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HomeFungusHow To Use Tea Tree Oil For Nail Fungus

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Nail Fungus

What Is Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil for Nail Fungus: How to Use It?
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  • Tea tree oil is an essential oil that comes from the tea tree plant, and it’s involved in various types of home remedies. Its known for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, used to treat everything from acne to dandruff. The oil has a camphor-like odor. Visually, it ranges from pale yellow to clear in color. It can be purchased in many drugstores without a prescription, so it’s great to have around the house as a treatment for nail fungus.

    As an antifungal treatment, tea tree oil is comparable to clotrimazole, one of the medications used to treat toenail fungus. Thanks to its properties, it can kill and prevent the growth of infection-causing microorganisms in the toenail. It also has minimal side-effects since it is a natural product, although it may cause irritation if you forget to dilute the oil before application.

    With it being a natural and safe product, this oil is accessible, affordable, and it actually works to provide you with a cure for fungal nail infections, without the side effects of harsh chemicals.

    Bonus: Balance Your Bacteria

    The best care for fungal overgrowths starts with balancing your gut flora. Make sure youre consuming plenty of fermented foods rich in good bacteria, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and raw kefir, while also getting in foods that feed your good bacteria, like Jerusalem artichokes and green bananas.

    You might also want to look into supplementing with a good probiotic, or even going a little further by supplementing with natural antifungals like garlic and olive leaf extract.

    Athlete or not, athletes foot can be a tiresome annoyance. Using some of these tips, along with improving your microflora, will go a long way in beating back this pesky fungus.

    Tea Tree Oil Garlic And Calendula Flowers

    The allicin present in garlic possesses strong antimicrobial properties which are effective in dealing with fungus. Calendula flowers also contain antifungal properties. This combination is effective in treating moderate to severe nail fungus infection.

    • Heat 3 tablespoon of olive oil on low flame.
    • Add 4 garlic cloves and 10 shredded calendula leaves.
    • Let it simmer for 7 minutes.
    • Remove from the heat, strain, and let it stand aside overnight.
    • In the morning, stir in 1 tablespoon of vitamin E cream or oil and 3 teaspoons of tea tree oil.
    • Mix well and apply enough amounts of the mixture on infected nails.
    • Repeat the process 3 times in a day.

    Note: Store the remaining mixture in an airtight container for daily use.

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    How To Apply Tea Tree Oil To Fungal Nail: The Complete Guide

    The first step to applying the oil is to ensure that the affected area are well prepared, followed by administering the oil. So how do novice like you go about the preparation? Heres a quick guide that is sure to walk you through.

    You can do this by

  • Taking off all dead nails around using a nail clipper. While at it, be careful so that you dont add to the problem already on the ground. More also, trimming should be done in a well-lighted environment so that you can see through the whole cleaning process.
  • After successfully getting them cut, you can further the healing process by using a filer that has a coarse texture to file away the affected nail. By doing this, youre allowing the oil to have a more significant effect on the nails. Remember the fungus is somewhat in between your nails and the nail bed.
  • Now that youve filed them out, its now time to take those dirts away.
  • You can do this by washing your nails with mild soap alongside with water after which the oil can be administered.

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    Pro Tips:

    Do this each time you want to apply the oil on your nails if youre keen at seeing results within a few months.

    Now that youre done with the cleaning and dressing process, its now time to administer the oil

    Using Tea Tree Oil On Your Nails

    10 Amazing ways to use Tea tree oil for toenail fungus ...

    Before using tea tree oil for toenail fungus, make an appointment and talk to your doctor about your infection. You may need to take a prescription medication to deal with the problem if you have any other illnesses or health conditions. Your doctor can let you know if tea tree oil is likely to work safely for you. Once you have talked to your doctor, return to Walgreens, where you’ll find many tea tree oil products. Choosing a liquid extract will likely be best for your needs. Typically, tree oil soaps and skin care creams do not have a high enough concentration of the herb to fully address the fungal infection, which can be difficult to treat. Use a disposable cotton swab to spread the oil onto your toenail. It can take several months for nail fungus to respond to any type of treatment, so be sure to continue to use the product as recommended by your doctor for as long as he or she suggests. Tea tree oil may cause swelling of the skin or redness around your nail. Be sure to keep the cap on the bottle of your extract, as the oil is more likely to cause reactions when it is exposed to the air. It may not be safe for young boys to use tea tree oil to address toenail fungus due to concerns about how the herb affects hormone levels in the body.

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    Who Gets Nail Fungus Infections

    Toenail fungus infections are more common in men and older adults. Other factors that raise a persons risk of contracting this painful condition are:-

    • Heavy perspiration
    • Wearing socks and shoes that prevent ventilation
    • Working in a humid or moist environment
    • Walking barefoot in damp public facilites, such as swimming pools, gyms, saunas)
    • Tight footwear
    • Previous injury or toenail infection
    • Family history of fungal infection
    • Slow growing nails
    • Weakened immune system

    Tips For Using Tea Tree Oil For Toenail Fungus

    Toenail fungus can be immensely hard to cure. This insidious fungal infection can linger for years. And most people only make it worse by using ineffective over-the-counter medications.

    If you’ve been stuck with toenail fungus for a while, tea tree oil can be very helpful. Our guide will show how to put this natural remedy to use.

    What Should You Know About Tea Tree Oil?

    Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has become the mainstay of aromatherapy, cosmetics, and even household cleaning supplies. It comes from the leaves of Melaleuca Alternifolia tree, or Australian tea tree. Homeopathy uses tea tree oil as a topical remedy for skin conditions like toe fungus.

    Tea tree oil is safe to use for adults, teenagers, and women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding. Certain limitations do apply, though, and you shouldn’t use tea tree oil:

    • Orally.
    • On young children without a doctors approval.
    • On sensitive areas of skin like mouth and eyes.
    • In undiluted form.
    • With that said, let’s take a look at what makes tea tree oil a potent remedy. Tea tree oil contains a slew of active ingredients.

    They include a-pinene, b-pinene, myrcene, sabinene, a-phellandrene, a-terpinene, y-terpinene, terpinolene, terpinene-4-ol, a-terpineol, limonene, 1,8-cineole, p-cymene, and linalool.

    These ingredients give tea tree oil its antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.

    Benefits of Using Tea Tree Oil for Toenail Fungus

    What Makes You Prone to Getting Toenail Fungus?

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    Tea Tree Oil Coconut Oil And Camphor Oil

    To use camphor oil and tea tree oil for nail fungus treatment, what you need to do:


    • Tea tree oil 3 drops
    • Camphor oil 2 drops


    • At first, you mix tea tree oil, coconut oil, and camphor oil into a dark bottle.
    • Then, you close this bottle with its tight cork and shake it well to mix these oils.
    • Next, you apply the oil mixture on your nail fungus.
    • You should follow this process for about 3 to 4 times per day to remove the fungal infection.

    Note: You have to always shake this bottle before using it.

    Tea Tree Oil Vs Common Drugs

    The DANGER with using TEA TREE OIL FOR TOENAIL FUNGUS: Avoid Hurting Youself.

    So, given all the problems with a lot of the prescription antifungals, there has been a renewed interest in natural remedies. Well, if tea tree oil can affect athletes foot and dandruff fungus, what about nail fungus?

    Well, there was this study of a combination of the antifungal drug in Lotrimin cream with tea tree oil that seemed pretty effectivecompared to nothing. But, what about compared to each other? Well, there was one head-to-head study comparing tea tree oil with a common antifungal drug a double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Twice-daily application of either the drug or pure tea tree oil on the nail for 6 months. Debridement was performed every few months, where some of the fungal mass is debulked, scraped, or ground off.

    And, after six months, the drug only wiped the fungus out completely in about one in 10 cases, but looked better, with partial or full resolution of the appearance, in the majority of patients, either from the doctors assessment or the patients. And, the tea tree oil did just as well.

    The two preparations were comparable in efficacy of cure, clinical assessment, and subjective improvementeven their cost was comparable. So, or patients desiring a natural treatment for , topical tea tree oil is a reasonable alternative to prescription or over-the-counter antifungals.

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    Clean Socks And Shoes

    Regularly changing your socks and shoes can also cut down on the growth of unwanted foot fungus. Both socks and athletic shoes can also be washed in hot water to rid the growth of yeasts and fungi that may be growing on the fabric. Some shoes can be machine dried. Drying shoes in the sun is another option when cleaning footwear.

    Adding a half-cup of baking soda or one cup of vinegar to the washing machine can help eliminate bacteria or fungus on socks or shoes.

    Boots and other footwear that are not machine washable could be wiped out with a vinegar and water solution or sprayed with an over-the-counter antifungal spray. Medicated powders are also helpful in treating shoes for foot fungus.

    Allowing the feet to breathe by taking off shoes and socks when possible can prevent fungal growth. Protect your feet by wearing breathable footwear and clean socks. Antimicrobial socks and shoes made from bamboo, copper, or specialty fabrics are also available. They can help reduce unwanted bacteria and yeast from growing in your footwear.

    A proactive approach to keeping your feet clean and dry can prevent the spread of toenail fungus. You can wash or soak feet with warm soapy water or a foot bath using everyday household items. Soaking your feet in an all-natural, homeopathic concoction can be beneficial in reducing or eliminating toenail fungus.

    Tea Tree Oil Application

    Tea tree oil is an ideal treatment for toenail fungal infections, but it is best to dilute it with carrier oils to avoid any skin reactions.

    • Step 1: Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil, both of which have anti-fungal properties.
    • Step 2: Saturate a cotton ball with the tea tree oil blend and apply on the infected toenails. Let the oil soak into the nail bed as well as the skin.
    • Step 3: Let the oil dry out naturally on your feet.
    • Step 4: You can also follow this up by soaking your feet in a tea tree oil bath for 10 minutes. For a tea tree oil bath, you need to add 4-5 drops of tea tree oil to a tub of water.

    It is best to do this treatment twice a day, once or twice a week depending on the severity of your toenail fungal infection.

    Essential oils can be a great choice to prevent or remedy fatigue naturally. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Tips to Prevent Toenail Fungus

    • Make sure you follow good hygiene to ensure that you prevent toenail fungus by keeping your nails short and by wearing clean shoes and socks.
    • Tight or closed shoes can also cause fungal growth.
    • Regular tea tree oil treatment along with these preventive measures can ensure that you dont have to deal with fungal infections.

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    Is Tea Tree Oil Safe For Use On Nail Fungus

    Generally speaking, tea tree oil is safe for external use. However, you should never consume this essential oil.

    Tea tree oil can cause skin irritation and allergic reaction in some people, resulting in redness, inflammation, and itchiness. Hence, it is recommended to perform a patch test, even if you use small amounts of tea tree oil for nail fungus.

    To safely use this essential oil, mix a few drops with a carrier oil like almond oil or coconut oil and apply it to your skin or nails. Avoid using it directly without diluting it on your nails or skin, as it is quite potent.

    To conduct a patch test, apply a few drops of the oil mixture to your forearm. If you develop any redness or irritation, discontinue its use immediately. If not, you can continue using it. But first, you should prep your nails for the treatment. Find out how to do that in the next section.

    Tea Tree Oil And Aloe Vera

    6 Ways You Can Use Tea Tree Oil To Treat Toenail Fungus

    Aloe vera contains antifungal properties which help to combat fungus causing the infection. It also helps to speed up the healing process.

    • Mix 1 part of freshly extracted aloe vera gel and 3 parts of tea tree oil.
    • Apply the mixture on the infected finger or toenail.
    • Gently massage for few minutes and leave it to dry completely.
    • Repeat the process once in a day.

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    Tea Tree Oil Orange Oil And Grape Seed Oil

    Orange oil has shown promising results in treating nail fungus as it contains fungicidal properties. Grape seed oil is also rich in antifungal and antibacterial properties

    • Mix 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil, ½ teaspoon each of grape seed oil, and orange oil.
    • Dip a cotton ball in oil mixture and hold it against the affected nail for 3 minutes.
    • Remove cotton ball and let nail dry completely.
    • Repeat the application daily to achieve the results.

    Note: Grape seed oil can be replaced with coconut oil.

    How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Toenail Fungus

    by Raksha Hegdelast updated – February 04, 2020 Evidence Based

    Tea tree oil is a powerful natural cure for toenail fungus because the essential oil has strong antifungal and antiseptic properties.

    A toenail fungalinfection occurs when there is moisture trapped in the feet that causes the toenails to become yellowish and thick. If you notice white or yellow spots on your toenails, it is usually the start of a toenail fungal infection. Applying tea tree oil regularly on the feet helps to keep the fungal infection at bay.

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    Tea Tree Oil With Coconut Oil

    Both coconut oil and tea tree oil contain an antifungal property that can help to fight nail fungus effectively.


    • Tea tree oil 1 drop


    • Firstly, you mix coconut oil with tea tree oil together.
    • Then, you apply the oil onto your nail fungus.
    • Finally, you leave it on for overnight.

    How Long Does It Take For Results

    Using Tea Tree Oil to Cure Toenail Fungus

    You need to be consistent with the treatment in order to see results. It usually takes a few months for the nail to heal completely. Healing time depends on how severe the infection is and how quickly your body responds to the treatment.

    The fungal infection is cured when youve grown an entirely new nail thats free from infection.

    Continue use of the tea tree oil treatment after the nail has healed to ensure prevention.

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    Tea Tree Oil To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus

    When you decide that you are going to use tea tree oil instead of the much more expensive and less effective commercially sold toenail fungus medications, it is also going to be a much safer way of treating your nail fungus. You are going to be getting much better and faster results, but without any of the already known side effects that are attached to the more popular commercial toenail fungus drugs.

    When you allow your onychomycosis to be left untreated or have failed to use your tea tree oil in the correct way, it can potentially lead you to experiencing some disappointment as you have not achieved your desired outcome. This can potentially lead you to experiencing much more pain from your toenail, or even losing the entire toenail altogether. If you are serious about getting your desired results, it is going to be very important that you are following the right guidelines whenever you will be preparing your toenails and actually applying the teat tree oil for the most effectivity.

    Can You Apply Tea Tree Oil Directly To Toenails

    You probably know that tea tree oil is an incredible natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral substance. It also gives great benefits to the body as a natural treatment for common skin ailments like acne, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, rashes, warts, and other similar conditions. But did you know that you can use tea tree oil on your toenails and feet? Thats right this amazing substance has been used by many people around the world as a great way to treat a whole range of fungal infections.

    Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves and stems of the Australian tea tree, Melaleuca alternifolia. If youve ever wondered how you can apply this amazing oil directly to toenails or feet, then youre in luck. There are many different ways that you can make sure that youre getting a concentrated version of this essential oil. Most commercially produced essential oils are diluted so much that they no longer have the properties that you need. A concentrated version of this tree oil will be just the same as the oil that you would use in a salve, though it will also have all of the healing benefits that it is known for.

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