growth. Vitamin deficiencies make nails dull and brittle. A diet rich in vitamins, iron, zinc, calcium, and protein is highly beneficial for healthy nails. Therefore, having a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, and nuts, but also protein-rich foods like eggs, almonds, yogurt, cheese, and buttermilk would be beneficial for making your nails stronger. Having jellies or other foods containing gelatin is also considered as a good natural cure for growing your nails faster.
You can always support your body with an extra portion of vitamins and minerals, as for example with our Zinc Capsules or our ZMA Capsules.
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Try The Following Home Remedies
Various home remedies have been shown anecdotally to improve the health of nails. However, when trying these remedies, keep in mind that they are not backed by scientific evidence.
Since the remedies are generally safe, you can use them as an adjunct to other self-care measures and see if they work for you.
The following home remedies may aid in strengthening your nails:
- Mix one egg yolk with 2 tbsp of milk or cream, and apply the mixture to your nails. Wash it off after 1015 minutes. This remedy can help nourish your nails and make them stronger.
- To 1 tbsp of warm olive oil, add 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp of beer and mix well. Soak your nails in this mixture for about 15 minutes.
- Dilute apple cider vinegar with equal amounts of water, and soak your nails in the solution for up to 10 minutes.
- Mix green tea, a few drops of wheat germ oil, and a pinch of salt. Soak your nails in the mixture for 5 minutes, and wipe them with a dry cloth.
- Add 1 tsp of lemon juice to 3 tsp of warm olive oil. Dab this solution on your nails using a cotton swab. Once the mixture is dry, cover your hands with soft, cotton gloves, preferably overnight.
Avoid Biting Your Nails
People often bite their nails out of boredom, nervousness, and various other reasons. While they may not realize the consequences of nail-biting immediately, years of this habit can damage the nails severely.
Repetitive nail-biting over a long period can shorten the nails, destroy the cuticles, and even damage the nail bed. In addition, it increases the chances of developing a bacterial or fungal infection.
Therefore, quit this habit at the earliest to preserve the health of your nails. Applying a bitter-tasting polish on your nails may help control the habit. Also, try to determine the physical or mental triggers that initiate this habit and work to improve the condition.
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So What Foods Make Nails Grow Longer
- Cysteine like: chicken, turkey, yoghurtLegumes like beans and soya beans
- Biotin like: egg yolk, salmon, nuts, spinach, and broccoli
- Zinc like: beef, oysters, crab, nuts, and fortified cereals
- Vitamin: carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, and pumpkin
- Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, bell peppers, strawberries, Brussels sprout, and kiwi fruits.
Invest In A ‘soft’ Nail File
You might have heard that glass nail files are better for filing with, but while they’re pretty, longer-wearing and easy to clean, it pays to invest in a ‘soft’ file, according to Session Manicurist, Ami Streets.
‘To get the best finish from your filing, always opt for a soft file to prevent tearing or splitting your nails,’ she says. Her top picks? ‘Orly’s nail file is probably one of best I’ve used because of the durability and the way it gives the smoothest finish really fast.’
‘Pro products are always best and usually more hard wearing. I really like the Natural Nail Company because you can choose a file depending on whether your nails are soft or hard, and there are even options for acrylics.’
What’s more, you really need to nail your filing technique. Back and forth see-saw motions will only cause the nail to splinter, so always file in one direction, using long, swift but gentle strokes.
Pro Tip: ‘Start from the outside edge and move into the centre,’ advises Streets. ‘This technique will give you a smooth finish and more control over the shape you’re trying to achieve.’
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Keep Them Short And Sweet
Round-shaped edges are less likely to break or suffer a trauma that results in cracking or peeling. So are shorter nails. It may seem counterintuitive to keep them short-ish if youre looking to have them grow quickly, but it works. If your nails are brittle, we recommend switching to a crystal nail file to maintain shape.
Best Overall: Duri Rejuvacote 1
There are plenty of skincare devices and tools and at-home gadgets on the market, but this is the first weve seen for your nails. Heat, red light therapy, and gentle vibrations work together to strengthen your tips and help promote growth. The LED light therapy technology is clinically-proven to energize cells below the skin surface, and you only need to use this for three minutes a day to help make nails healthywhich in turn leads to growth, explains Elle, who is a fan.
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Nourish Your Nail Beds
If a bumpy, ridged nail bed is completely ruining your mani, you might need to increase your vitamin B9 intake.
Otherwise known as folic acid, this vitamin repairs and multiplies the cells that make up nails, which speeds up growth and promotes overall nail health. It has also been shown to boost strength and prevent peeling.
‘Folic acid is responsible for healthy cell growth in skin tissue as well as hair and nails,’ explains Griggs. ‘A true deficiency in folic acid may cause discolouration and contribute to brittle and weak nails.’If you think you’re lacking, foods like beans and whole grains are rich in folic acid but you can buy folic acid supplements over the counter, too.
Don’t Overdo Hand Washing And Limit Contact With Cleaning Chemicals
As healthy as it can be to wash your hands frequently, overdo it and you’ll wreak havoc with your nails, says Stern. If you are in a profession where frequent hand washing is mandatory, she advises to use moisturizer as often as possible and rub a little extra around the cuticles several times a day.
When doing housework or laundry, Jamal says, minimize contact with harsh chemicals, including dishwashing liquid, by wearing rubber gloves whenever possible.
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Strengthen From The Inside Out
Along with addressing nails from the outside, all the experts we spoke with agreed that the right supplements can help strengthen your tips from the inside, out. One good option? Collagen. An essential protein for hair, skin, and nails, ingestible collagen peptides are easily incorporated into your daily routine and can help promote healthy nails.
“Collagen has really made a difference in the health of my nails. They feel resilient and stronger,” says Holford. Try: NeoCell Super Collagen Powder. Another good option? Biotin. The B vitamin is one of Tuttle’s top picks for strengthening nails. Choi adds that along with supplements, you can also get these internal benefits by focusing on incorporating biotin-rich and collagen-synthesizing foods in your diet, such as salmon, avocados, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, and nuts and seeds.
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Dont Overdo The Hand Sanitizer
Because hand sanitizers are typically alcohol-based, constantly applying the stuff can dry out your nails and leave them super brittle. If you have to use hand sanitizer, try not to get it on your nails, and dont overdo it, says Dr. Solomon. Using hand sanitizer wipes can make it easier to avoid the nail area during applicationor if you prefer the liquid variety, make sure to slather on moisturizer afterward to balance the scales.
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Ask Doug: Thicker Nails
This article is a little different, since Im the one asking Doug the question. Ive been privileged to become friends with Doug and I ask him a lot of questions so I can write better articles for you.
This topic of thicker nails is really important since youve read in a lot of my articles that the nail plate has approximately 100 layers.
New information has been discovered about the structure of the nail plate. Unfortunately, its not for the better.
Doug, in your book, Nail Structure and Product Chemistry, you wrote that the nail plate has about 100 layers of keratin. Is this still true? Is it possible to have thicker nails? ~Ana
Myths About Nail Growth
Nail tissue is already dead by the time it is long enough to paint, so painting will not affect growth.
It is also a myth that applying vitamins directly to the nails can help them grow. These remedies are unlikely to help. At best, they strengthen the nail and prevent it from breaking.
No specific nail polish, such as a gel or powder, can improve nail health. In fact, some products, particularly those that require harsh methods for removal, may have adverse effects on nail health. The acetone that people use to remove gel nails can weaken nails despite the gel polish making them appear strong and healthy.
Understanding how nails grow can support lifestyle changes that promote nail health.
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How To Know When Your Nail Polish Cannot Be Saved
While caring for your nail polish properly and occasionally thinning it out when it becomes too thick can help you save your polishes longer than you may have thought possible, every bottle of used polish will eventually need to be tossed.
If your polish simply cannot be restored with thinner or acetone, it is unusable. Also, considering throwing out polishes that have developed strange odors or that have changed colors.
Nail polish can add a pop of color to your life, and applying it may just be that self-care technique that you need to help you relax after a stressful day. If thick or clumpy polish is adding more stress to your life, use these tips to thin old nail polish and save your favorite colors.
Upgrade Your Nail Polish Remover
When your manicure shows signs of chipping, it’s all too easy to pick up any old bottle of nail polish remover. But those containing high concentrations of acetone is extremely harsh on fragile nails and can dry them out almost instantly cue peeling, flaking and splitting.
Your best bet? Go acetone-free. These formulas might be gentler, but don’t underestimate their ability to leave your nails perfectly clean even after a jet-black mani. There are heaps of gentle yet effective formulas out there with the muscle to whip off remnants of polish in moments.
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Can You Make Your Nails Thicker And Stronger In A Week
A question I get asked a lot is can you make your nails thicker and stronger in a week. I think itâs a good question, if you could make your nails thicker in a week then Iâm sure you could make other things stronger, such as your lungs or heart.
If you could make your nails thicker in a week what would the different results be like? It would make nails stronger, it would help them last longer, it would help prevent them from cracking etc.
Now back to the original question, can you make your nails thicker and stronger in a week? I think you can. You just need to learn how to do it the right way. There are 2 main ways to make nails grow fuller and thicker in a week, and these are by cutting and lifting.
How To Strengthen Nails: Our Top Tips For Using Hard Gel
On the hunt for a product that will help your nails grow stronger and longer? You’re in the right place. You probably already know the basics – from regularly applying Cuticle Oil to avoiding using your nails as tools – but one of our Bluesky Hero products is an absolute must-have if you struggle with brittle, breaking nails.
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When Nails Become Thick And Yellow They Are Unsightly And Can Be Difficult To Manage Know The Exact Causes Of Thickened Nails And How To Treat Them Here
When nails wind up thick and yellow they can become difficult to manage. Thick toenails are not only unsightly, but also can be a sign of a more serious issue that may need treatment. Narrowing down what is causing the nails to become thicker is essential to finding an appropriate treatment for the condition so that you can maintain optimum nail health. Some nail conditions may also cause damage to the skin and surrounding area or could be contagious, so it’s important to address these issues as soon as they become apparent.